SPARK for Monday


You all know what some of us do on Mondays by now.   We SPARK!    It is the first day of a new week.      Good time to start off with something to really THINK about right?   “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.   Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own on your blog and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

My SPARK for today is about friendship……………………I think a lot of people are learning a great deal about friendship due to the pandemic.    It shook up a whole lot of things in our lives and friends have been helping each other through a lot of the bumps.     We’ve not only learned a lot about ourselves but we’ve learned a lot about friendship and what it really means.    For me – it means a WHOLE LOT.    It’s important that we have people in our lives like this SPARK  below addresses…….oh yes I do believe this one with all my heart!

Hugs, Pam

49 responses »

  1. Oh, that is a really good thing to remember about a friend. So many feel they have to hide their troubles. Mama’s mama always said, “Don’t talk about your ailments, nobody wants to hear it” but mama has found that sometimes people WANT to talk about what is bothering them and have someone else say, “Oh, you poor thing”, but NOT try to FIX it. Mama is always trying to fix things because she would like everyone to be happy, but sometimes it is much better just to listen…..


    • You’re wise Loulou….sometimes it helps people the MOST just to be heard. They don’t need a hero, they need an empathetic ear. I think real friends give each other what each needs just by instinct and that’s why they are friends in the first place. Real friends just KNOW.


  2. Oh yes, this is so very true. I try to keep a smile on my face for others, but when I am in my dark place Ivor who is my very best friend always knows and gives me a cuddle when need it. I have another friend who asks how I am doing, and if I say okay she says no you’re not, do you want to talk.

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  3. Best SPARK ever Pam!!! My friend Melinda is THAT friend…who knows when I am in pain. She is not fooled by my smile. And she never walks away! I am truly blessed///
    And the friends I have made thru WordPress are precious also. You are one of them ❤
    {{{hugs}}} Sherri-Ellen aka BellaSita & ***purrss*** BellaDharma


    • It’s a rare connection to have when someone “just knows” the real deal with us – usually we’re lucky to have at least ONE friend like that….some are luckier and have many. Blogging gives us a wider audience and we are FORTUNATE to have found some people who really do “get us”.

      Love, Pam

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