SPARK and Reminder


Monday is here again………………..and it’s time to SHARE A SPARK.  What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

I was looking for a graphic to express how I feel right now with all the uncertainty over the virus and worrying about it and the future then I realized as I actually already know (I do know it I just forget that I know it) – that we can’t worry because it won’t change a thing.    That kind of led me to look for something more along the line of “expectations” and I found this – which I LOVE LOVE LOVE:

Oh boy this one is really very true isn’t it?   Think about it…………..I know I’m guilty of looking back and seeing much of my past as some shining light of perfection when it was far from it……and I sometimes think about NOW as just about as bad as things could get……….and what’s ahead as something elusive and somewhat frightening because oh my goodness what if it’s worse than the present?????     Well, it’s all kind of silly really.    Our past is GONE………our future can be just about ANYTHING……and our present is SOMEWHAT in our control.    It’s not horrible – it’s just different than we probably thought it would be – who could have predicted the pandemic?   Probably some scientists could and did but the rest of us?    We will just COPE because that’s what we do – and if we do it together – our share of the load will be LIGHTER.

Hope you all have a great week……………………………..and resolve that today – the first day of this week – is the start of something BETTER.

Hugs, Pam

Whatever you do, don’t forget tomorrow Professor Angel Sammy and Professor Teddy will be holding TEASER CLASS at a surprise time.   Be there or be square (!) and be ready to examine a photo from SOMEWHERE and be the first to guess correctly where “SOMEWHERE” is!  

46 responses »

  1. This quote is all I need this morning, and coffee. It is true, so true, much we use our thinking the past and the future, and the loosing all the good moments now. Sometimes it is very difficult to write in English, but you have always understood what I mean.
    Thank you Pam!


  2. This is so true! I think that we all look at the past with rose tinted glasses. It is natural to worry about the present and the future because none of us have been through anything like this before and it is scary. It will get better. Everything gets resolved in time although I do think that the way we live and act will be different.


  3. I love that quote about as much as is possible. It speaks to me. I have caught myself remembering some selective events in the past with a special glow. Then I catch myself thinking about the reality of the past and how those memories were singular events…not the entire past. As in the rest of ones life, there were indeed glowingly happy moments. But so has the present special moments and times that bring a smile from within right up to the face. I am hopeful for the future.
    XOX Katie Isabella and Mom


  4. That is a great Spark, and it surely gives one a lot to think about. We think this pandemic is going to be with us for quite some time, so it is best to try to remain hopeful in the present.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


    • That’s what we think – we might as well get used to this – it will be a while before something even remotely like “what we knew” is back and probably there will be changes that STAY with us. If we don’t fight it, and go with the flow, it will be easier. Staying hopeful and living in the NOW is so much easier than worrying about what MIGHT or MIGHT NOT happen……..we will get through this together.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  5. Lovelee SPARK Miss Pam an Teddy! LadyMew said her past was not all shiny an lite an shee ‘get’ss that part of THE SPARK…
    How efurr our ree-ality now iss not guud without her havin her injectionss. Shee iss barelee walkin an shee iss wurried ’bout THE future…..
    (Shee DID call Furamillee Docktur an will have a phoen chat Fursday an shee did call Speshellist an leeved a message but no reetern call yet…)
    Wee jsut stumbull (literally) thru’ each day as best wee can!
    **purrss** BellaDharma


    • It’s particularly hard for those who are missing out on treatments of ANY kind…..the reality for them as it is for your LadyMew is discomfort for a while longer until it’s SAFE to give her the injections she needs. Think about how many are in the same boat – waiting – it’s very hard. They aren’t even doing any elective surgeries – unless it’s an emergency they aren’t doing them. It’s a bit scary but we know there’s going to be a break in the dark clouds – we just have to hang in there – do the BEST we can and hopefully have help from friends “at a distance” !!

      Love, Teddy


    • That’s absolutely SO true – right here and now will be “back then” before you know it! Staying in the moment – some people simply can’t but those who can are probably just a bit happier??!!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Mom saved this Spark so she could remind herself of it o those down days. She really is silver lining kind of person, but it is hard to find one of these right now…she says that for her now is that she’s had more time to read…or at least taken more time to read. Sending lots of love and hugs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Things are so different NOW from pre-virus it’s difficult for everyone to find their happy place – their spot where they feel balanced – but it will happen if it hasn’t already. It will……!

      Hugs, Teddy


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