SPARKS and Teaser Reminder


It’s Monday and time for SPARKS.  What’s SPARKS???   You all know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

I saw this wonderful quote and thought it was an absolutely TRUE and CLEAR statement.    I guess we just need to remind ourselves of that from time to time?

I might have learned this one the hard way…………but I think that maybe I indeed HAVE learned it.

Happy Monday!    Pam

P.S.   Professor Teddy asked me to remind everyone that tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday and you’d better be ready for class – surprise time – remember to comment when you arrive!!

50 responses »

    • I think most of us know this but practicing it is tougher for some than others!! You’re sweet to say we add spark to your life – our friends keep us going and keep the spark “sparking along” !!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  1. That quote IS true. And though we learn this fact and rejoice in it…still we tend to hold on to the next heavy burden, even while remembering the burden of letting the last one go.


    • It must be something we do without thinking – holding on to things – are we afraid of what’s next if we let something go? Maybe…..not sure why we do this but it really saps every ounce of POSITIVE energy we have when we hang on to something……..

      Love, Pam


    • I know what you mean…..I’ve got some heavy stuff happening too but I feel like I must let it go since I can’t control it – might as well accept that and not hold it in….lay the burden down and it will resolve the way it was meant to.

      Hugs, Pam


  2. The Human and I agree that’s a great Spark! And sometimes you can’t imagine being able to let go until you just do. Like I let go of being terrified of visitors. I even let some selected few actually PET me. Oh my oh my! XOXOXO


    • Good for you allowing some visitors to pet you Spitty – they can’t resist that sleek black fur and challenge of getting a stroke or two in before the “CLAW OF DOOM” shows up! Tee Hee…..nice to see you my friend.

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. That’s a great spark. Mommy says she totally agrees, but isn’t sure she’s learned the lesson. She has a hard time letting go of th8ings and givin’ up control. She says ifin she doesn’t fix it, who will? (shakes heads) Wish she could let go and learn like you. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • Well letting go doesn’t necessarily mean giving up control – it’s just sometimes letting go the burdens that you can’t change or that we should have dropped in the past but kept carrying. We can’t change what’s in the past. We still need to fix things if we can but if we CAN’T then we stop worrying about it.

      Hugs, Teddy

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