Friday Fill-Ins


Is It Friday Again?   Yes It Is!

Time to join in the Blog Hop co-hosted by Ellen of 15andmeowing and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader……………each week we get two sentences from each co-host and they have blanks in them that WE must fill.    We wind up learning a whole bunch of cool stuff about each other.  Fun huh?   If you think so, join in – click the badge above and join in the fun.

Here are this week’s sentences and I told Mom she could answer – mainly because I couldn’t think of anything to fill in most of the blanks!    Mom’s fill-ins are in BLUE.

1. Trust ​ ​must be earned.

2. I would protest if PBS quit broadcasting – my husband and I love PBS’s nature, science, and mystery lineup – it’s the only TV we watch!.

3. I have so much more fun cooking meals since I retired years ago and have TIME to try recipes out.

4. Right now, I wish we could go on a vacation but it’s not exactly a good time – we prefer Fall not Winter.


Thanks Mom.    I prefer if you and Dad NEVER take a vacation again – when you deserted me last Fall for 3 days in Maine I didn’t think you’d ever come back and get me from the kennel!     They are nice peeps but there’s “NO PLACE LIKE HOME” !!!

Now if you’re tired of seeing my belly photos then don’t go any further because Mom just seems to have a major fascinating for capturing me on film when I’m napping on my back.   This morning here I was outside my Dad’s office (one of my favorite belly-nap spots) and she got me – AGAIN – and I didn’t wake up this time either!

All those quilts on the railing by the way were made by my Auntie Carol – Mom’s sister.   She’s “gifted” my Mom with LOTS of them through the years………..Mom moves then all around the house every time she does housecleaning – she calls it “quilt decorating” and it’s part of her Friday routine.

Also, sorry Mom didn’t put a flower or some other “modesty panel” over my manly bits but she figures they’re far enough away from the camera that nobody will be offended seeing me letting it all hang out.   WHOOPS!

Happy Friday!

Love, Teddy Bean


55 responses »

  1. Your Mom could get you some little pants and then she wouldn’t have to worry about photoshopping anything. 😄 Just kidding. Have a good weekend.


  2. Teddy, don’t you EVEN worry about that. You are a young impetuous mancat— and stuff happens. Besides, if it’s us kitties, it’s OK…no matter what it is. And I love your mom’s decorating. Mom only has one “real” quilt that she said HER mom made for her with a lot of other ladies as they were all learning to quilt in her church back just before mom got married It was a wedding quilt. There are three others but those were machine made. Mommy’s is hand made from the git-go. XXX
    Bring on the bits! We are all good with it.


  3. Aw, Teddy Bean, you are so adorable!!!! Your Auntie Carol is very talented; how sweet that she’s gifted your Mom those beautiful quilts. Motor Mommy loves that your mom does her “quilt decorating” every Friday.
    Great answers to the fill-ins, Miss Pam. We bet you’re an AMAZING cook!
    Love, Sundae


    • We think Auntie Carol is a master quilter and if that wasn’t enough – she’s got ten published books and about to have another! She’s amazing…..totally. And may I again wish YOU and your Hubby A HAPPY 16th ANNIVERSARY???????

      Love, Pam


  4. Thanks to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Sorry Teddy, but I hope your folks go to Maine again soon so I can spend some time with them. PBS is a wonderful channel. I will never get sick of photos of your tummy or any part of you. I would love to snorgle that tummy. You are such a cutie. The quilts are beautiful and I like the idea of hanging them over the rail. You are a good boy, if I did that, Milie would pull them down and Penny would pee on them.XO


    • I’m SURE my Mom and Dad will go to Maine again – probably this Fall again but NOT to Cliff House! Maybe Kennebunkport…….. Mom and Dad ADORE PBS. I’m not big on TV though….I prefer BURD TV. I have never pulled a quilt down from the railing OR done anything naughty on them! I’m a good boy. Well – mostly!

      Love, Teddy


    • Auntie Carol really does do beautiful work……she designs them all herself. She used to have an online baby quilt business but it got so popular she couldn’t keep up with the orders! HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy the Tummy Boy


  5. Those quilters are fanatics about it. My aunt actually was in a quilt show and she calls it “art” not quilts. I do art also. You should see the bottom of my cage with the poop. It’s better than Jackson Pollock.


  6. Teddy, we could look at that belly all day long. Thanks for telling us about the quilts, as that was the first thing Mom was wondering about. Mom used to love trying new recipes and cooking but not as much anymore. She and Dad eat very simply. Stay warm everybody. Purrs and prayers for Dad David as he heals. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Thanks for the purrs for Dad – he’s doing just GREAT! Mom is making him behave and not lift anything. The quilts are special to my Mom and I quite enjoy lying on them too. Mom puts a different one on the back of the couch every week and I like lying on top and looking out the big window at BURD TV.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


    • Mom changes them all around every week (the quilts that is – not my tummy) and uses them like artwork which they are. Anyway, I’m glad you’re not tired of tummy shots – I certainly do post for a lot of them!

      Love, Teddy


  7. Oh Teddy that quilt is lovely. If anyone complains about seeing your private parts….well, they shouldn’t be so rude as to look! It looks like in the last photo you are getting ready to scratch the carpet. mol I do that on the stairs….mom doesn’t like it but I get excited.



  8. Those quilts are just beautiful. Mom has always wished she knew how to quilt. Maybe she needs to do something about that:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  9. Teddy! What a great Belly you have! And it is very difficult to see your manly bits. Mine are black and they really show up against my grey belly! We LOVE the fillins!
    Pam, thanks for your prayers and good wishes for my Dad. Hes doing a little better, they are hoping he will be well enough to have an MRI on Monday and they can determine next steps. His heart is not in very good shape. I wish I lived closer to Calgary though.


    • Barb I continue to send prayers for your Dad. I am sure he is in good hands but I also know how tough it is sometimes NOT to “be there”. Glad he’s better though! Marv – Teddy says he is glad his belly-up shots and “bits” aren’t offending anyone but when you’ve got it flaunt it.

      Love, Pam (and Teddy snoopervising)


  10. Great foto Teddy. As fur the “manly pawrts” mommy says she never thought of doin’ such coverin’ till we started bloggin’. And she says sometimes she thinks it draws more attention thatn doin’ nuffin’. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  11. Your answers are great. They speak to my heart. You are so genuine and comfy. I agree about trust. It takes me a while to trust. I like PBS, too. We hope to take a fishing trip next fall. It is the plan! Do you have any good crock pot recipes? HUGS! Love you guys.


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