Bakin’ with Bacon in Baconia


Greetings From The Kitchen of Castle Baconia!  

Teddy the King here…..


It’s Saturday and you know that means it’s time for me to whip up a wonderful baconized recipe for you!     I’ll give you the list of ingredients and the “HOW TO” and then you take it from there and WOW your family and friends with another BACON DELIGHT direct from the Castle.

This one is FUN……… just have to be extra careful because this gets EVER so hot in the microwave……………so be sure and use pot holders when you take your mixture out of the microwave – anything involving sugar gets HOT HOT HOT!

Today I’m making:

Microwave Bacon Brittle


 1/2 pound bacon (or more if you’re a REAL bacon freak!)

 1 cup white sugar

 1/2 cup light corn syrup

1 pinch salt

 1/2 cup chopped pecans

1 tablespoon bacon grease

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

Cook bacon in a large skillet over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until crisp and browned, about 10 minutes. Drain the bacon slices on paper towels and reserve 1 tablespoon bacon grease. Crumble bacon once drained and slightly cooled.

  1. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Combine sugar, syrup, and salt in a large microwave-safe bowl. Heat in microwave oven until bubbling, about 4 minutes.
  3. Stir bacon, pecans, reserved bacon grease, and vanilla extract through the sugar mixture; heat in microwave oven for 3 minutes more. Immediately add baking soda and stir just until foamy.
  4. Working quickly, spread the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet. Let cool until set, about 15 minutes. Break into bite-size pieces.


You’ve gotta try this one…………….is it good?  You betcha.   Easy?   You can see from above that it’s easy as pie (well not pie – brittle but then it’s ALL good right???).

Monsieur Le King I can’t imagine anyone could resist zee amazzzzzing dessert you have showed us today! Oui Oui!


All of us will have tingling bacon senses when we smell the bacon in this recipe cooking away!!

So give this one a whirl………….you’ll be GLAD you did!    Happy Saturday from Baconia……………………..

Let Them Eat Bacon!   

King Teddy

A last minute note!    If we have not been commenting on your blog as USUAL, it’s because we are having the same problems many of you have told US about – comments aren’t “taking” after we’ve made them on your blog…….apparently this is a BIG PROBLEM with Blogger/BlogSpot AND WordPress blogs as well.   Hopefully the programmers can figure something out – but in the meantime we don’t want you to think we are no longer following you or reading your blogs – WE ARE!   We just can’t comment!

Hugs from Pam and Teddy too

40 responses »

      • Hi Teddy, I just saw your comment on my post today, and I wanted to let you know that my human switched you over to our weekly blog list because the feedburner daily list is so unpredictable these days. If you are not getting the weekly list (which comes out on Tuesday mornings), you may need to look in your spam folder. If you have a whitelist, you should put webmastercat AT sparklecat DOT com on it. Thanks!


        • Thanks for the hints dear Summer! It’s frustrating not getting reminders – my Mom says at her age she needs reminders (!!). Thanks for putting us on your weekly blog list – we will look for it on Tuesday!!! There hasn’t been a thing in our spam other than actual spam – we keep an eye on that just in case someone slips in there by mistake. We appreciate you and your human’s help dear friend!

          Love, Teddy


  1. OhMyGosh, CH is going to love this! He already makes peanut brittle in the microwave with this recipe using redskin peanuts. Adding BACON will be gourmet! He does manage to get the goo all over the countertops and it hardens like concrete… well worth it though! Good Morning, Vir-gin-i-A! MissouREEEEEEEEEEEEE is warming up!


    • Vir-gin-I-A is warming up to close to 60 today! HEAT WAVE! We will try not to let it go to our heads though because there’s a lot more WINTER to be had but these little spells of “HOPE” mean a lot yes? If CH makes peanut brittle already then tossing in some nice crunchy bacon will be EASY PEASY! Hope you enjoy your warm up and just FYI, tomorrow Mom is making sausage gravy and biscuits here for breakfast…….DIDYA HEAR THAT CH????????????

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

        • HAHA….YAY FOR YOU!!!!! As for biscuits and gravy, Mom did offer me a lick but I looked at it – sniffed it – then looked at her with that “what the heck – are you trying to poison me?” look on my face. She thinks I’m nuts to turn gravy down!

          Love and Huggies, Teddy


  2. That recipe sounds tasty. Sorry you are having trouble commenting, that happens to me about once a month. I have no idea where the comments ago, I have asked people to check SPAM and they are never in there. XO


  3. This sounds wonderful! But Mommy says she won’t be making this one.
    I too am having difficulties commenting. Most of the time it is getting Mommy to help me comment. But with the comments not “taking” too!
    Have a wondrous weekend!


    • Marv it sure gets tough trying to let our friends know we love their posts when we TRY TRY TRY to comment and can’t! We thought we’d better tell everyone we DO read them even if we can’t COMMENT sometimes!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  4. Bacon and brittle – that’s interesting! Mom says she bets it is very good, a blend of the sweet and the salty.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  5. Teddy, this brittle sounds scrumptious. Mom has made peanut brittle before, but pecan and bacon brittle…that beats the old stuff paws down. Thanks for this easy and yummy recipe. Mom says that she cannot get enough of you in your baking togs. You are just too, too, too, super cute. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • HA! My Mom gets all gooey when we post that baking photo of me too……she says it’s just too cute AND she wishes that I could bake so she could turn that over to ME! We are gonna make this brittle but first Mom has to make a couple of “orders” of cinnamon/sugar mixed nuts – one for neighbors and one for my Dad. THEN ONWARD TO BRITTLE!

      Love, Teddy


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