Bacon Greenhouse Update


Happy Bacon Saturday!  

I thought I’d better give you the scoop on what’s going on in the Bacon Greenhouse over this past summer………….we had a great crop of bacon seedlings growing and we are a week away from HARVEST time.    Our usual Greenhouse Crew has been working hard maintaining, fertilizing, raking, hoeing, weeding and in general keeping the place looking fabulous as always.    Here are some photos I took so I can share them with you!!

Our greenhouse from the outside

Our greenhouse garden supervisor





Things have been popping right along all summer so the crop is looking good – here are some photos from shortly after the planting to a photo I snapped yesterday!

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So as you see, it’s time to harvest since the bacon buds are popping open……………………so we will be having that promised BACON HARVEST PARTY – WHEN?


If you would like to pawticipate in the harvest and the “after party”, all you have to do is send us a photo of you in your HARVEST outfit – something suitable for working in the greenhouse – and we’ll put you to work!     You can pick out your own stuff to wear, but here are some possibilities if you need some help!


We will enjoy some harvest fun after we finish working…………….you may remember if you were at last harvest that we WORKED HARD but we also reaped the rewards of our hard work with a wonderful feast and fun.

Angel Sammy will be here to drive the official tractor…..!!

Here in Baconia we take harvesting our precious bacon seriously!   Join us for some fun next Saturday, September 30th and make sure and send your photos to us by Thursday, September 28th…………

We sure will next Saturday!!!!

Your King…….

p.s.  If you need help with your photo – send us a full body picture of YOU and we’ll dress you!

But if you CAN photo edit, please “do it yourself” !!  Please send photos in .jpg format if you can!


P.P.S.    My sweet friend Phoebe from 15andMeowing could use some purrs and encouragement – she has Stage 4 kidney disease and her Mom and Dad are trying everything they can to help her get her appetite back……….if you have a minute, please click HERE and visit – we know they would appreciate a HUG!!

Phoebe as Rapunzel!

40 responses »

  1. Now, there must be huge anticipation for this harvest! Suspect there may be a rather large reduction in weight from bush to table 😂 We’ve just had our grape harvest. This usually involves rounding up friends and many small snipping injuries. But this year we got a huge machine in to pick the lot 😍 Our friends were delighted to just be asked to the after harvest party!


  2. Oooh…my half sisfur, Gypsy, and I would love to pawticipate in the bacon harvest! I’ll have to see if Motor Mommy is smart enough to dress us….Hmmmm…
    Sending purrayers for Phoebe!
    Love, Sundae


    • We hope to have a good turnout of fellow bacon lovers to work in the greenhouse……if you want to be a worker bee, dress up and then send the photos in email to ME and I’ll make sure we put you to WORK harvesting!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Savvy. I hope you and TKS are nicely settled in – from what we’ve seen, your new house is totally fabulous! Yes, bacon reigns supreme and we’ll celebrate that again like we did last year……Saturday’s the day so stop by if you can or if you want to pawticipate, just pop your photos in email to my Mom!

      Love, Teddy


  3. We are all praying, purring and sending POTP to our sweet friend, Phoebe. Mom won’t be around next Saturday, but you know we would never miss a bacon harvest, so we will make certain to get our photos to you. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  4. Teddy, your greenhouse staff is quite impressive. We are pawsitive we will have a great supply of bacon to last through the entire year – now to get the Momster on board with making it a regular item on her grocery list.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  5. The bacon crop is doing very well. I will have to send a message to Angel Flynn to see if he wants to help Angel Sammy again this year.


  6. The whole bacon greenhouse idea is just as cute as it can be, I hope you have a good crop this year. We don’t have any kitties to dress up. Have a great week.


  7. I will be there..oh I will BE there! It’s so fun to help bring in the bacon crop! It looks as though it will be even more bountiful than last year and that is going some. Because it was a bumper crop last year! My mouf is watering as I think about the luscious crop and the tantalizing smells of the bacon wafting on the breeze. So glad you have the variety that is extra crispy when fully grown.

    Thanks to all the faithful workers! They have done a wonderful job tending the greenhouse all year! xx


  8. I will have to try and remember to send one of the gang to the next harvest! Not sure if I should invite Mitzi again or not…. that harvest party got just a little TOO wild once she started dancing on the table…


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