Friendly Fill-Ins!


Let’s Fill In for Fun!

Hello!   Today we Hop on board the FILL-IN blog hop co-hosted by McGuffys’ Reader and 15andMeowing to share some more STUFF about us here in my house!   Everybody gets to “dish” their thoughts on things in this Hop – filling in sentences tells everyone a lot of things about you that’s for sure!    If you click the badge above, you will go to McGuffy’s where you can join in the fun by using the LINKY tool !

Every week each of the hosts gives us TWO sentences each…………………and below are this week’s challenges.   I decided to be a sweetie and let my Mom fill-in these.   I could have hogged the spotlight but I blog all the time and she hardly has a chance to do anything without MY snoopervision!    Tee Hee     Mom’s fill-ins are in GREEN.

1. I would never be friends with someone who HATES animals – they wouldn’t be “my kind of person”!

2. I will never refuse any treatment that my vet recommends for Teddy – I totally trust our vet and know that he truly LOVES his patients.

3. I have never been to a restaurant for Christmas dinner because I always love making my own , but it might be fun to dress up and go to a fancy restaurant just once and let THEM do the work!!.

4. When it comes to   any cat I’ve ever had   , I loved them with all my heart from day one until I kissed them goodbye – such special little children they are.
Gosh Mom – you mean you think I’m super special?    Well that’s nice cuz I think you are too!!    You showed me how to do a proper somersault after all !

(during my first week in my new home!)

We have a special spot in our heart today for our friends at FRIENDS FUREVER blog – Miss Sharon and her kitties Raz and Allie – as Mr. Bill’s funeral is today.    He was a brave man who fought to stay with his family, accomplished so very much in his life, and adored his pets.   We are so sad for Miss Sharon but we are sending our love, our strength and hugs because we know that one day, they will all be together again.   You can visit their blog by clicking HERE. 

Now if you’ll excuse me,

I’m going to see if I can talk Mom into

taking me outside for a walk!  

Know what my favorite thing to do out there is?   Roll around in the dirt!  

Mom calls me her little red Pig.  

Good thing I’m cute – I get away with so much stuff!!!!

44 responses »

  1. that is soo true… I couldn’t spend time with people who hate animals… that’s wasted time, I think :o)
    we had this idea too to go out for christmas dinner or new years eve this year…but I’m not sure if that is a good idea… I can see phenny standing on the table with all 4 paws in the plates or wild barking to the tunes of george michaels last christmas LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I’m always happy to know that there are others who are little dirtballs like Teddy. He has THREE spots in the backyard that he “visits” where there is loose dirt – we have that RED Virginia clay here so of course by the time he’s finished rolling around his WHITE parts match his RED/ORANGE parts. Drives me nuts!

      Love, Pam


    • Teddy is a BIG BOY……..almost 17 lbs. and he’s not two until NEXT March! He’s a most special little guy though – all animals are really – they are unique and interesting and teach us much about ourselves! Happy Friday Annie!

      Love, Pam


  2. Hi you guys! Mom Pamela, those are some great green answers! We are glad Teddy shared some space with you. That’s pretty cool you can do somersaults, Teddy. That’s a great photo of you. Yup, you sure are cute! Hugs to you all.


    • Teddy thought maybe it would be a treat for his old Mom to answer the Fill-Ins today. The somersault thing is just so very funny – when we first adopted him and brought him home he was so full of energy he’d be running across the living room carpet and roll over just like a somersault… silly but so adorable! Have a great Friday – thanks for coming by!

      Love, Pam


  3. Hmmmm, Teddy, is this walking-a-hoooman thingy a special ginger kitty feature? My tailless kitty friend always walks nicely by my side as if he would go on an invisible leash, lets me pet his head sometimes and wipes his wet nose on my hands.


    • Your kitty friend sounds like a real sweet guy… Mom and Dad had a cat when they first moved here who would walk with them without a leash. They would go on LONG walks together – Mom knows that I would run off in a second if I wasn’t “tied” to her with a leash. I definitely have a mind of my own!!! Please tell your kitty friend that Teddy in Virginia says HELLO!!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Teddy what beautiful fill ins. We send lots of purrs and hugs to Raz and family today too.

    MOL MOL a butterbean who turns in the a piggie who likes to roll in dirt. You are funny
    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. I could so be happy at our favorite Chinese restaurant for Christmas! As long as I had my homemade noodles and mashed potatoes to come home to!!!! And the teeny tree with sparkly lights my Mom made for us long long ago, and Christmas music, and a glass of wine on the porch with CH, and a flurry of snow would be a nice touch. Very good Fill-ins Teddy’s Mom!


    • Oh Miss Pix we love your “vision” of the perfect Christmas… all sounds delightful – even the flurry of snow! Mom is anxious to see what I think of snow….. Dad is wondering how I will react to a tree in our library and the choo choo train going round and round. Mom has visions of DISASTER. HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  6. Great fill-in answers, I agree with most, except I don’t have such confidence in my vet. I am sure today was going to be very difficult for Sharon. xO


    • It’s super impawtant to have confidence in your vet that’s for sure……I hope that if you’re not happy with yours, you can find someone who you are sure has your kitties “to heart”!

      Love, Teddy


  7. Teddy, that cute thing is a blessing for us kitties who like to be a bit “naughty.” Your mom had excellent fill-ins. Our humans have started going out on Christmas Eve for dinner. Very nice to mention our friends, Raz, Allie and Mom Sharon, as they honor Dad Bill today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  8. Very good fill-ins Teddy. You learned a somersault eh? Mom tried one with me when I was way younger and I stiffened up like a rod and hissed at her. She figured correctly, I didn’t like it. So much for somersaults. We ar egoing to pop over to Furiends Forever and leave a few words for our friends.



    • Hi Shoko…..well, I was just so happy to have a nice home after the shelter that I started doing somersaults across the living room carpet and Mom and Dad thought it was hilarious. Mom tried to show me the proper way but I preferred MY way. I don’t do them any more though.

      Love, Teddy


  9. Christmas dinner at a restaurant reminds me of A Christmas Story, which I love! Would you go to an Oriental one like that? *wink* I think someone who does not like animals is not my kind of person. I like fur-people, too. HUGS…to both of you, and Sweet Sammy!


    • Oh yes – that’s one of our favorite scenes from that movie – when they are singing while the family eats!! Fabulous stuff! My Mom and Dad probably WOULD have Christmas dinner in a Chinese restaurant for Christmas because they DO love Chinese food but they PREFER turkey and trimmings!!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  10. Those were fine answers!

    With our current vet, I do trust him. Way more than the others I used to go to:)

    Those are lovely images of sweet little-(not) you!!


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