Bacon’s Ready!


All is well in the land of bacon – welcome!

It’s finally Saturday – the day we stuff our faces with bacon in many forms which seems to be fairly easy considering EVERYTHING has bacon in it these days!    All you have to do is google bacon recipes and WHAMMO – you have overload of ideas.   The Castle Cook here at the Baconia HQ has fun looking for NEW ideas every week.    This week we may be recycling a lot of oldies for your viewing pleasure as she’s been up to her eyebrows with other castle duties and didn’t have time for a lot of research.

I think I will grant her special dispensation – after all she’s my Mom so how can I punish her for being BUSY?   Right?

This remains one of our favorites here in Baconia – SO EASY and super yummy with maple syrup!

Guess what Grumpy…’s MY favorite veggie too!

I personally think this is a pretty danged good recommendation – this guy never lies!

I’m not entirely sure I could figure out a way to EAT this thing but I’d sure be willing to try!

Indeed – it’s understood that this is TRUE – GO FOR IT LITTLE GUY!

Hmm…….food for thought………

Those of you who DO eat bacon please remember you can print this decree out and post it on your refrigerator!!!!!

Now – Ready for some dessert?  Here’s our latest find:

This just might work!!!

Have a fabulous Bacon Feast today…..I am!

Then I shall retire to my royal chamber for a snooze!!

Your King, Teddy


45 responses »

    • OH WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Do you know my wacky parents actually had DOUBLE CHEESEBURGERS last night for dinner and did NOT make bacon to put on them? How insane is that????!!!!! BLTS tomorrow? Good idea – I’ll suggest that to my Mom right now………..

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  1. Mom says that she thinks she would have to draw the line at bacon wrapped Oreos. She doesn’t think combining those two would do either delicious nom any favors. She thinks that and the bacon Twinkies are a no go. Anything else…bring it on. Next weekend is Bacon Festival here in Roanoke. Want to come visit? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • BACON FESTIVAL?????? WOW……..tempting indeed. Warrenton doesn’t have a bacon festival – what’s with that? We truly do live in the BACKWOODS country don’t we!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Teddy since mom is on a mission to put my weight back on me… I had hopes for B A C O N
    but it appears I only get B A C O N when they do, which is not often.
    Hugs madi your bfff (who has probably gained about 1/2 lb since my tummy bug)!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • GOOD GIRL for gaining back some weight! I do think that your Mom and Dad should at least consider getting a BACON EGG AND CHEESE at McD’s – take off the bacon and give it to you and eat the remainder! This would be a sign of TRUE LOVE if you ask me!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Good morning! 😃 ☀️We think we’ll try the bacon 🥓 pancakes today and shove them in our face.
    Teddy, Moms are always busy.
    Thanks for the bacon 🥓 this morning.


  4. Well, at least dog-guy and I can come here and drool…or we can hitch a ride to the nearest fast food joint to get some…bacon!
    Since there isn’t bacon doled out here anymore…in any form…let alone wrapped around Oreos! OMC!!

    Have a great baconated day! Or should that be baconified?


    • Well, your Mom is just looking out for you girls – AND bacon isn’t exactly CHEAP either – sometimes it’s better to just trust that things work out the way they should (even if it involves NOT having bacon!).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. We think that decree should apply to dogs as well. So we are going to see if we can print it out, modify it a bit, and get it up there on the fridge asap:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


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