Ahhhhh Bacon!


Did Somebody say…….BACON?????????????

Count me in……….in fact, count a lot of us in – those of us who are true Bacon Buddies gather together every Saturday in the Kingdom of Baconia to celebrate our love of the stuff – eat as much of the stuff as our tummies can handle – and share whatever bits of bacon trivia we have picked up during the previous week.

Ever on the search for interesting bacon delights – we came up with just a few for you today………….are you ready?

Mom says she’s not too sure about this one…..but she’d be willing to test drive it (haha)

Mom loves peanut butter – Mom loves burgers – but together?  Not so sure about this!!

Mom says she could be “on board” with this one………

We’re totally on board with this one!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA – guess which direction I’d go!!


Believe it or not we’re having problems finding interesting bacon items for you to giggle over on Saturdays – we may have to resort to “INSTANT REPLAYS” of some our favorites…..somehow I don’t think you’d mine.   There’s something about bacon that makes you not mind seeing it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again!

I bet that my Sammy is on his cloud this morning at the Bridge thinking about Saturdays and how Mom would make bacon for him………talk about NICE dreams!

Don’t ever forget!!!   Enjoy your bacon today!!

That’s a ROYAL decree!

Happy Saturday…..King Teddy

It makes EVERYONE happy right?????

43 responses »

  1. Now, a bacon and peanut butter burger…not so much perhaps. But boy oh boy…bacon, chocolate and peanut butter brownies? I’m there.


  2. Well Teddy, I have to admit that I prefer my bacon between 2 slices of bread with plenty of butter. Calories? Who cares!


  3. I don’t mind repeats, I like the one with the fridge full of bacon- and applesauce. And the one that says we would get a black eye if we touch your bacon 🙂 And I love to see any photo of you. XO


    • I love the bacon repeats too – they’re all so funny and always make me giggle no matter how many times I’ve read/seen them! I’m trying to remember to take more photos of Teddy too these days – he’s so darn funny and I think he TRIES to do silly things for me to photograph. A natural comedian!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. I have had a bacon PB burger and yeah, it wasn’t the best but the bacon and burger flavors kind of beat out the PB. CH’s younger brother lives in a small town where they serve up those burgers as gourmet. No bacon for us today but there is always hope for tomorrow! I don’t mind repeats either!
    Goooooooood Morning!


    • Hmm…..Mom may HAVE to give that PB burger a try……she has a big jar of crunchy PB in the pantry and MOST mornings, has two pieces of toast with melty PB on it…..unless of course she’s making bacon then do I am sure you know how I would finish that sentence about two pieces of toast????? Here’s to BACON tomorrow for you!

      Love, Teddy


    • Hi Charles!!!! Please thank your Mom for sending my Mom some bacon goodies – you will be seeing those in upcoming Saturday posts!!! WHEEEEEEEE!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy (and Angel Sammy sends a heavenly hug too!)


  5. This kitty is belly up to the bacon bar and would like to order one double bacon margarita W A SIDE OF BACON


  6. Teddy, we wouldn’t mind if you have to reshare some bacon memes. They are always so cute and funny. Mom will see if she can make a special one for you like she did for Sammy. No bacon here today…just cereal (which Lily rather have anyway). Stay cool today and for the next few days. It’s going to be brutal. All of us send love to all of you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • It’s a hottie today and you’re right – BRUTAL is the word for the next few so while I will be insisting on going outside for walks, I will be nice to Mom and Dad and head for the nice cool woods and the slider bench down there! We’d love to have a special meme form you guys for Bacon Saturday!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  7. Hiya Teddy and Angel Sammy, oh wow so much bacon, so little time NOM NOM NOM!!! We luffs your bacon posts, we don’t get any here!!!

    Big hugs

    Basil & CO xox


  8. Teddy Dad got us some of that pre-cooked bacon so we cannot smell it cooking. That is sad but we still get Bacon so that is Glad!
    We would not mind re runs of Bacon! Bacon Bacon Bacon!
    Nom Nominy Nom Nom
    *Timmy rolls over in a happy bacon coma*


  9. MMMM bacon teddy…mee had a bit this morning an it was so-o tasty!!! Mee wishess mee not have Icky Bowel Syndrome so mee could eat more. Then again a bit iss better than NUN rite???
    Baconia iss thee best place to bee Katurday morning!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


  10. My human – who thinks everything is better with some form of alcohol in it – wasn’t too sure about the bacon margarita! She found a recipe by Googling it, and… well… she will probably give it a pass.


  11. OMC! What a lot of bacon!!! Wow!
    Oops, sorry we drooled on your blog page…

    They were supposed to have bacon burgers at petcretary’s work last night, but they ran out. What a shame…so there was none of leftovers to snag to give us a treat. Sheesh:(


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