Sunday Selfie


Sunday Selfie Time!

Every Sunday we join up with The Cat On My Head for their Sunday Selfie “showcase”…………lots of bloggers from EVERYWHERE show off their pet “whatevers” – in our case of course it’s Teddy Boy………and we all get to see how adorable they are up close and purrsonal.    Today Teddy’s photo was one I did quickly on Lunapic – quickly because I was up to my ears in projects today and just now thought of SELFIE SUNDAY so thanks to Lunapic – I accomplished that goal!    Teddy’s not very colorful this week but I like the effect……..and he does too………..I can tell because he sat in my lap and watched me do this post and meowed.

If you’d like to join up with the Hop, just click on The Cat On My Head’s badge after you take a peek at my Teddy being silly in his kitty cube………..and have a GREAT Sunday!

Click the badge to fly over to Kitties Blue and hop!

Sunday Hugs, Pam and Teddy too!

Before you go…..did you know today is HUG YOUR CAT DAY?????


66 responses »

    • Hi Cupcake! Yes I’m wedge into the old beat up red cube in this one………whether it’s smashed, mushed, or torn, it’s still home sweet home to me! HAHAHA

      Love and Happy Sunday…..


  1. Ahhhh mom is green w envy…Teddy sat in your lap! We love the photo and if mom behaves I might let her hug me
    Hugs Madi your bffffff


    • Mom has been picking me up off the floor when I’m near her chair and putting me IN her lap and giving me a head massage/rub/scratch and I’m kinda liking it!!!! I may never be a trust lap kitty but those moments are pretty swell I have to admit – who knows – I might surprise BOTH of us and STAY up there one of these days!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I hope that you let your Mom hug you for HUG A CAT DAY!

      Love, Teddy


  2. That is a wonderful selfie Teddy, very artistic. I will try to hug all my cats today, I don’t want to push my luck with the new kitty though although I think it would let me. XO


  3. Phooey, we missed Hug You Cat Day. Our mom never gets it right. We are all sending hugs to Teddy and so is Mom. We think this art is way cool, and we love how Teddy’s back end is sticking out of the cube and we see his front part through the hole. He is a character. Have a happy hoppy Sunday. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We didn’t realize about Hug Your Cat Day – the post had already gone out this morning and only when Mom visited someone else’s blog did she see that it was HUG YOUR CAT DAY! Every day is hug your cat day though isn’t it???? I think so…….I know I get an awful lot of them ever single day!!!!! Glad you like my selfie – Mom wasn’t sure it was “interesting” enough but I say anything with ME in it just HAS to be interesting!!!!!!

      Love and Happy Sunday


    • My post today didn’t originally have the hug thing at the end – then I went online and saw it everywhere and decided to throw it in the mix! HAHAHAHA Sending you a HUG anyway!

      Love, Teddy and Mom


  4. That drawing style sure does retain all of your delightful fun character. And it has sort of given your old cube a new lease of life! ope you got a really BIG hug from your mom and dad, you deserve it.
    Purrs, ERin


    • Thank you Miss Marjorie! Mom thought it was interesting….I wasn’t too sure about that but I’m glad you liked it! Lunapic has some strange sort of filters and Mom picked one for this week I suppose!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. What a great selfie, Teddy! Maybe some day you will the hugged kitty, like in that little graphic. We sure love our lap time…hugs???, um…well, nevfur mind. Suffice it to say we like pawppy’s big lap, and petcretary ‘s too…though she does wiggle a lot more than pawppy,MOL!


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