Mom’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day to OUR Mom and Yours!

Mothers are very special……..they nurture us, teach us, guide us, and most of all LOVE us.

We made a card for our Mom!

Angel Sammy and I did a Mother’s Day collage to share in The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop today.   Just click their badge below our selfie to visit and add your OWN Selfie photo today!   

Click below to join in the Selfie Hop!!!!!

Click Badge to Visit Them!!

Love and Mom’s Day Hugs, 

Teddy and Angel Sammy

75 responses »

  1. Happy Happy Mother’s Day! You and Angel Sammy made the sweetest most loving card! Give lots of snuggles and loves today (and every day). You’ll get each one back— and extra! xx


  2. Beautiful post for Mother’s Day! I have always loved the photo of Angel Sammy and your Mom, and now I love the photo of you and your Mom Teddy. Make sure you give her lots of purrs today. Happy Mother’s Day to your wonderful Mom! XO


  3. We love this rare glimpse into Teddy and Angel Sammy’s interaction with you, their human! Sammy as kitten-wow, so adorable. And Teddy looks verrrry happy and relaxing nestling in your arms. Looks like he may fall asleep any moment. Happy Mom’s Day to a great kitty mom!


    • How sweet……..thank you………it is my biggest wish that the days Sammy spent with me were his BEST. I tried to make them that way just as I will with Teddy. I love being their “Mom”…….and I hope that you have had a wonderful day celebrating being a Mom too!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. This is a most gloriously beautiful Happy Mother’s Day for Mom Pam. She truly is an extra special loving and caring mom, and we wish her a happy day filled with love. We love her bunches and we know you boys and your dad do as well. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Mom Janet


    • We sure loved your Mom’s Day blog today with the photo of “our Moms” together…………it’s been a nice day – Dad and I made sure that we kept Mom busy and showed her a lot of love today – I’m SURE you did that for your Mom too right???

      Love and Special Hugs, Teddy


  5. Happy Mother’s Day to the mom at your house. She is super duper as Sammy will tell you Teddy. So happy you have her as your mom. Know you will give her lots of love and hugs today and furever too. ❤


  6. Happy Mother’s Day to your mom too. We know she’s loving that collage you and Angel Teddy did for her. It’s beautiful.


    • Hi! We had a nice quiet Mom’s Day……it was sunny for a change and we were outside a whole lot. I’m getting better on the harness so I get to go out a lot more…….I also made sure Mom got lots of hugs! I hope you had a wonderful Mommy’s Day too!

      Love, Teddy


    • Girls my Mom says THANKS for the Mom’s Day wishes – I made sure she had plenty to keep her busy and plenty to keep her mind off Angel Sammy – she was missing him something FIERCE yesterday! Anyway, here’s to Mom’s every where because EVERY day is Momma’s Day right?

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is indeed Teddy. Mommy had a little of da sads too. But we reminded her dat sissy was okay and dat we were here and needed her now. We’re blest dat’s fur sure. Big hugs

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Raena


    • We did have a GREAT day – and we hope you did as well Miss Caren. Yesterday our comment didn’t show up on your blog but we hope it was just in moderation??? We hate to think we couldn’t comment on your bloggy (sniff sniff).

      Love, Teddy


  7. Sweetest post and adorable card boys 🙂 Happy Mother’s day to your marveoulous Catmama!
    Marty and the Gang


  8. Oh yes Teddy, Siddhartha Henry took me out for 2 walks & snuggled with me while we watched 2 episodes of “Ice Fantasy”. I am so blessed!
    Hope you & Pam aka Mum had a good day there.
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤


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