Friendly Friday Fill-Ins!


Fill In The Blanks!

This is a fun blog hop that is co-hosted by our friends 15andMeowing and McGuffy’sReader blogs.   They each give us two sentences with blanks to fill-in AND sometimes our Mom is the filler-inner and sometimes I do it!     Either way, it’s fun.   If you’d like to do some filling in, just click the badge below and it will whisk you off to McGuffy’s Reader where you can use Miss Annie’s LINKY tool and join in the fun with your blog!    Alternatively, you can answer the fill-ins on her blog in the comments – I’m SURE she wouldn’t mind!

The nature of this week’s sentences is such that it wouldn’t make any sense for ME – an adorable kitty cat (!) – to fill in the blanks so Mom is gonna do them this week.   Her “fill-ins” are in GREEN this week!    GO AHEAD MOM – TAKE IT AWAY!!!!!

1. My favorite cereal is Raisin Bran – has been since I was a little girl!

2. My prom was something my prom date (who would be my husband a few years later) and I decided to SKIP.   Instead we went to dinner and a drive-in movie – my parents never knew about that!

3. The funniest thing about my first marriage is that we eloped out of state because one of us was underage in Virginia – what an adventure THAT was!.

4. I cannot help every charity that I wish I could but I do what I can and always will.


That’s it for this week!   Thanks Mom……….maybe you could tell me the funny story of your elopement some time when I need a good “bedtime story” !!!  Tee Hee…………

Now, if you’ll excuse me Mom, I’ve GOT to take a snooze on the guest room bed!!! 

Happy Friday!  Love, Teddy

50 responses »

  1. that were great fill ins…. guess what? it seems we all had a stinky prom… maybe we should have one again in blogville, so we all can make a good memory… and because the mama still had the chickenpox at her prom once, she is sfae now :O)

    Liked by 1 person

    • OH NO!!!! Your Mom had chickenpox at her prom? That’s awful…..poor Mom. My Mom has often thought having a Blogville prom would be fun…….seems to her though that someone has done that before??? Anyway, it might be fun. As long as none of us got chickenpox of course!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

        • I think so too………and I hated the dress my Mom bought for me as well – I can’t even remember now what it looked like. I just remember that I kept thinking that I was having way more fun than all those kids sliding around the dance floor with their Prince Charmings and dumping booze in the punch!

          Hugs, Pam


  2. Teddy is such a cutie, he sure knows how to get comfy. Thank you for your answers to the fill-ins. DInner and a movie is much better than dancing at a prom, that was a good idea. That is good that you have always liked a healthy cereal. 🙂 Have a great weekend! XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the fill-ins on Fridays……….you girls come up with some GOOD sentences with blanks that’s for sure! I always thought it was a lot more fun to go to dinner and a drive-in than a prom too – – – we had planned it that way but never told our parents. Tee Hee……….Enjoy your Friday!

      Love, Pam


  3. Aw….what a PRECIOUS picture of you, Teddy! You are TOO cute, all stretched out there on the guest bed!
    Your mom was really having “true confessions” this week on her fill-ins! Cute stories…perhaps she should expand on those sometimes; inquiring minds want to know MORE!
    Love, Sundae


    • Mom will definitely tell those stories one of these days….she’s thinking a “TRUE CONFESSIONS” day on the blog might be fun. Everybody has a story they’ve never told before I’m SURE!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Gosh, you are cute, Teddy. I see you have that white mousie with you! Wow, our mom wants to hear that elopement story as well, plus the one about skipping the prom. Our mom feels the same way as Mom Pam on #4. Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • That white mousie in the photo certainly does NOT look like that now. I have torn it to BITS playing so hard with it and dragging it with me everywhere. Mom had to start putting “bandaids” on it with strips of handkerchief from Dad to hold it together…..still I was able to pull stuffing out and pull pieces of fur off it just by playing with it so roughly!!! Mom has gone through THREE HANDKERCHIEFS of Dad’s trying to hold Mousie together to the point he looks like a pile of rags now. But I still LOVE IT. I take it everywhere….wherever I go, Mousie goes. Mom and Dad call it “Mr. Rags” now. HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I promise to tell the tale of the GREAT ELOPEMENT one of these days…..Maybe we’ll have a “TRUE CONFESSIONS” day on the blog or something – I bet we ALL have a tale to tell that would surprise everyone!

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Awesome prom night! Very tricky! Mom didn’t like the boy who asked her to prom, so she said no and waited for the boy she liked to ask her. HE DIDN’T ASK and she missed prom altogether. She finally started dating the boy she liked on graduation night. Oh well….

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake, you know my Mom says (and I bet your Mom agrees) that “things work out the way they’re supposed to”…….maybe the time wasn’t QUITE right for your Mom and the guy she liked to be together until graduation…I guess missing a prom isn’t the worst thing that could have happened to them right? Tee Hee…………

      Love, Teddy B (the B is for bear)


    • The eloping story is hilarious……….I promise I’ll tell it one of these days…….The one thing about it that I regret is that we didn’t have a camera with us so no photos – that would have been even funnier!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Suzanne and I skipped her junior prom. We went out to eat and then to the mall. I bought her a sailor suit. We did go to her senior prom because everyone told her she would regret it. I doubt she would have regretted it. Have a great weekend.


    • Mom will be doing a “TRUE CONFESSIONS” thing on the blog – in fact, she’s thinking it would be a fun “hop” kind of thing – EVERYONE tells their biggest craziest confession……….might be interesting!

      Love, Teddy


  7. When I was a kid, I loved the raisins in Raisin Bran, but I hated the bran. Now, I love both parts.

    Did your parents explode over the elopement? What an adventure that must have been. I think if we’d done that, one of us that now stands 6′ over the ground would be at least 6′ *under* the ground.

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂


    • Oh my Mom and Dad were QUITE upset……his parents had no problem with it. It really was a fun adventure though even if things didn’t QUITE go the way we planned. I’ll tell that tale one of these days here on the blog – it’s got some pretty hilarious moments!

      Love, Pam and Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • I would love to read that story. I bet there were plenty of funny moments. 🙂

        One set of my 2nd great-grandparents were planning to get married and her parents (father, anyway) were against it. I believe in this case, the groom was about 15 years older than the bride. Whether that was why her daddy had a problem with the marriage or not, I don’t know. But, they ended up getting married on a boat in the middle of the lake…well out of shotgun reach. 🙂 This couple was Annie’s parents, the great-grandma that I named my PS Annie! blog after.

        Happy Mother’s Day to you, too!
        Suz 🙂


  8. This lady didn’t even get to think about going to any kind of prom. MOL! (Her parents did not allow it…) And she did not have a boyfriend or anyone who even asked her, MOL! Her best friend didn’t go either…but we didn’t do anything else on the sly or other wise either:)

    Seems like you started on the elopement road when you skipped out of your prom festivities!


    • Yes in fact that’s very true…….the skipping out on the prom was an indication of what was to come……….we married in 1967……..together for 17 years then POOF! Both remarried and have lived happily ever after though so things DO work out the way they’re SUPPOSED to!!!!!!

      Love, Pam


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