Easter Sunday Selfie


Happy Easter!

Today is Sunday Selfie Blog Hop with The Cat On My Head but it’s EASTER SUNDAY so we dressed our selfie up for the occasion.  If you’d like to join in the Hop, click on their badge below my selfie and use the LINKY tool and you’re IN!

And even though this is the first Easter without Sammy in the house, we honor him with one of his Easter poses…….we miss you Angel Sammy!

Sammy with his Easter Basket – Easter 2013


Click Badge to Visit Them!!

From my house to your house – HAPPY EASTER……

and if you want a giggle check this out!


Love, Teddy Bunny

On this beautiful Easter morning we have just learned that the Queen – Nellie – has left for the Bridge.   My brother Angel Sammy and so many other friends welcomed her there with open wings and hearts………and she is at last dancing through the clouds.   Forever hugs sweet Nellie………..

If you click the badge it will take you to Nellie’s blog and you can leave a comment………..


59 responses »

    • Yes……so very sad to learn of dear Nellie even though we ALL knew her time was short…….I’m thinking Easy and Sammy and SOOOOO many other friends are giving her big “welcome hugs” and showing her the sights. She has left a big hole in our hearts but we will fill it with sweet Nellie memories!

      Love, Teddy and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy Easter to you both Angel Sammy and Teddy. It made me and mommy smile a lot to see Angel Sammy with his Easter basket. XX to you two and your mom and dad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy Easter Sweet Katie……………we all need a big smile this morning – Queen Nellie has gone up to be with Angel Sam and so many other friends at The Bridge…..

      Love and Easter Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  2. Happy Easter Teddy and Angel Sammy! And a Happy Easter to your Mom and Dad, too! Have a wonderful day! Your Selfie is very sweet Teddy and it is so good to see Sammy with his 2013 Easter Basket! Love and hugs to you all!


    • Thanks Flynn….Mom did a bunch of stuff to my photo – I told her PINK is a girlie color but she said it was EASTERY so I decided to let her do it! Hope you are feeling alright dear friend.

      Love, Teddy


  3. Happy First Easter Teddy!!!!! Love your dance moves! Happy Easter at the Bridge Sammy, take care of Sweet Nellie for us.
    Marty and the Gang


  4. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about Nellie. I am sure Sammy was there to welcome her. I love this photo of Angel Sammy with his Easter basket. And I hope Teddy enjoys his first Easter. XO


  5. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and thinking of those loves that now live at the bridge. I loved the photo of Sammy and made mom have tears in her eyes. We sure miss him too. I am sorry Nellie had to leave but know Sammy was waiting for her. I see Teddy has some really neat moves. What a great dancer he is.


  6. We love the photos and Happy Easter from all of us! We’re sure sad about dear Nellie, please give her a hug from all of us Sammy, the whole darn world loved you both.


  7. Happy First Easter Teddy…Angel Sammy we loved seeing your poly dactyls in your photo.
    Nellie was a Queen for sure and is having a royal bday pawty with all her RB friends
    Hugs and kitty kisses


    • Dear Nellie’s Mom….Thank you for liking my first Easter Photo – it’s special since it’s the first in my new home. We sent you an email message but will tell you here too Miss Barb that we have broken hearts like we know YOU do at losing sweet Nellie. She was the most loved and dearest friend to ALL of us EVER. My Mom sends you a huge hug……all of us will remember her and have a place in our hearts for her forever. You know we have great wi-fi here at the Bridge (!) and maybe you can let Nellie write to us once in a while? I gave her an extra huge hug when she got here – all of us did. She’s safe, happy, healthy and young again – she’s ruling the Bridge just as she ruled our hearts back home.

      Love and hugs, Angel Sammy, Mom Pam and Teddy too


  8. Teddy, you are so adorable. And we know your pawrents still miss Angel Sammy, but we’re happy you’re there to love them.
    We were so sorry to learn about our sweet Nellie, but we know that she had a huge, very special welcome when she arrived at the Bridge.
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy Easter, Teddy and your furmily with you, too!

    That is a sweet selfie! And a sweeter remembrance of Sammy.

    Nellie is an Angel??
    Oh, how the heavens are going to have a time dealing with *this* new Angel. We do think it is kind of beautiful that she got to go there on this spawsial day of Easter, a day when all the angels are in glorious celebratory mode…and now they are in welcoming mode, too. She shall have fun with those that were there to welcome her fur sure, our four meezer angels as well…

    We shall have to beg petcretary to make a memento for her.


    • Teddy will be taking things over while I do a “slow fade” here at the Bridge. I am a busy boy here – it’s just hard to stop – my heart has been IN the blog for so long but there WILL be more Teddy I promise!! Love and Hugs,
      Angel Sammy


    • Yes…..Nellie was definitely one of a kind….I welcomed her along with Merlin and Easy and SOOOOOO many other friends here. No doubt she will be taking up residence on her throne here – she is so loved no matter WHERE she is…………..

      Love, Angel Sam (and Mom and Ted too)


    • The loss of Nellie hit everyone very hard…..she was truly the “first lady” and we loved her dearly as did everyone who knew her. We’re truly at a loss at her passing……….I know she’s in a better place because I’m HERE at the Bridge with her but she was SO important to the blogging world and her Mom. I hope I can talk her into continuing like I have from here.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  10. It was like a punch to the gut when we read about Nellie this morning, but we do know that Sammy and so many others were waiting for her with open arms. We expected one of the JibJabs Mom Sharon did, so it was unexpected and fun to see this one with just Teddy. We also enjoyed seeing the photo of Sammy. And Teddy you are just darn adorable. We wish you all the blessings of this beautiful Easter and send lots and lots of love. Thanks for being a faithful hopper. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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