Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful and Poetic

That’s me!!!

FIRST – I’m THANKFUL for my little baby Brother Teddy because he makes my Mom and Dad happy – and that makes ME happy!


If you’d like to see what others are THANKFUL for today, please visit Brian’s blog by clicking on the badge below!  Use the LINKY to hook yourself up and VOILA – you’ll be hopping!


NEXT, today is my Thoroughly Poetic Thursday poem day and our letter of this week is the letter “J”!


If you’d like to play along – we do the next letter of the alphabet each week – today is J and next week will be K, etc.   If you’d like to write a poem and share it HERE, you can put it in my comments, but you can also write your OWN poem on your OWN blog and post the link in my comments!!!    We’d love to read your poem!



By Angel Sammy, 2/16/17

He’s my new baby brother and it shows

We could be twins but he’s got “normal” toes!

He’s cute and happy and smart

He’s captured everyone’s heart.

I’m Guardian Angel to Teddy

Through good times and bad I’ll be ready

I’ll protect him and help him to be strong

To accept there will be times when he’s wrong

To show Mom and Dad all his love

Like I will FOREVER from above.

**With Pride, Angel Sammy**

My little brother is certainly catching on to everything QUICKLY.    I also believe he sees me from time to time as he does that “stare off into outer space” thing and Mom and Dad have seen him do that………..I’ve told him it’s OK for him to do that since my Mom also occasionally sees me and has “that look” !!!   Oh yeah – since I found this little guy for my parents to adopt, the least I can do is keep a CLOSE EYE on him while he grows up!     Here are the latest photos in a fast slideshow – you have to be QUICK to catch him on film – a second before the camera takes a photo he moves – NEVER FAILS!    I remember I was pretty good at that too…….tee hee.

See you tomorrow for FRIDAY FILL-INS!!!    I might let Teddy answer this week!

Love, Angel Sammy

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84 responses »

    • Mom and I decided it was time to change that header……we also changed the “ABOUT US” page……there are two of us around here now – well I’m part-time “here” but I’m definitely AROUND!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  1. Oh Angel Sammy! What have I missed!! Hi Teddy, so nice to meet you and to say you are a chip off the old block is putting it mildly! You are just what the doctor ordered, I reckon! Sorry I’m only just catching up, but The Staff is on her final warning, so we are hopeful for improvements in blog attendance! xxx


    • Austin my man! Long time no see! I hope that doesn’t mean you or your Mum are doing poorly – just that you’re busier than a one-armed paper hanger! I am happy to be Guardian Angel for this new little bundle of energy at my old house…….he’s certainly a chip off the old ginger block. Always wonderful to see you buddy….

      Love, Angel Sammy


  2. Aw, Motor Mommy LOVES the new title of the blog! Sammy, you are going to be the purrfect guardian angel for little Teddy. Sweet poem today and pics of him too. As we’ve said before, it appears that you definitely had a paw in him adopting your pawrents. Good job!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Perfect poem, Sammy! You picked out a sweet kitty for your Mom and Dad. Teddy is darling and so are you… 🙂 He is very lucky to have you checking on him and teaching him all the things he needs to know. TWOspoiledcats… YES! Good Morning!


    • Good morning Miss Pix! Teddy is certainly keeping things ALIVE around here with his energy. I think he’s now “seeing” me as he will look up at the ceiling and be very still sometimes (when I’m telling him something important!) – and Mom told Dad that he was seeing/listening to me. WELL OF COURSE I AM!!!!!!! Anyway, we thought we’d best change the name of the blog officially……it was time.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  4. A.S. WTG on the J word Junior! you nailed it purrfectly.
    Tiny Teddy for sure has your soul and your lovely purrsonality.
    I hear he came with an lifetime Energizer Battery too. MOLMOMOL
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh indeed he does have an Energizer and I believe a few spares too!!! He hardly ever stops but when he DOES stop, he’s asleep for a few hours and Mom can get some rest too…..HAHAHAHA Glad you liked my poem today – it was fun!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


  5. Oh…Angel Sammy that is a purrfect poem and Teddy is such a cutie. Mom and I are looking forward to more pictures of Teddy and stories of his adventures as he settles into his furever home.

    Purrs, Charles


    • Hi Dear Charles! Thanks for visiting me. My Mom sent your Mom a THANK YOU for the sweet Valentine’s Card. It made her leaky eyed but then my Mom has been “leaking” since I left. 😦 Now that Teddy is here things are grand though – my parents miss me still but Teddy keeps them occupied AND THEN SOME! HAHAHAHA I hope you’re doing well dear friend……please tell your Mom that my Mom will keep my special suitcase that your Mom made FOREVER AND EVER.

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


    • Hi Hermie! I’m glad you like my poem for my little brother. Yes indeed it took me a while but I found THE CAT for my Mom and Dad – a clone of me! What could be more “PERFECT-ER” ????!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • Oh we just LOVE your poem today…but we always love your poems! They make us smile real big. We’ll be ready for fill-ins tomorrow…….I was gonna let Teddy do them tomorrow but it looks more like Mom should do it – soup isn’t a kitty thing! HAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sammy


  6. Sammy, your poem is total purrfection…one of the best you have ever written, but then I know you were totally inspired by that sweet little ball of fur. The “toes” part was our favorite. We know you will be the best angel big brother any kitty has ever had. We love you and your whole family bunches and bunches and bunches. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
    Our poem today can be found at poem/


    • Thank you!!!! It was a bit shorter poem than I’ve done before but it said what I wanted to say and that’s that! We also loved YOUR poem today – we gingers are very inspiring and inspired aren’t we?!?!?!?!

      Love and Big Hugs – Angel Sammy (and Baby Teddy)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sammy, you tried to fool mom. She wondered what the new blog in her reader was, and who was it about! Teddy is super cute, We know you will be there ti guide him along the way. Mom thinks Wizard still checks up on us!


  8. doodz oh natorz !!! sammy;;; yur poemz rockin buddy N we R glad ya iz keepin an eye on him frum a far….best knot let mom or dad noe that him getted in trubull bye ****************************** last nite when they waz knot lookin huh……. ted…yur fotoz R mega kewl…ya ree mind uz oh sum one round heer in manee wayz !!! hope ya bee hav two day ~~~~~~ KNOT !!! 🙂

    heerz R…… J haiku
    for JACK

    de jack dempsey fish
    him iz color full but meen
    sew they named him that

    him doez like nay borz
    keep a way frum hiz home tho
    ore he will fite ewe


    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wow! Jack Dempsey fish sounds like a guy to avoid even if he is a pretty fish! Love your haiku – I look forward to you guys’ poetic Thursday material every week – keep it comin’ !!!!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam and Ted


    • Yes girls, Mom and Dad already are in love with the little guy and so am I…..I have no problem passing the baton to him – I took care of Mom and Dad for 17 years and now I’m taking a back seat to the new kid in town!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  9. MOL He’s a real cutey. Mommy has a ton of fotos of da back of our heads or our backsides even. We kitties do have an uncanny way of knowin’ when da flashy box is gonna flash. MOL Dat’s a cute poem. Can’t wait to learn more ’bout Teddy. Big hugs to all

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  10. Sammy you really picked the right fellow to join your wonderful family. He is the Best and we love your poem!
    Here iz mine
    Buddys Poetry fur J

    He does a lot of Jumping
    His name Jams like Bumping
    For treats he will do Juggling
    And fur sure a bit of high Jinx
    As he always wants Jugfuls
    Jerky Brofur Rumpy Bump is the Joker

    Wow that is bad MOL
    Buddy Budd


    • Oh no it’s not bad at all Buddy Budd – it’s FABULOUS and I just bet Rumpy LOVES it too!!! Thanks for the poem – it’s always fun to write a poem and let it all hang out isn’t it????

      Love, Angel Sammy


  11. Sammy Darling,
    Your new brother is furry cute! mes knows he is going to bes the bestest brother ever! Mes sure he has enriched your Mommy and Daddy’s life already! And my Mommy knows that it is yous mes stares off at..yous takes such good care of us.
    Many kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie
    Teddy sweetie,
    mes so furry happy to sees such great photos of yous. Mes is looking forward to seeing your Cat Scouts and Tabby Club adventures, plus mes sure there will be other scrapes,l er adventures, yous will has.
    Many kisses sweet boy
    Your (much older) Furrend
    Nellie Bellie


    • Nellie I’m glad you know I’m watching over you and your Mommy – I always will……AND thank you for welcoming little Teddy – he sure is going to be a force to be reckoned with! We might both be gingers but he is just everything I always wanted to be but wasn’t because I was just so very shy. Teddy is OUT THERE and loves EVERYONE…..I’m very proud of him already!

      Love, Angel Sammy and Teddy


    • Hi CK! Yes Teddy is like a mini-me only multiply ME by 10 when it comes to energy and friendliness when I was his age! I was a very shy feral baby and Teddy is just the opposite – he loves EVERYBODY. So you have pix of your ghost? Would love to see them. My Mom had a picture of a ghost that visited us some time ago one Christmas – a light ball in the living room. The WEIRD thing is that the photo has disappeared from her picture files. Strange.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  12. Grate poe-em Unccle Sammy!
    Mee nevurr had a chance to rite a poe-em as fingss been crazy here so pleeze xcuse mee.
    Today it iss Sunday an mee furinallee gotted to yur bloggie!
    ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • I know you’re being a Purramedic again my Nephew……that’s the important thing anyway and not blog peeking! Just take care of Ladymum AND yourself (always yourself too!).

      Love, Angel Uncle Sammy


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