Special Sunday Selfie


Happy Almost Valentine’s Day!


Sammy is sending all of you his best wishes for a day of love on Tuesday, Valentine’s Day!   He’s also letting our new addition to the family be the STAR of the Sunday Selfies with Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head…………..INTRODUCING Teddy Kimmell……adopted 2/11/2017 from the Shelter (same one where we adopted Sam 17 years ago!).


YES he’s a ginger tabby like Sammy…..YES he’s adorable……no he doesn’t have purple eyes but I couldn’t get rid of that color – his eyes are GOLDEN!    He’s 11 months old and he’s a TOTAL LOVE BUG!    Welcome to the Kimmell Household Teddy….you have a special angel to guide you!

Teddy is our Selfie today – you can click the badge below and visit The Cat On My Head to see MORE selfies or to join up!

Happy Sunday from Angel Sam and Baby Teddy!

Click Badge to Visit Them!!

Click Badge to Visit Them!!

138 responses »

  1. My Human is actually leaking a little, with JOY of course. Sammy found you a new baby boy to love and raise. We could not be happier–STOP CRYING, Human! Sheesh.

    Hiya, Teddy-Boy!

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    • We are thrilled King Spitty! Sammy waited until the RIGHT one came to the Shelter then told us to get in the car and get there ASAP – which we did – and Sammy was right as always. There was this little ginger boy and he DEFINITELY is right at home already. Angel Sammy is quite a matchmaker…….we love him and miss him every second but are so grateful that he was busy looking for another kitty for us to love……AND WE DO!

      Love and Hugs to you and your human
      Pam, Angel Sam and Teddy

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    • Hi Miss Csilla! My Mom and Angel Sammy said you are a special friend….I’m happy to meet you! I’m going to help my big brother out at geography class…..but not sure Sarge is gonna be happy with that!!!!

      Love and Kitty Hugs, Teddy

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    • Thanks Erin! I finally found the right little guy for my Mom and Dad……seems I chose well because everyone is thrilled including me!!! Bacon is on the menu today – hopefully he will be a baconator like his big Angel Brother!

      Love, Angel Sam


  2. My whole family is SO excited for your family, Angel Sammy! We have been hoping for this day for so long. We know that you sent sweet Teddy to your pawrents because you KNOW how empty their lives have been since you’ve been gone (even though you DO visit them and have subtle ways of letting them know you’re there…!). We are so happy for them; that little Teddy is going to have so much LOVE.
    Love, Sundae


    • Thanks Sundae…………..Teddy seems to be settling in just fine here – I’m helping him as much as I can to adjust to life of luxury vs. life of shelter!!! HAHA He’s a cutie and seems to have fitted in like he’s always been here. We’ll try to get more photos of him but he’s like a little greased piggy – hard to hold for long and he hardly stays still unless he’s asleep!

      Love, Angel Sammy

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  3. Welcome, Teddy!! You are following in some Mighty Paws!! But we know you will fill them and make your own paw steps!! Mama has always loved ginger tabbies!! She loves my gorgeous green eyes, but little brofur, Chip, yep, a ginger tabby, has golden eyes! And we all love his golden eyes!! We hope you will be joining us soon at Cat Scouts!! We are so happy you have found your forever home!


    • Hi Hermes! Teddy says it’s nice to meet you and he probably WILL become a Cat Scout once he settles down. He’ll also join the Tabby Cat Club as well………his Angel Brother Sammy says he should join BOTH. We feel like Angel Sammy guided us to Teddy…….in fact we’re SURE of it. Thanks for welcoming him – he’s a real doll and we love him to bits already and he hasn’t even been with us 24 hours!!!!

      Hugs to you, Chip and your Mom!!


    • Thank you Mr. Phenny!! I’m a happy little guy…….I’m also lucky that my big Angel Brother brought me to the shelter and that my Mom and Dad walked right in and scooped me up and gave me a fabulous FOREVER HOME! You got one too – we are so lucky aren’t we? I hope we will be super duper friends like my big brother was with YOUR big brother Easy.

      Love and Kitten Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi Miss Layla! Angel Sammy has told me a lot about you and how he’s now with Angel Merlin learning from “the master”. I guess I’ll find out more about that soon but right now, I’m just excited to be here. My Angel brother got me to the shelter JUST IN TIME for Mom and Dad to find me! I’m lucky!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Dear Sammy, Thank you for finding the purrfect little ginger guy to help your Mom and Dad’s hearts feel joy again. We KNOW you sent him to them and we KNOW you are going to play a HUGE part in his life.

    Dear Teddy,
    Welcome to your new home! You’re a very lucky little dude to have a great mentor in Angel Sammy AND super parents!!

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon (also leaky eyed with joy!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the messages………..Sammy says he worked hard finding the right one for us and I know that he did………..Teddy is exhausted from playing all day yesterday and is sound asleep but I know he’s EXCITED to be here too! As for David and I – well – I don’t have to tell you how WE feel!!!!!

      Love, Pam

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  5. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😻😻😻😻😻❤️❤️❤️❤️teddy you are
    I do declare you looooook a lot like your guardian angel Sammy King of Baconia
    ER think the purple eyes are an indication of your royal status in your new home!
    Hugs Madi your new gray and white fan

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  6. Teddy… perfect! So happy for all of you!!! He is darling… bet he is going to be a handful! I am so HAPPY I can’t stop smiling! Sammy, I know you left helpful instruction notes all over the house and that you will teach him all he needs to know! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!

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    • Hi Miss Mollie and Angel Alfie!!! I’m a happy boy…..I have a lot to learn but I already have learned that I’m LUCKY……I have an Angel for a brother and parents who love me! YAY!

      Love, Teddy


  7. Welcome Teddy I am so happy you adopted Sammy’s folks. You will love them to pieces and enjoy such a wonderful and loving life in your new home. I look forward to getting to know you better and watch you grow up. Love to all at your place. <<
    Aunt Gracie xoxoxoxo

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    • Hi Auntie Gracie! Nice to meet you……..I’m having a very long nap this morning after such an exciting day yesterday…………I do love my Mom and Dad and my forever home though – I’m a very lucky little boy!

      Love, Teddy


    • Well we want him to have some happy baby memories – March 4th he turns into a BIG BOY at one years old so we figure that’s when he’ll be responsible for something – like responsible for keeping my Mom and Dad as happy as they are right this minute!!!!!! Tee Hee

      Love, Angel Sam

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  8. Welcome Teddy!!! I am so happy for your folks Angel Sammy! He has some big paw prints to fill, but I know you will guide him. I thought this was a photo of baby Sammy at first. I look forward to watching him grow and I hope he is going to join the Scouts. XO


  9. Teddy is a doll baby. We are all so happy that a new kitty to love has finally come to the Kimmell home. We know that Sammy guided you to the purrfect cat and is going to be a terrific mentor. Teddy is so lucky to find a loving home away from the shelter. We can’t wait to get to know him. Love to all from Mom Janet and Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy p.s. Cooper Murphy is looking forward to having a ginger pal.


    • Thank you friends………….we are beyond happy. We know beyond a doubt that Sammy’s big paw was involved in picking/finding this little ginger bundle of SWEET for us. We are smitten……..we love him to bits!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Teddy is a cutie……….I shall be forever his Guardian Angel……….something I will not take lightly!!!! He’s sweet and adorable and I wish I could play with him “in person”……..but he knows I’m with him!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  10. Woo Hoo!!! Wee are all leeky eyed with teerss of happyness here Lady Pam an Unccle Sammy!!!
    Well come Teddy boy!! Make yourself at home ok???
    An thee Selfiess are purrfect……wee so-o LUV a happy endin…..
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~ an (((hugs))) LadyMum


  11. Oh Teddy! Yous a:
    T – Tremendous Tsunami of love
    E- Exuberant
    D – Dashing
    D – Diamond (yous so sparkly)
    Y – YOU!
    Mes CAN”T wait to reads your adventures and Sammy darling, yous the bestest angel ever! Mes and Mommy both was leaky eyed when wes readed your post!!! Yous Rocks!
    Many Many kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

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    • Oh Nellie……I am very proud of my new little baby brother on earth – now I’m officially someone’s “Guardian Angel” too which makes me happy. He’s a doll. He’s so full of love and just loves EVERYONE! My Mom and Dad are very happy and so am I to see them smile again. I’ve told Teddy that you are the most special Queen in the universe so he’s excited to meet you………..we both love you!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy

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    • Hi Cupcake! My brother Angel Sam said that there would be some incredibly SWEET woofies that I would meet and told me FOR SURE to meet YOU so I’m happy to do that – I see why he adores you – you’re a cute doggy! I’m looking forward to getting used to my new forever home AND to meeting all of Angel Sammy’s friends……..!!! I’m just so excited!

      Love, Teddy


  12. Oh Teddy, you’re such a handsum boy. ConCats to you and your furmily. Let us tell ya’, you jit da jackpot. You are gonna get so much luvvin’, you won’t know what to do. Just eat it up Teddy, eat it up. Oh and welcome to blogville. You’re gonna luv it here and everypawdy’s gonna luv you. Big hugs, we can’t wait to get to know you better.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  13. Welcome Teddy!!! What a wonderful looking little Ginger you are and we can’t wait to get to know you better!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo


  14. OMC!! OMC!!!!!
    Teddy you made our petcretary squeeeee!!
    You are such a cute sweetie…
    You’re now home,forever to be,
    Loved and spoiled, just wait and see!!

    We are so glad to meet you Teddy! What fun it will be to get to watch you grow up and do all the funnest things with your peeps!
    Your guardian angel Sammy knew what he was doing fur sure:)


  15. Welcome sweet Teddy bear…i could not be happier that you are now keeping an eye on the hearts of your new Mum and Dad..i must say i got a bit of leaky eye syndtome o er this precious news…i may not be around in blogville much at the moment but i will be soon and look forward to many many of your adventures..SUPER HAPPY!! did i mention i have a ginger thang goin on 😘😘😘😘😘loves Fozziemum xxx


  16. Concats to the Kimmel family on the new addition. Teddy, you hit the pawrent jackpot, you will be loved more than you could have ever dreamed about. We look forward to getting to know you.


  17. WHOOPPEEE!!! Teddy buddy you have some mighty big paws to fill and I can see you are more that up to the job! Hope you like bacon! So purrleased that Mentor Sammy sent Miss Pam and Mr Dave to collect you and bring you into your destined forever home.


  18. Oh my goodness, we are late getting here today, but we are very glad we didn’t miss this wonderful post!!! What a great day for Angel Sammy and your family. Welcome, sweet Teddy – you couldn’t possibly have found a more loving and wonderful home!!!

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


  19. Squeals with piggy excitement!! Oh my goodness. Welcome Teddy to your forever home and blogville. If you need anything, you just ask the oinker here. Love you my new pal!! XOXO Bacon


  20. Congratulations!! What wonderful news. He’s handsome as can be! I’ve not visited your blog before and I’m thinking now…why the heck not?? We’ve got the same kitty friends, and we both love bacon. I’d say we’re almost twins…sort of. Dogs and cats can be twins right?
    I have a kitty sister who is a marmalade colored orange tabby too. So glad to meet you all from Cat on my Head’s blog hop.
    Love, Pixel


    • Hi Pixel! Nice to meet you! Glad you think my new little brother is a cutie – so do I but maybe I’m just a little bit partial/biased??? This is my first chance to be someone’s Guardian Angel too – I’ll make sure he grows up happy and healthy and full of love just like I did. I told him to make sure and ask for BACON when Mom cooks it and today will be his first day! YAY!

      Thank you for coming by……………we love meeting new friends!
      Hugs, Angel Sammy from the Rainbow Bridge

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  21. Oh, Teddy is so, so adorable! Angel Sammy, we know you brought him and Mom together. We just know it! Congratulations to you all, sweet pals!


  22. It’s lovely to meet you, Teddy. Sammy, you chose an adorable kitty for your mum and dad. I knew you would make the perfect choice for them.


  23. ted o nater 🙂

    DOOD !!!!!! a most happee gotcha day welcome home two ewe frum all oh uz heer in trout
    towne; we R glad two meet ewe….inn deed sammy { ya did grate dood } hada paw in bringin
    ya ta mom & dad…..we look for werd ta seein lotz oh ewe on de blog; lookin for werd ta mor
    awesum fotoz….we hope ya like bacon & heerz ta nothin but happee nezz & health for
    yeerz ta come ~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hugs N lovez frum uz



    • Thank you Tabbies of TT! I appreciate you recognizing that I was the one to find Teddy for my Mom and Dad. I had to wait for a ginger to arrive at the shelter and WHAM BAM there he was…….just in time……….and now ALL of us are happy. I am finally a GUARDIAN ANGEL to a little brother!

      Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy


  24. I am soooooo thrilled for you all! Teddy you are joining one of the most special Ginger loving houses there is! Way to go Sammy! Happy Dancing going on at Marty the Manx for you all!!!!!!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang!


  25. Sammy what a wonderful little guy Teddy is. He looks as full of spunk and fun as you my friend. Of course you sent him to them you sharp thinking on all toes Angel!
    We will make him very welcome my friend
    Timmy, Einstein and Family


    • Thank you boys………..Teddy is learning his way around and seems to realize that he is in his new FOREVER HOME. I really am excited to be his Guardian Angel……my first “gig” !!!!

      Happy Valentine’s Day
      Love, Angel Sam


    • Thanks so much for the welcome! Teddy’s asleep right now but when he wakes up (gosh kittens sleep a lot!) I’ll make sure he knows you came to welcome him. I will help him find his way – I am now his Guardian Angel! Cool!

      Love, Angel Sammy


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