Bacon Update


The Bacon Report



We are going to give you a worldwide premier photo of the FIRST blooming bacon plant in the fabulous BACON GREENHOUSE – apparently all the plants don’t “mature” at the same rate since this is the only one with BACON BLOOMS on it right now.   Ready?


Now that’s what I call a nice start………no doubt this plant will produce even MORE blooms as it matures – and the other plants will no doubt join in the fun and BLOOM shortly.   What a sight it wil be………….we need to give some major KUDOS to our fabulous greenhouse crew………they are diligently working to keep bugs out and humidity high and just look how healthy the plants are!





And last but by now means LEAST:

Our official Garden Gnome hard at work keeping PESTS out!

Our official Garden Gnome hard at work keeping PESTS out!

Needless to say this is a BIG DAY for us to be able to say we’re well on our way to a bacon festival this Spring………………we must take a minute to thank the responsible party who sent us our wonderful BACON SEEDS…………..!


My Pal Mauricio from Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head!

My Pal Mau in his cupcake hat and me in my bacon hat!!

My Pal Mau in his cupcake hat and me in my bacon hat!!

Remember this Spring we will be having a BACON-O-RAMA party on my blog with a celebration of our first crop of bacon.   I’ll have a contest or two and we’ll make it a BIG occasion – after all, to my knowledge this is the first homegrown bacon crop EVER (herds of farm pigs do not count!).


YAY!!!!   Angel Sammy, the Baconator


50 responses »

    • These turned out to be great seeds…..and we’ll have a heck of a bacon party with our first crop for sure!!!!!! Bathrooms are good spots to grow plants – lots of available fertilizer (EEEEEEEEEEEK!)

      Love, Angel Sammy


  1. All the feline bacon helpers are cuties! The bacon blooms are exciting, yes they are!!! A big thank you to the sender of Sammy’s Special Seeds… 🙂 Soon there will be no excuse to not have bacon in every frying pan!!!! Good Morning!


  2. WHAT a great early harvest! Sammy, the workers are great there at the Bacon greenhouse! You are fortunate. BUT hopefully no bacon goes into a worker’s mouth now it’s blooming!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Sammy, that crop is really starting to look meowvolous. By spring, you ought to have a most magnificent crop. We can hardly wait for the festival. Mom loves that meme with you and Mau. Two totally handsome fellows in there cute hats. You made our mom really smile and that makes us happy. And last night’s Comedy Club was so much fun. It was such a great idea. We love you and your parents so, so much. We sure hope they can get a little predecessor very soon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo snd Cooper Murphy


    • Glad you liked the progress report on the bacon – those seeds you sent are whoppers! I love the meme with me and Mau in our hats too and did you see that Cupcake’s Mom says SHE has a cupcake hat? HAHAHAHA The Comedy Club was really a fun thing and when we see the Scouts getting down in the dumps or bored – we’ll just set up the stage and go for it!!! Mom keeps an eye on the Shelter page every day (twice a day!)……it will be soon I feel.

      Love and Happy Sunday!
      Angel Sammy


    • SUMMER!!!!!! I just KNEW sooner or later you guys would stay in a CIVILIZED hotel where they had bacon for breakfast!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Concatulations – that ought to truly make this cat show one to remember!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  4. MOL Those low hanging bacon strips are what caught my eye right away. Mau…mew mew mew….I love his cupcake hat as well as your bacon hat, I hope no bigger kitty comes by and has a bite of both of you. You two look delicious.



  5. Plants ARE living organisms, so it stands to reason they would develop at different rates, even in the same environment. So you have some early bloomers and, just when you think the season is over, the late bloomers will provide extra deliciousness !


  6. Wow your bacon crop looks really good, I know you are going to bring some to Cat Scouts. You and Mau have awesome hats.


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