Bacon for ME and Hold the Ice!

No worries everyone!  Me and the Bacon Greenhouse staff are ON THE JOB!   The crop is doing just fine!

No worries everyone! Me and the Bacon Greenhouse staff are ON THE JOB! The crop is doing just fine!

YES!  Thought you might like an

update from the Bacon Greenhouse!

NOW ON WITH THE SHOW!    Well not the show – the bacon really………….who cares about a show anyway?!    What we DO care about here is the fact that we are going to have an ICE storm today with some snow mixed in.  In other words – YUCK.   But Mom and Dad can handle it because they do NOT have to go out in it!    I of course will come visit them today then head back to sunny, always beautiful, never icy or snowy Rainbow Bridge and let them enjoy their Saturday after we eat breakfast together!    Mom would prefer if it was all snow as ice is VERY dangerous…..there will be 87 bazillion accidents on the road today no doubt………there’s a HUGE bit of Virginia being effected so if you’re around here – BE CAREFUL………………….

Now – let’s talk BACON!


SO ARE MINE!!!!!   Feels like an electrical charge!!!!!


One of my newest bacon funnies sent in by a Bacon Fan……Takes a lot of imagination to turn bacon into Chewbaca from Star Wars!


Another little dandy item – – – what better way to keep your “bacon money” safe than in a bacon wallet????


INDEED!  Makes sense to me!


Mom says she misses this sight on Saturdays – – – I used to keep a CLOSE EYE on her !!!

Bacon Boy with Bacon Mom

Bacon Boy with Bacon Mom

So glad I stopped by this morning – Mom had bacon for me…..

Always has and always will…….now I’m out of here!


If you’ll excuse me, I’m heading back to SUNNY SIDE Rainbow Bridge and my soft cloud !

Happy Bacon Day!


51 responses »

  1. Happy Bacon Day… yesterday you mentioned the ice and today it came to us too… it was like an ice skating compawtition in the morning… the mama waddled back to our crib immediately, she has an ice-o-phobia since her double rittberger failed in 2015 :o)


  2. It’s a good day to visit your parents, Angel S. I’m sure there are reminders of you everywhere they look in the house. I think they are smart to stay inside during this bad weather. And you are smart to hang out with them when there’s bacon.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Angel Sammy we hear you on the ice mess. Last week this time we had it! My peeps were stuck in the house til this past Wednesday…good grief did I have a time keeping them entertained too. Good day for a quick Bite of bacon.
    Hugs Madi your bffff

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am glad your folks don’t have to go out in the ice. Ice is so dangerous to drive on and walk on. That was sweet of your Mom to have bacon for you sweet Sammy. That bacon Chewbacca is very clever. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sammy, don’t know where your mom found that last “Sammy angel,” but it is amazing. Glad to hear the bacon plants are doing well. We are all so excited for Monday. Hope you dad doesn’t “chicken” out. Stay safe. We are not getting the ice. Just missed it by a whisker! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • That’s a graphic Andy sent to us when I went to the Bridge…..isn’t it sweet?! I’m excited for Monday too – I have a lot of training to do when Lucky/Teddy gets here! Our ice has stopped – now just rain…….YAY!

      Love, Angel Sam


    • Me too! I don’t want to have to worry about them! The ice has now turned to rain so maybe that means the worst of the event is over with. I hope so – although it’s still DARK GREY out there so who knows!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  6. YAY for a good bacon crop. Mom made Dad some BLTs this week so we got lucky and had our first taste of the goodness in 2017!!!

    We are still waiting for that ice storm to come – just a bit overnight but the real stuff is coming in overnight. Stay safe. The humans here can just stay put too, although Dad is making mumblings about going to a movie:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • LUCKY YOU – you got some bacon! I hope you didn’t get as much bad weather as you expected – we lucked out here – we had ice but the temp rose and it melted QUICKLY. Just stay inside in the warm and stay safe!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • You got BACON! YAY!!!!!! We didn’t really have as much bad weather as they said we would……… fell for a couple of hours but it didn’t amount to much AND the temperature began rising so it all melted quickly. Mom and Dad didn’t take any chances though and stayed OFF the roads. They are smart. Usually (haha).

      Love, Angel Sam


    • I am in a good position now that I’m an Angel to look out for my Mom and Dad…..AND I am happy to spend Saturday bacon morning with them too. They are very flexible here at the Rainbow BRidge and encourage us to visit our families back home when we can. We are busy up here with Angel duties but there’s ALWAYS time to visit those we love.

      Happy Sunday!
      Love, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy Bacon Day Sammy! Dad gave me a little today but I, sad to say, am not big on Bacon. It must be that I was born under a bag in an alley. No that can’t be it as that should make me want MORE bacon! Ah well… Dad says he still loves me so very much! MOL
    Anyhoo… My BACON ration goes to Brofur Buddy Budd who Love, Love, Loves his BACON!
    We were supposed to get the cold and nasty ice here in PA but luckily it passed us by.
    I really love the Vegetarian one! MOL and I agree with The Island Cats that Chewbacon is a Winnah!
    Purrs Sammy, Mom and Dad!
    Timmy and Family


    • Hi Timmy!!! Well, you know bacon is my favorite substance in the universe and I’m so happy there’s an all you can eat breakfast bar here at the Bridge because they have PLENTY OF BACON! Mouse sausage too. YUMMERS. We all have different stuff we like – not all cats like bacon OR catnip…..I never did “get” catnip myself but silvervine worked for me. I guess we should celebrate our differences because it just makes life more interesting! I’m glad you didn’t get cold and ice there in PA – I guess it slid right by you and landed in Virginia! HAHAHA

      Love and Big Angel Hugs, Sammy


    • It did go easy on us – it lasted a few hours but the temperature began RISING so the ice melted quickly – we needed the “WET” so it worked out! I hope it does the same for you!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  8. We had THREE waves of freezing rain come through this weekend…. one Friday, one Saturday, and the last one is still going on right now. The one thing they all had in common…. it wasn’t cold enough for the rain to really ice up like they’d predicted. So once again, we went into Armageddon mode (three times!) for no good reason at all!


    • Well practicing Armageddon mode is probably a good thing….keeps you on your toes but makes for breadless/toilet paperless grocery shelves. We did get a bit of ice but not of the “mageddon” magnitude – thank heavens!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  9. I am glad you were able to visit home for Bacon Saturday! I am glad too that you were watching over your Mom and Dad with the weather. I am not even going to talk about the ice we have… three days of it! It is MELTING, finally as I type. CH and I think it is time to move to Venice!!!!!
    That last picture of you melts my heart!


  10. Hope your ice was not too horrible…as for Bacon? We never get to sample it, there is not ever any in our den…sheesh…something about the fat and the chemicals…sigh…long years ago, there *used* to be a lot of bacon here…take pity on us…MOL!


    • You poor kids… Mom and Dad say if we only ate things that were super good for us, life would be just too boring!!!! HAHAHAHAHA It’s true though that bacon is not one of those “good for you” things but it does make us happy so it’s a trade-off!!! ❤

      Love, Angel Sam


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