Lighting A Candle For Easy



My Friend Easy – friend to all

It’s not hard to write a post in honor of someone who has been so much to so many………….I’m just one of  many admirers of the most beautiful soul in the blogosphere – with the misty grey coat, wagging tail, and piercing blue eyes full of mischief.    That wasn’t the only thing in those eyes though – you could see it in every single post of his – there was PURE love in those eyes for his Mama and his Dad.   Nobody had more FUN than Easy!    He dug back yard tunnels to far away places (or at least far enough to get covered with dirt!), he de-stuffed every stuffy he was ever given from his Mama’s trips to the “trashure” store, he ate holes in every blanket, pillow case, fleecie that came within two feet of him………and he kept all of us laughing every single time he posted a new adventure on his blog.   He was one of a kind.

He was a MASTER TEASER expert too – nobody had faster paws than Easy………first Commenter, First Right Guesser………he was a MASTER of my Tuesday Teaser posts!


Whenever his Mama or his Dad was injured or hurt or sick, he was there – the best Weim-Nurse in the world…………


His posts made us laugh SO HARD it wasn’t unusual for my Mom to spit her coffee out in the morning because she was laughing so hard she couldn’t help herself!!


I wasn’t much for wearing clothes unlike some of my anipals, but I was gifted with a beautiful blue sweater from my friend Easy a few years ago and I actually DID wear it!   It was special because it was from my Brittany Buddy!


He had a brilliant idea for a blog hop though when I was quite ill and failing quickly in late November this year……………he wanted to give me a day that I could visit ALL my wonderful blog friends by flying in a big beautiful balloon and stopping to see my friends’ homes or favorite places all around the world.   My friend Madi helped him organize it!    What an honor that was and what fun………..nobody could know (even me) that on the day of the Blog Hop, December 2, I myself would make the trip to the Rainbow Bridge………but the WORST part was that Easy himself had already gone to the Bridge two days before that very unexpectedly – in spite of that tragedy, the Blog Hop he planned for me went on ANYWAY and was wonderful…………………


He and his Mom and Dad were “CLOSER THAN CLOSE”………….a very happy family………..


Until one very sad and scary day when he had to go to the vet for a huge and horrible emergency and we lost our handsome silver-misty-grey best friend…………..the world mourned his loss and we waited until the day that he could “come back home” to his Mom and Dad forever – just like I have returned back home to my Mom and Dad after I became a Rainbow Bridge Angel………..well, Easy is now HOME AGAIN………..I am happy and I know his Mom and Dad are happy…………and I also think that his little brother Da Phenny FEELS his presence every single day.    Easy will whisper in Phenny’s ear how to become the SECOND BEST crazy Weim in the whole of Brittany!!!

THAT MAKES ME HAPPY……………….Dear Easy……………….WELCOME HOME…………….



Love, Angel Sammy

This post is linked to Dory’s Backyard where you can find the linky tool to enter your post for Easy today.   Thanks to Dory for hosting this special Hop!

Here’s the link to Easy’s blog (HERE)


74 responses »

    • Words are not difficult to find when speaking of a friend who touched everyone so DEEPLY and permanently. Nobody will ever forget your boy – ever. It was such a pleasure to be his friend and we feel that Da Phenny will be another “force” in the blog world too! Sending you big hugs today and EVERY day.

      Love, Pam (and Angel Sam)


    • Thanks Miss Layla……Easy was such a good friend to everyone and his abrupt departure was such a shock…..we hope our messages will help his Mom and Dad by feeling all the LOVE we will have for him forever. We also have been continuing to comment on CW101 even though our comments don’t show. Just so you know that we love you and follow you wherever you may go!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam and Mom Pam


  1. Angel Sammy my goodness me this is absolutely a most loving post and your words just flowed with such truth and the memories you brought back to our minds with all of the things Easy did with such ease. Easy was talented and is best talent was giving…..
    Hugs and love madi and mom


    • Yes…you’re right Madi- Easy’s best talent WAS giving (and making us happy when we visited him or heard from him). I do believe that his little brother Da Phenny will be quite a clown too – I’m sure Easy is whispering in his ear already!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  2. Absolutely amazing tribute to Easy, Sammy. You did an excellent job. We are sending love and prayers to Easy’s family, and we know that little Phenny is busy showing them lots of love too.
    Love, Sundae


    • Miss Caren I believe this was someone else’s idea to do this for Easy – Dory helped out by letting everyone use her “Hoppity Hops” page for links. Not sure who organized it – we heard about it and joined up in time.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  3. That was a beautiful post for your friend. I had never seen you in that fabulous sweater ,very nice.
    I am sure you are together at The Bridge smiling down on everyone. XO


  4. A beautiful tribute Angel Sammy. Reading this makes me smile and makes me teary. Most of all it makes me happy that I knew Easy through his blog and his Mom and Dad. It makes me happy I know you Angel Sammy… it makes me realize we need to live every moment with all the happiness, courage, and strength we have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well said Miss Pix…….I am so happy I could call Easy my friend…..he was one of a kind although I think little Phenny is moving up fast into his BIG shoes! I’m happy to have so many good friends and I know Easy is too – people who are honoring him today in a special way.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  5. Your poignant and sweet post dear Sammy brought tears and heartache back to the surface but also put a smile in my heart. Well done, sweet kitty. We all held our fur-iend in high esteem and know he is watching over his ‘pawrents’ from the Bridge just like you are, Sammy. His mortal remains on his mantel will hopefully provide this family with memories of happier times and maybe even a bit of inspiration to his new baby brother. ღ


  6. Aw, Sammy, what a beautiful tribute! But you know, everything you say about Easy is true of you also–you were a force for good in this world, Sammy! And I am glad you and the big Easy have time to be goofs up there across the Bridge. We didn’t know until today that Easy’s Humans had adopted a new boy! We went and read Phenny’s introduction 😉 We think they are all going to have lots of good times together. We wish you and your Mom & Dad a wonderful 2017–Say, do you have years across the Bridge? Or is it always just “Now”??? XOXOXOXO


    • Hi Spitster! How kind you are to say I was a force for good – you know, I really did TRY to be and I’m continuing to try….since I got permission to continue my blog AND stay in Cat Scouts I’m trying to be positive as much as I can (which isn’t easy in this wacko world of ours). Mostly I’m trying to let my Mom know with little signs that I’m OK. Easy and I are buds up here as we were down there……we go to the All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet (with Bacon) every morning. You are right by the way – no years here – time is now. We live in the moment. I wonder if humans will ever learn to do that???

      Love always, Angel Sammy


    • Savvy a lot of people didn’t know about the day – there was a special group set up apparently on Facebook – we heard about it from a friend and I put a note on my blog yesterday to try and get word out. But it’s open to everyone and all day today as well so I know Easy’s Mom and Dad will appreciate even an email. At last Easy’s ashes are home……..

      Love, Angel Sammy


  7. Angel Sammy your words brought so much poignancy. Deeply touching and heartfelt. Things happen just as they were meant to and those silly humans who think they can alter or change it are the foolish ones aren’t they? We kitties and woofies know far better than they about these matters. Somehow in some strange miraculous way it seems fitting that you and Easy are truly as one now. God bless. (hugs)


    • Thanks so much……sometimes I find it amazing that Easy and I left for the Bridge so closely together…..just days…..and now we’re living life at the Bridge and missing our humans as much as they miss us. But you are right that things happen for a reason and happen as they were supposed to…….even if it makes no sense at the time………Easy and I are keeping watch up here and making sure everyone who makes their way here is welcomed with open arms.

      Love, Angel Sammy


  8. Luvley tribute to our furend EASY RIDER!!!!
    Hee was one of a kind doggie fur sure….
    Unccle Sammy pleeze give Easy sum ~~~head rubsss~~~ frum mee ok??? Fankss…..
    ****nose bumpsss**** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Yes my dear Nellie – I will pass on a HUG and a KISS to Easy – after all, French people and animals are very kissy-oriented and I would do ANYTHING for you so will comply with your wishes! Easy and I hang together here you know……he will be THRILLED to get a kiss from you!

      Love and big Angel Hugs from me to you and your Mommy!
      Angel Sammy


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