Tag Archives: angel dog

Lighting A Candle For Easy



My Friend Easy – friend to all

It’s not hard to write a post in honor of someone who has been so much to so many………….I’m just one of  many admirers of the most beautiful soul in the blogosphere – with the misty grey coat, wagging tail, and piercing blue eyes full of mischief.    That wasn’t the only thing in those eyes though – you could see it in every single post of his – there was PURE love in those eyes for his Mama and his Dad.   Nobody had more FUN than Easy!    He dug back yard tunnels to far away places (or at least far enough to get covered with dirt!), he de-stuffed every stuffy he was ever given from his Mama’s trips to the “trashure” store, he ate holes in every blanket, pillow case, fleecie that came within two feet of him………and he kept all of us laughing every single time he posted a new adventure on his blog.   He was one of a kind.

He was a MASTER TEASER expert too – nobody had faster paws than Easy………first Commenter, First Right Guesser………he was a MASTER of my Tuesday Teaser posts!


Whenever his Mama or his Dad was injured or hurt or sick, he was there – the best Weim-Nurse in the world…………


His posts made us laugh SO HARD it wasn’t unusual for my Mom to spit her coffee out in the morning because she was laughing so hard she couldn’t help herself!!


I wasn’t much for wearing clothes unlike some of my anipals, but I was gifted with a beautiful blue sweater from my friend Easy a few years ago and I actually DID wear it!   It was special because it was from my Brittany Buddy!


He had a brilliant idea for a blog hop though when I was quite ill and failing quickly in late November this year……………he wanted to give me a day that I could visit ALL my wonderful blog friends by flying in a big beautiful balloon and stopping to see my friends’ homes or favorite places all around the world.   My friend Madi helped him organize it!    What an honor that was and what fun………..nobody could know (even me) that on the day of the Blog Hop, December 2, I myself would make the trip to the Rainbow Bridge………but the WORST part was that Easy himself had already gone to the Bridge two days before that very unexpectedly – in spite of that tragedy, the Blog Hop he planned for me went on ANYWAY and was wonderful…………………


He and his Mom and Dad were “CLOSER THAN CLOSE”………….a very happy family………..


Until one very sad and scary day when he had to go to the vet for a huge and horrible emergency and we lost our handsome silver-misty-grey best friend…………..the world mourned his loss and we waited until the day that he could “come back home” to his Mom and Dad forever – just like I have returned back home to my Mom and Dad after I became a Rainbow Bridge Angel………..well, Easy is now HOME AGAIN………..I am happy and I know his Mom and Dad are happy…………and I also think that his little brother Da Phenny FEELS his presence every single day.    Easy will whisper in Phenny’s ear how to become the SECOND BEST crazy Weim in the whole of Brittany!!!

THAT MAKES ME HAPPY……………….Dear Easy……………….WELCOME HOME…………….



Love, Angel Sammy

This post is linked to Dory’s Backyard where you can find the linky tool to enter your post for Easy today.   Thanks to Dory for hosting this special Hop!

Here’s the link to Easy’s blog (HERE)