Angels DO Eat Bacon!


Yes We Do!


Even here at the Rainbow Bridge, every day is a Bacon day – not just Saturday like it was back at my house………….Mom would often make it more than just on Saturday but here, every day bacon is available on the all you can eat Rainbow Bridge Breakfast Bar!    You can guess who is always FIRST IN LINE right?



Neither are THESE two!

Neither are THESE two!

This guy can be as adorable as he wants but it won't get him to the head of the bacon line!

This guy can be as adorable as he wants but it won’t get him to the head of the bacon line!


It's ME!   Angel Sammy!

It’s ME! Angel Sammy!

It’s kind of understood up here that because I was the King of Baconia in my life, I have a few privileges up here and being first in line is one of them.   Another one is free dry cleaning at the wing-cleaners and that’s why I don’t have mine on in this photo.   I have to pick them up on my way home after breakfast – they should be looking MIGHTY FINE now all cleaned up!    You see, there’s flowers everywhere and blooming trees and lots of long grass so we have stuff flying in the breeze all the time and it can get stuck in our wings.   So the wing-cleaners take care of that for us.   They do a good job too!

A reminder for everyone back home – SANTA PAWS IS COMING TO TOWN…………better check and make sure you’re ready.   You know he does a “fly by” here just because he has connections with us Rainbow Bridge Angels – but he doesn’t have to deliver presents to us because we get whatever we want and need ANYWAY, so he just flies over to wave and bring us Christmas cheer!



Everyone loves to see Santa!


This is my Mom a bazillion years ago as a little girl seeing him for the first time (I wonder if she’s thinking “why is his beard falling off?” or maybe “what the heck is that thing on his nose?”).    She was maybe two or maybe one who knows.  I think SHE was impressed though – until she noticed what Santa was going to give her as a prize for visiting him anyway – a straw with a balloon on it????   WHAT??????

So I’ll see you all here tomorrow right?   Eating bacon with the guy who introduced many of you to the wonderfulness of bacon…………… need to thank me – it was my pleasure to do that!   See you tomorrow for Sunday Selfies at The Cat on My Head!




Hugs, Angel Sammy

80 responses »

  1. I’m glad there is bacon… and I bet there are no scales on that side of the bridge… everybuddy can eat as much as pawsible… Today we saw the supermarket-santa in his sled as we bought some stuff… my tears popped up.. … but Mark said it’s anyway just an employee from leclerc and he never saw a Santa with rotten sneakers and baggy jeans . A woman next to us looked disappointed , because she just told the kid on her side that this is the real Santa…. we bot laughed at her angry face, I hope mark was right, otherwise the real santa found two candidates for the piece of coal :o)


    • HAHAHAHAHA…..It’s true I think that Santa does NOT wear sneakers OR baggy jeans! Mark was right! He can spot a fake when he sees it – I bet the kid really thought his Mom was nuts telling him it was REALLY Santa. We all know the real guy only comes Christmas and doesn’t hang out at a grocery store (unless he’s super hungry of course).

      Love and Hugs, Pam (and Angel Sam)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A.S.
    Good morning and well done on using your superior Cat scout king of bacon exploring techniques to seek and find B A C O N,
    That is an adorable photo of your mom w Santa! Just precious! A balloon on a straw as a prize is a great prize.
    We gave a fine layer of ice here in Raleigh today.
    Hugs Madi your bffff


    • Hi Madi!! No ice here BUTTTT the weather guy says “wintry mix” which COULD mean ice……at some point………or not………these weather peeps in this area are NUTS – they say it will be sunny/partly cloudy/rainy/snowy/icy MAYBE almost every day in the winter. SNEAKY HUH?????? That photo of Mom with Santa is a favorite – Mom gets it out at Christmas time and it’s part of our decoration……HAHAHA

      Love and STAY WARM!
      Angel Sammy


  3. I just knew that you would get unlimited bacon, Angel Sammy! I am glad that you have the privilege of being first at the bacon buffet. As the King of Baconia it is only right that you should do.


  4. Good morning, Sammy! Wow – sounds like a wonderful life there at the Bridge. All the bacon you want? How cool is that??
    Love, love, love the picture of your Mom and Santa. Motor Mommy says it’s easy to tell that it’s your mom. (You know my mom loves your mom, right?)
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! My Mom agrees that it looks like her – especially the nose….!! As for the Bridge – well, it’s really just perfect here which is what we were always told. Nice to know some things really ARE what they are supposed to be! Happy Caturday!

      Love, Angel Sam


  5. Sammy you were and are and always will be king in my heart. I love you. That picture of your mom with Santa is a gem!!! Mom loves pictures like that of moms and dads on the CB.


    • Awwwww……that’s sweet Katie. Thank you!!! My Mom doesn’t like photos of herself – or at least RARELY does – but that one she really does like. She says that it really does show the “magic” of Christmas and seeing Santa for a little kid. Which is truly MAGIC!

      Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy


  6. Dear King of Baconia,
    We’re so glad that you get unlimited Bacon at the Bridge AND that you get to be first in line!
    Visit your Mom and Dad often, they miss you a LOT. Come visit us anytime too. We miss you.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Oh I am visiting Mom and Dad as often as I can……and you too (wink)……as for bacon – I always wondered if bacon was as “heavenly” as I thought it was………AND IT IS!!!!! YAY!!!!

      Love, Angel Sam


  7. Good Morning, Sammy! Happy happy that it is bacon all the time at the Rainbow Bridge! All our kitties that are there loved bacon except for the Z Cat. That is an incredibly awesome picture of your Mom with Santa… ♥ Loves and hugs to you and your Mom and Dad!


    • Love and Hugs right back atcha! Your Angels are always in that line and Z Cat just sits there with a big smile on his face eating his sausage and biscuits. HAHAHA We think Mom’s Santa photo is a good Christmas decoration every year so it goes right on the mantle.

      Love and Big Hugs to you too!!
      Angel Sam and Mom!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mom and Dad have ICE on the roads so they’re staying home…….up here at the Bridge – well – I’m in a hammock between two beautiful green trees, in the sun daydreaming of Christmas “back home” !!!! Love, Angel Sam


    • Yeah, that toy Santa was holding was either a TEASE for photographic purposes that poor tiny Mom thought was for HER, OR a pretty poor toy as a souvenir of seeing Santa for the first time that Mom actually DID get (and probably dropped on the ground by accident somewhere). At any rate, it’s a tradition for Mom to drag that photo out every year and stick it on the mantle. Are you and your Mom ready for SANTA PAWS Cupcake???

      Love, Angel Sam


  8. Hi Sammy the Angel Bacon King! Wow…it sounds wonderful up there!! You totally deserve to be first in line. ❤️

    And oh….puppydoc just LOVES that photo of Mom and Santa! It brought a smile and a chuckle to her morning!

    Big huge hug for Angel Sammy…the king of Baconia!! (and one for Mom too)

    ❤️ ❤️


    • Hi Puppydoc! Thanks for the HUGS – Mom and I appreciate those! We just had to share that old (and I do mean OLD) photo of Mom with Santa. She either looks terrified or fascinated or both! HAHAHAHA

      Love and Angel Hugs,

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Angel Sam, king of bacon, wow, that’s a lot of impressive titles. Mom made bacon cheddar muffins this morning in honour of Bacon Caturday! Imagine, bacon and cheese mixed together. It smells like bacon in here.


    • Oh my – bacon and cheese are a GREAT combination……I’m so happy that so many of my friends have trained their humans to provide bacon delights on Saturday Bacon Days! This is PURRFECT!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  10. Hi Angel Sammy, is the bacon supurr crispy at the Bridge? Thank you for the totally wonderful Christmas card! Mom has sent yours but she can’t remember if she put extra postage on it…..MOM!!!!!

    Sweetest purrs

    Basil & Co xox


  11. Katurday iss bacon day fur us now…it iss our tradishun!!! Mee feels you rite beeside mee when mee nibbullss mee bacon peecess!
    An LadyMum said “Wing cleenerss?? You have Wing cleenerss??” Shee finkss that iss so grate! An so doess mee Angel Unccle Sammy!
    ****air kissesss**** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


  12. Hope you and all our Angels enjoyed their bacon – there is none in the fridge here. Mom says she needs to replenish for Christmas weekend when all the gang will be here. What about right now for us????

    We should get our Mom to scan some of her ancient Santa photos – she was quite the little flirt:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Oh you should show some of your Mom’s Santa photos!!!! It’s so fun to see “Christmas past” don’t you think? As for bacon – I do think that with company coming the BACON will be flowing!!!!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  13. What a cutie was your Mum! I like the idea of an all you can eat breakfast bar. I wonder if there is a vegan bar for pets of Seven Day Adventists? If so, it probably isnt well attended. ❤


    • Oh that’s the thing about the “magic” here at the Bridge! We have everything we want and “everything” includes all the vegan delights that exist for those who want them. So all Angels are treated equally and fairly. Being here is like it’s SUPPOSED to be back home…..and maybe one day it will be.

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  14. We loved your mom’s picture! The Human’s mother told her there were no pictures of her with Santa because apparently she ran screaming the first couple times she got taken, so her mom decided not to take her anymore, ha ha meow! We think prolly it was some decrepit Santa like this one with his straw that she didn’t like the looks of! We are very glad to hear you get plenty of bacon and are also happy Santa drops by. You know what he’s bringing you right? All the love and pets and kissies and mancatly hugs from your Mom & Dad and all your furiends still here on Earth. That’s a really really nice star, Sammy–kinda like an electric connection between you and your Mom & Dad. XOXOXOXO


    • Hi Spitty! We’ve heard from a lot of peeps that their humans’ first encounter with the Jolly Guy In Red was far from jolly and in fact it was rather traumatic – My Mom was either scared to death or incredibly curious or maybe spellbound in that photo. Still, Mom only breaks it out at Christmas since it’s “appropo” to the occasion! Yes, the Rainbow Bridge is quite a place. I love your vision of what I’ll get for Christmas this year – sometimes even surrounded by friends past and present I get lonely for Mom and Dad’s hugs and touch…..I can visit them but not “for real”……but then again, one day ALL of us will be together again so that makes it ALRIGHT! I hope you and your human have a REALLY special Christmas Spitty – thank you so much for being my friend before the Bridge and still now……and always…..

      Love, Angel Sammy


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