Teaser Tell All Time!


Who Wins What ??



Ah yes……….the question we always ask on a Wednesday after a Tuesday Teaser………”WHO WHO WON???”   I’m here to tell you all of that dear friends and fans of the TEASE.    First of all we had a two-way tie for FIRST COMMENTER……………..two of you were fast with your trigger fingers (or paws) and managed to record a comment within the first 60 seconds after we went LIVE with the Teaser.    WHO?

Miss Pix and Calvin and Oliver!

This is for you – you each get one of these little beauties!


Give them a hand everyone……………



Now I want to tell you who submitted the wonderful photo that we used for yesterday’s Teaser AND give her a special award for being our Guest.    Who sent in the photo?   Miss Csilla (Kolytyi) and it’s a real BEAUTY isn’t it?   I thought we had everyone on that one but alas we didn’t……..and in a minute I’ll tell you WHERE the photo was taken by Miss Csilla’s Cousin AND who got it RIGHT.   First, let’s award Miss Csilla the GUEST TEASER badge:

THANKS Miss Csilla for the Teaser photo of 12/6/2016

THANKS Miss Csilla for the Teaser photo of 12/6/2016

Here’s the photo one more time!!

teaserdec6-2016This my friends is a photo taken by Miss Csilla’s Cousin in the beautiful town of Tallinn, Estonia and this particular area is known as “Sweater Alley” – as you can see there are a lot of sweaters for sale and our TEASER WINNER says that they were all BIG BARGAINS but she didn’t buy one !!!!!    Oh well – next trip right?


FLYNN and his MUM Miss Jackie from TWODEVONCATS!



Did anyone else guess right?   HMMM???   If you did, you get this:


But if you didn’t and you guessed INCORRECTLY………….you get the ever wonderful, totally popular, much sought after (alright maybe not much sought after but you know what I mean) GREENIE BADGE!


Yay!  Another Teaser done and dusted!  

Tomorrow is Thoroughly Poetic Thursday –

the Letter Z (eeeeek!)

Until next week, Your Angel Prof says:

Thanks for being Teaser fans!

Pee Ess     Just a quick note from my Mom (yes occasionally I allow her to post something here).    Dear Friends of Sam………..we have been really BAD about thanking all of you who sent flowers or cards or messages to us on the passing of Sammy.    Obviously I’m continuing to “help” him do his blog and keep up with Cat Scouts but we have just been so overwhelmed with the loss that I have had a hard time keeping up with all of your kind tributes to him.   Each poem, photo, recollection, message of comfort has touched both me and my husband and I want you to know that we appreciate it.   TRULY appreciate it.   Our boy Sam sure had a lot of friends – some of whom we had never talked to before but who loyally followed his antics on the internet.   Just amazing truly.    So, please forgive me – I will do a tribute post for him and include a lot of what you’ve sent but it’s just not TIME for me to face that yet…….I promise I will though…….honest!

Love, Angel Sam’s Mom Pam



69 responses »

  1. Last name Green..i am proud to get green lol…congrats to Miss Pix and Calvin and Oliver and Congrats to The Devon Cats..and a lovely picture from Miss Csilla..
    Way to go Angel Sammy 🙂
    Tell Mum we ALL think she needs to just be kind to herself..i found it very hard to thank so many people as i was a mess…people do not need the thanks as they know…they really know..Loves Fozziemum xx


    • Oh I really do know that they know since many have been through this over and again, but while my heart feels empty sometimes these last days it can also feel quite full – with gratitude for such wonderful friends in blogville, AND the memories. The kindness means so much.

      ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • It helped me too Pam..in ways only those of us who have lost can know…it is a horrid emptiness…like walking through somebody elses life..but we all send each other love and support and the smiles eventually come back..much love Bev xxx


        • Thanks Bev…….your beautiful flowers and gingerbread man are so very special………you truly DO know what this emptiness is like – and I think maybe having only one “kid” in the house made his parting seem so much more HUGE for us with nobody to take care of except each other. We’re finding our way slowly but friends help SO MUCH!

          Love and Hugs, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

          • Pam i can only imagine with just one furkid…we found even us bumping around not really with a compass and still had a menagerie! I am glad that a small gesture from us has helped maybe a little…HUGE is indeed how much loss you have had..i hope each day brings you a tiny bit closer to feeling settled..as we found we had a new normal…a long road but travelled with friends..Love and hugs always Bev xx


          • You’re so right – we are looking for our new normal and are zeroing in on it I think……I am sure that Sam’s departure as the only baby in the family made it way more tough than we ever imagined but we remind ourselves that he was SOOO ready to go even if WE weren’t ready to wave goodbye. Thanks again for your wise words and friendship – where would ANY of us be without our friends?!

            Love, Pam


    • Kind of a long name for an award…..”Didn’t get butt organized on a Tuesday to guess”…….but I like it – it has a certain RING to it! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love you! Thanks for the giggle.
      Hugs, Pam and Angel Sam


  2. Prof Angel Sammy you have some very quick fingered, smart and good photographer friends. The Only adjective describing mom yesterday was Friend. MOL MOL MOL Hugs MADI

    Dear Pam…..DO NOT worry about us we will be here when you are ready. We send you and David so much love and many hugs. 17 years of living with precious Sammy is a long time. We know you miss him terribly. You have been a true and devoted friend to all of us FOR years. Take care of yourselves!!!! When the time is right the words will flow…
    Love and hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats to Flynn, he is a smart kitty. And congrats to all the 1st guessers. And to your Mom, I am sure everyone understands you are grieving and people don’t expect immediate responses. I think it is nice that Sammy had so many friends. XO


    • I never really realized just how many people “knew” Sam until he was gone…….we know a lot of his friends of course but there were many who followed his adventures without ever commenting who DID comment when he left for the Bridge……..literally hundreds. So amazing. Who knew one ginger boy could be SO LOVED (of course WE knew but you know what I mean!!!!!). Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words. AND we agree that Flynn and his Mum are EXCELLENT Teaser Guessers!

      Love, Pam


    • HA!!! OR…….a sweater could be a person in an automobile with bad A/C……”sweater”……..get it? HAHAHA…..well, maybe my sense of humor hasn’t caught up to me here at the Bridge yet……I tried anyway!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Angel Sam


  4. Woo Hoo Flynn an Lady Jackie!! Yur so-o clevurr……..
    Amgel Unccle Sammy pleeze toss a ‘Greenie’ down here ok?? Fankss, mew mew mew….
    An Lady Pam you take ALL thee time you need also. You an yur hubby are goin thru sumfin BIG an wee all understand you need sum time to purrocess fingss. And wee know you appurceatess all our Luv an support. That iss what wee do inn Bloggie werld! 😉
    ***paw patssss*** yur neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx an {{hugs}} LadyMum


  5. This is a place Tom and I really want to visit. Tom has a friend who lives there. But, today we get Zee Greenie again. MOL! I want Astrid to do the Zee Poem…but don’t know how to balance with a thank you from Fiona. I’m now thinking of moving that to Saturday. Pam, it is so hard to do these thank yous and acknowledgements with the pain so fresh. If anyone understands, I do. Sending lots of love to you and David and blowing kisses toward heaven for Sammy and Fiona. XOXOXO, Janet and the kitties


    • I agree….it’s a beautiful city – every photo I’ve seen makes it clear that it’s got amazing architecture and beautiful streets……a lovely city. Thanks for pawticipting in the “Z” day for poetry – next week we start all over so “A” is an easier one but you did a GREAT job with “Z”! I know that you know precisely what we’re going through here with the loss of Sam…….you and Tom mourn Fiona and life seems to go on around us even though that just seems to pass us by. We’ll catch up I’m sure though Janet……………..sending all of you hugs.

      Love, Mom Pam


  6. As usual, I’m gonna have to start liking the color green because that’s probably all I’ll ever earn here. Oh well. Congrats to the winners and thanks for keeping up the teasers even though you’re doing it from the Bridge. We 💗 and miss you in the furs!


  7. First to Mom Pam…..take all the time you need. Grief is a PROCESS and it has to go through it’s own steps. Your boy was so precious to you and to all and we’ll all be here for you.

    Next to OUR MOM! MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM You have BEEN there! How could you not let us at LEAST get right guesser (especially since YOU made us be really late!) :::::::::GLARES AT MOM::::::::::::

    The Florida Furkids


    • Somehow it’s even WORSE not to get a badge when your family member has BEEN to the Teaser location! I think you should definitely yell at your Mom for that one! Thanks for the encouraging words for my Mom too……she is working hard to get her mojo back. ❤

      Love, Angel Sammy


  8. Estonia? I couldn’t even find that on a map, LOL Shame on me. You know what my very first thought was? Mongolia because of the fortress like facade of that ancient building, all the red and the bits of snow…..they both end in ‘ia’…..ha! going to look at a world map now. I always learn something here Pammy xoxox hugs Boomdee ❤


    • Funny how it sounds like some fairytale country isn’t it? Well, it looks like one too – beautiful buildings and little streets – probably a fabulous spot to visit. Thanks for coming to play the Teaser – Sammy intends to keep the blog going from the Bridge….bless his angelic heart.

      Love you,

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yeah!! I never thought I would say it, but my mum and dad keep going off on their travels does have it’s benefits. Concats to Miss Pix and Calvin and Oliver.
    My mum asked me to tell your mum to take things easy. We all know what she and your dad are going through and she has to do things as and when she is ready. It took my mum nearly a month before she could do Eric’s tribute. It would have been longer but she wanted to get it published for our birthday.
    Love you Sammy!


    • Thanks to your Mom from my Mom Flynn…..she indeed understands…..and my Mom sure is having a tough time with no kitties to look after but I have told her that I will help her and Dad find some other kitties who need love and hugs like they gave me – – – when they are ready. Concats on winning the TEASER again too!!!

      Love, Angel Sam


  10. Hehehe, Concats on the two way tie!!!! Big Concats to Flynn and his Mom! Estonia is sure pretty 🙂 Pam, take your time, we all understand what a HUGE loss you have to deal with.
    Marty and the Gang


    • Thanks guys…….Mom says THANKS SO MUCH……….as for the Teaser – we agree that Estonia is a picturesque town…..maybe one day I’ll fly down and take a personal peek!

      Love, Angel Sammy


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