Tuesday Teaser


Hello Class! 

Ready for THE BIG TEST today?   I hope so.   I think I’ve got a DOOZY for you.


Please remember that whoever is the FIRST PERSON to comment on this blog (yep – this very one you’re reading now!) will be winning a badge we call the FIRST COMMENTER badge…….sometimes it’s one person sometimes it’s a four-way tie….if a tie, each of you gets a badge!    So make sure and comment – – –


As you know, I am now residing at the Rainbow Bridge……as of last Friday morning in fact.   I’m still not allowed to show you any photos from here but trust me – it’s swell.   I am also working on redesigning the badges again – but that will take some time.  I’m pretty busy up here.   So for now, we’ll use the “old” new ones.     HAHAHA

SuzieQ is upset because Dr. Strangelove no longer needs to give health updates for me here in class and you know she had a TERRIBLE crush on him.   For all I know they’re dating outside of the Teaser forum but if they are, that’s HIS problem not mine (just kidding).    Anyway, let’s bring the little lady in so she can get everyone READY to guess shall we?????

The Prof has gone to the Bridge Now I have the key to the class Refrig! Do you want a soda or treat? Now I can control what you EAT! Me and the Doc said goodbye For about ten seconds did I cry There's plenty of fish in the sea And they all are in LUV with me! The Doc was pretty darn OLD I kissed him and got a BAD COLD So I'm now looking for love I'm flying free as a dove If you're young and cute And dress up swell in a suit I'll give thanks to the Prof up above!!

The Prof has gone to the Bridge
Now I have the key to the class Refrig!
Do you want a soda or treat?
Now I can control what you EAT!
Me and the Doc said goodbye
For about ten seconds did I cry
There’s plenty of fish in the sea
And they all are in LUV with me!
The Doc was pretty darn OLD
I kissed him and got a BAD COLD
So I’m now looking for love
I’m flying free as a dove
If you’re young and cute
And dress up swell in a suit
I’ll give thanks to the Prof up above!!

OK Suzie……..at least you didn’t use any “questionable” words in this one…….as for your dating situation, somehow I think that hardly inspires our class to guess on the Teaser which one MIGHT expect the Teaser Cheerleader to do but if we can help you with your love life.   SWELL………….

Now, let’s get Mr. Silver Briefcase in with the photo – I know you’re just DYING to see it and make your guess FIRST right?

Here I am Professor.....I've guarded the top secret photo and now it's time to post it for your students!

Here I am Professor…..I’ve guarded the top secret photo and now it’s time to post it for your students!


Remember you must give me town/city/village and state if in the US or country if not………..OK?   You have to give both or you won’t be a WEEEEEEENER!   hahaha

hotdogNot that kind of wiener!!!    Anyway, just make sure you give a complete guess.

Here are the prizes you can win……………………If you comment first:


OR if you guess RIGHT first:


OR if you guess RIGHT but aren’t first:


OR if you are WRONG AS CAN BE – you still win this:


SO get going gang – let’s hear those answers popping into the blog comments – – – I’m ready – – – now that I’m living at the Rainbow Bridge, I’ve got lots of time to concentrate on YOU!


OK Mom – Very funny – yes I am wearing wings in this picture but not my ANGEL WINGS!


That’s more like it!

The Angel Prof

Tune in tomorrow for the Teaser Tell All and see who wins what!

127 responses »

    • Hello Miss Sharon!!!!! Hope everything is good down under – it’s good UP HIGH at the Bridge too (wink wink)…..thanks for coming by this morning – only four minutes behind the FIRSTIES too!

      Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. We need a traffic director…MOL MOL cyber roads were jammed today. At First safari told me page was not available…MOL MOL too many wild things jumping on the roads
    Hugs madi

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think when there’s a lot of peeps peeking in at the same time, you get that message that it’s not available..maybe? Who knows! Cyberspace (even from the Bridge) is confusing!

      Love, Angel Sam


          • I think it’s OK to “comfort food” ourselves to bits after this year…….besides, now that the wedding is over you don’t have to wedge yourself into a special dress – you can let it all hang out! HAHAHA

            Love and Hugs, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oh Pam it is indeed the year of comfort eating..but i am doing well on my diet..think Doc and i are almost on a par with the weird food extravaganza! 😀
            Loves and hugs and a piece of pie..oh..pie..now at nearly midnight i feel like an apple and rhubarb pie.. Bev xx


          • Pam…nooooooo i am sooo hankering for such greasy delights! Go for it my friend…like me you can worry about the diet later…nobody ever found comfort in a celery stick and a small wodge of hummus ! Love Fattymum xxx


          • Indeed….the more calories and the messier it is, the better! Last night we had super greasy and crunchy fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken and it was HEAVENLY. Celery sticks are for WABBITS (hahaha).

            Love, ChubbyPam


  2. Ok back now to read the post….I jumped in w/o reading first. WTG Suzie Q..be careful who you smooch this time of year.. It is a germy time.😤😷
    I am feeling kinda needy today…I WANT A WEINNER….w bacon.
    Ok now that photo looks like a quaint shopping alley in Europe…that is all I got.
    Hugs a starving lady kitty madi

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well hellooooooo Angel Sammy! I cannot tell where in this earth that is because i am giggling madly at the blocked out tell tale signs..almost like some police image to protect the innocent lol…plus i am on my mobile phone with a small screen versus cruddy eye situation..but what the hey..Turkey! The place..not the food 🙂 great to see you my friend…Loves Fozziemum xxc

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh I like the sound of “The Golden Lane”…….and it COULD be Prague but is it? As for Maine, USA – it’s a beautiful state but I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of architecture there – on the other hand who knows?!?!?! Don’t you just love when I DO NOT give you hints? HAHAHAHA Tune in tomorrow and see how you did!

      Angel Hugs, Sam


  4. Good morning Angel Sammy! You fooled me time wise saying there was a big time difference at the Bridge. What I really mean is that my mum wasn’t on the ball, as usual. We think it could be one of the Canary Islands she has visited, but you know what I am going to say next….off to check her photos.


    • As usual Suzie talks about everything but the Teaser with her cheers….HAHAHAHAHA. I like my wings too – did you know that here at the Bridge we have a “wardrobe” of wings? Yep – all kinds and colors.

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  5. Mee-you wee are here befur 10:30 A Em!! A meeracull Unccle!
    LadyMum sayss Teezer foto iss outdoor market inn Istanbul, Turkey or sumwhere inn Austria…..shee can not quite figure it out….
    Mew mew mew grate Teezer Angel-Unccle Sammy!!
    **paw patsss** neffkity Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  6. That looks like the North Pole Correctional Facility For Misguided And Mischievous Elves, located at….. well, where else? The North Pole! I hear these are the elves whose labor goes into all of those toys The Big Man delivers on Christmas Eve. I guess it’s better than making license plates…


    • It is indeed better than making license plates but just barely……and those elves get all the beer they can drink while they’re making toys and that’s why toys aren’t QUITE what they used to be.

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  7. Well, it looks like some place I might want to go shopping, but other than that I’ve got nothing!
    Hmmm….we wonder…..is Suzie going to get out of control without her professor there to calm her down?


    • My Mom said the same thing – she’d like to be doing some Christmas shopping there………Suzie is going to be calm because Professor Angel Sam is gonna keep CLOSE TABS on her!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  8. Hi Angel Sammy!! Mum was out and I couldn’t turn the puter on!! Darn, I could do with one of your thumbs, buddy!! We have no idea, but will say Yurrop and think Flynn will probably have it right as his pawrents have been everywhere!! So will go to Norway because of the sweaters for sale and downtown Oslo!! Best I can do!! So glad you are able to do the teaser from the Bridge, buddy! xoxox


    • Hi Austin my buddy and pal………I agree that Flynn and his Mum as world travelers are often right on the Teaser but not ALWAYS……I guess tomorrow will “tell the tale” right? Yurrop is a good guess though…… Yes, I kinda borrowed Mom’s laptop when I departed for the Bridge and the Wi-Fi is GREAT up here!

      Love and Big Hugs, Angel Sammy


    • Excellent guess! AND FYI, sometimes I pull a REAL surprise and schedule a post for LATE morning which would be your EARLY morning so anything goes!!!!!! Tune in tomorrow to see where the photo was snapped!

      Love, Angel Sam


  9. Good Morning Sammy and Mom!!!
    Mes arrived! And to proves it mes here!
    Ra! Ra! Sis! Boom! Baa!!!
    Suzie, if yous needs some comportment lessons to goes with your lovely suit, mes could arrange some hellish ones!
    And where in the world is the picture from….?
    Mes does not has a clue. My dream is to gets at least one right a year…
    Mes shall goes and looks…
    Many Kisses


  10. Miss you sweet one and glad to see you are doing well since you left. I am so happy you will continue with your blog. Don’t know what I would do it I did not have you around. I am going to say this is in Italy. I know I am wrong but oh well.


    • It might be Italy – Mom isn’t telling me a THING though (as usual) – so stop by tomorrow. I am fine now and feeling frisky and healthy – The Bridge is a wonderful place.

      Love, Angel Sam


  11. Angel Sammy, I’m completely hopeless. I was sure I would eventually know one. You always stump me. The best I can come up with is : maybe somewhere in Germany?? Hermes



    • Hi Hermie! Germany is a good guess and bunches of people have guessed it today but is it right? Well we’ll find out tomorrow on the Tell All so tune in!!!! Most of all KEEP TRYING!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  12. Hi Angel Sammy,

    Wings for all occasions…and bacon whenever you want! You are in paradise my friend. As for the teaser….it’s definitely not New Orleans. Hmmm…I will say Prague in the Czech Republic. C’mom Susie Q, give me a shush boom bang!!



    • Yes it’s mighty nice at the Bridge Shoko so none of us should ever be afraid of things when our time comes! Nope not New Orleans OR Key West this time! Prague? Maybe….tune in tomorrow!

      Love, Angel Sam


  13. sammy….dood…..heerz what we noe sew far…..itz winter, itz knot trout towne tho itz all most winter in TT, de miss tree con tin ewez…..BUT ……we IZ reddy for Z on thurzday 🙂 ♥♥♥ we iz guessin spain, madrid N thanx for de hot dawg ! ♥♥♥


    • I rescued your comment from SPAM – can you believe it? HOW RUDE WERD PREZZZZZ is sometimes! Spain is a good guess on the Teaser today – let’s check out how you did tomorrow – whatcha say doods????

      Love you all, Angel S.


  14. Sammy, can you believe how late we are getting here! Shame on us. Hand over our Greenie. We have no idea, but it appears as if Flynn nailed it. Sending lots of love and hugs to you, Mom Pam and Dad David. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • YEP -Flynn and Mom Jackie nailed it alright – they’ve been down this very street in fact!!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy
      p.s. I love seeing Angel Fiona on your signature line…..she sends her love. 🙂


    • HAHAHAHA……I know – I love Teasers and if they aren’t just a big HARD, it’s not quite as much fun right? Prague is a good guess – Mom and Dad say that it could very well have been taken there but it wasn’t….tee hee…in fact we had a Teaser in this SAME CITY this past year! Stop by and see!

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • That’s a good guess…….my Mom says it DOES look like a little street in Budapest as she and my Dad have been there at the tail end of a cruise down the Danube. BUT if you tune in today at the Tell All you’ll find out where it ACTUALLY is!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  15. Wow, I’m so glad to see your teaser here today! Okay, I’m clueless as always, but I’ll guess somewhere in Switzerland just for giggles. BOL/MOL


    • Hi Sarge! It could have been Switzerland – all that snow and all those warm sweaters for sale……but guess what – it isn’t! It’s ESTONIA! Yep – would I kid you????

      Love, Angel Sammy


  16. Sammy’s never from the action 😀 that’s so awesome Pam xox I’m guessing Bruge, Belgium because I have a photo from a tower just like that……then again, they all look the same LOL xo K


    • Hi Kelly…..thank you for coming to have some fun with Angel Sam on a Tuesday…..we just HAD to carry on…..Sammy had too much fun while here on earth to just STOP so we’re going to keep going. Bruge is a good guess but if you tune in today you’ll see where it REALLY was taken – and in fact we had a Teaser in this same town this past year!! Sneaky aren’t we?

      Love, Mom Pam

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