Bacon Time



It’s That Time Again!

Time to wake up the King of Baconia and feed him his bacon – kind of like Popeye needs his spinach – the King needs his bacon!



Yep - this is my policy for sure!!

Yep – this is my policy for sure!!

We do have bacon on other occasions around here – maybe once or twice a week in addition to Saturdays but on Saturday it seems the bacon is a bit more PLENTIFUL than other days.   Now there’s one thing I must confess – – – this may come as a shock – – – brace yourselves – – – when I have bacon, I get a piece about one inch square………then, if I finish that Mom will give me another but I have NEVER had more than that!   Are you disappointed to learn that the KING only has that little bit?  I bet you thought I ate the entire package right?   Nope……my parents aren’t shy about eating two or three pieces but me?   I MODERATE MY INTAKE!    I have to look out for my figure after all.



Well my parents say that anyway!

People will say that bacon isn’t GOOD for you………….I say if you like it, it’s good for you……….so there…….no wonder I am so well-loved by the residents of the country of Baconia right?  I’m ALL FOR BACON and plenty of it.




I say it every week…….”It’s Good To Be King” !


50 responses »

  1. who said bacon isn’t good? bacon can prevent heart-attacks and it is like a powerful push for our brains… the boys of a baconnery found that out and they are absolutely unbiased… I’m sure :o) Happy Bacon caturday!


  2. Good morning, Sammy,
    I’m thinking of bacon time for me for tomorrow. Quite frequently I indulge myselft with a good cooked breakfast on Sundays: bacon, eggs, and hash browns.
    Enjoy your weekend, and of course, your bacon this morning,


  3. Happy Bacon Day cousin!! I had my first bacon this morning – can you believe that?! No, not *that* kind of bacon. Mom fixed TURKEY bacon. OMP – where has this stuff been all my life? Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


    • That treat idea is brilliant. I’d buy a few crates of that stuff if I could. I’ve always wondered about “hotcakes” vs. “pancakes”…….what the heck? Must be some kinda regional thing…..Mom will have to google that one!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. We were sorry to see you didin’t use your new meme, but maybe you are saving it for something special. Wow, we had no idea that you possibly get bacon more than once a week. Our humans don’t even have it once a week. We think they are deprived! We love you Sammy. Mau is looking forward to seeing you at Scouts tomorrow as a turkey. He likes this theme! MOL. Sending love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I couldn’t find my new meme! I looked EVERYWHERE………either it didn’t download when we thought it did or Mom named it some weird thing and now can’t find it in her photo files – would you PURRRRLEASE send it again? I looked forward to using it ALL WEEK and then when we did my post we couldn’t find it. I was MAD…….VERY.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  5. No disappointment here Sammy… I’m queen of Honey Baked H A M….I only get a sliver but in my mind I had the entire 7 lb hunk bone and all
    Hugs madi your bfff


  6. There iss nuffin quite as luvley as thee smell of bacon iss there Unccle Sammy? An on Katurday it makess it even more speshell mee finkss!!!
    An it iss good yur King!!! Pawsum inn fact…..
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry of Baconia xxxx


  7. Sammy, when you get to our age, the word moderation doesn’t exist. My mum doesn’t cook bacon often, but when she does she gives me as many bite size pieces as I want. Sometimes I have as much as half a rasher, and English back bacon rashers are BIG!


    • Oh I know – English bacon is gorgeous – my Mom and Dad told me they VERY MUCH remember it when they were last there! Our bacon is skinny but still tasty…..We’re having it again this morning so I’ll be patiently waiting at Mom’s feet for my share!

      Love and Happy SUnday


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