Fun Friday Fill-Ins!


YAY!  Here we go again with “Filling In”


This is a fun blog hop sponsored jointly by Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Ellen of 15andMeowing and every week we have fun deciding if Mom, me, or both of us will FILL IN the sentences that our hosts provide us with!

Mom is taking care of filling in today – I hope she does a good job…………you never know for sure with humans!    Here are this week’s sentences to complete and Mom’s responses are in BLUE!

1. The last movie I saw at the theater was one of the James Bond movies – we NEVER go to the movies as you can tell because the James Bond movie was one of the FIRST ONES!!!!.
2. The title of my autobiography would be borrowed from a Frank Sinatra song title – it would be called “I Did It My Way” because I HAVE!

3. I would love to learn how to crochet but there’s no hope for me -I tried knitting years ago and made a 20 foot scarf because I didn’t know but one stitch…haha .
4. I am glad that I learned that life is too short to sweat the small stuff, because believing that, the BIG stuff I’ve had to face has been easier to get through.

Now that was fun!   I look forward to this every week don’t you?   Visit one of the host blogs and join up if you want to OR just hop around and see what you can find out about some of your blogging buddies who are pawticipating……….it’s interesting to be sure.
Our fabulous group of cleaners is back today – the ones we had last week………..but we did HEAR from the Broomhildas!   They are in California cleaning celebrity homes now – they got so famous they can pick and choose who they want to work for…….just think – Mom and I LAUNCHED the Broomhildas into fame.   Too bad we didn’t become their agents and sign them up for a cut of the action huh?     DARN!
Well we’re happy for them………..and our other cleaners are good but not interested in “going pro”……………they like us “little guys” and do a mighty fine job………..!   I actually do a few little things to help them out – Mom and Dad take care of the yard and I’m snoopervising inside AND helping a bit.


I'm ready!

I’m ready!

I'm good at replacing toilet paper in our bathrooms!  Well.....sort of!

I’m good at replacing toilet paper in our bathrooms! Well…..sort of!

Have a super Friday and great weekend……………I’ll be serving up bacon tomorrow if you’re in the neighborhood of my castle here in BACONIA!     Til we meet again!

Filling In Hugs,  Sammy



43 responses »

  1. Love these fill-ins! Mom did the same thing when she tried knitting. She kept buying new yarn and knitting it onto the same “long thing” which she kept in a shopping bag. The problem was she didn’t know how to get it off the needle!

    Love and licks,


  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed your answers. I think that is a wonderful title , now get writing. I would love to read your autobiography. I am sure you could learn to crochet, it is easier than knitting and if I can do it, I am sure you can. Those Broomhildas could at least train a new crew for you 🙂 I love that cartoon at the end. 🙂 Have a great weekend! XO


    • I actually think my autobiography might be marginally interesting….I can’t say that I’ve had a BORING LIFE (at least not back in “the day”) but in other ways I’m just another drop of water in the pool! HAHAHA

      Happy Weekend! We love the fill-ins!

      Pam and Sam


  3. I love the idea of knitting and also gave it a whirl but I had i hard time getting started on the needles and then could only do long scarves too. My Mom taught me a long time ago. I do find it relaxing. I should get CH’s aunt to get me started again. Enjoyed your fill-in and love this cleaning crew!


    • Funny how many people made those extra long scarves……..hahahaha…….Mom says sometimes that she thinks maybe this time in her life she’d be able to “get into” crochet or knitting more than she used to. She did like embroidery back in the 60s/70s but these days maybe those little stitches would be tough on the old eyeballs!

      Love, Sammy


  4. I’d imagine cleaning celebrity homes is not quite all its cracked up to be. I mean, would you want to be the person cleaning up after Miley Cyrus or Charlie Sheen? There aren’t enough rubber gloves in the world…


  5. Your answers get an A+, Mom Pam. #2 and #4, our Mom could have given those answers. Mom could never figure out crocheting even when friends tried to teach here. But she’s a good knitter when her hands are not acting up. One year she made four afghans for Christmas gifts. We love your cleaning supervisor, Sammy. She’s not much bigger than a dust bunny. be careful that she doesn’t get swept up. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Good for your Mom being able to knit! My Mom says knitting seemed more simple to her than crocheting but other people say the opposite…..I say my Mom should FORGET ABOUT IT AND CONCENTRATE ON ME! Four afghans is a LOT to do – we have three that Mom’s sister-in-law made… of which had belonged to my Mom’s Dad before he died so it’s SPECIAL. We’ll be careful around the cleaning crew – they aren’t as big as that bulldog bunch for sure!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • YEP- that’s my Mom too……although how cool it would be to know how to do it and make presents for people (and sweaters for me…hahaha)………Mom said she might try it again……….MIGHT!

      Hugs, Sam


    • OH boy! Socks are GREAT! My Mom sure couldn’t handle knitting a sock – winter will be here soon and REAL socks would be grand to get as a Christmas present! Your Mom is talented if she can do that!

      Love, Sam


  6. I came back to check my comment because it didn’t show earlier, and it has still not appeared. My mum says she never goes to the movies either. Apart from when they went to the Imax cinema in Vancouver, the last film she saw was The Towering Inferno!
    Those Broomhildas are doing well for themselves.


  7. Dad is a real movie buff and makes .mom go almost every Saturday. She uses it for nap time:)

    Mom say s she has tried and tried to be a knitter but just can’t quite get it right. But she loves to crochet. Time to think about a winter project.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  8. Thanks goodness someone else failed at needle crafts. Now I no longer have to feel bad about crocheting 187,000 chain stitches and then not knowing what to do after that! and rolling everything into a gigantic ball to give to the dog to figure out. 😉


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