Pre-Tease Monday!


Good Morning Students!

(Good Morning Professor Sammy)


I hope you all had a good and restful weekend because we’re starting off this week getting you prepped for tomorrow’s Teaser!

Our Teaser tomorrow is a GUEST TEASER…………….yep – and that’s about all I’ll say on the matter……..just make sure you study tonight and you’re ready to make your best guess tomorrow at WHERE the photo you will see was taken OK?   OK!

SuzieQ, our fabulous Teaser Cheerleader, is working on her Cheer – been practicing all afternoon in fact………………so she’ll be ready to pump your spirits up too.



Remember dear students that WHOEVER arrives at the blog tomorrow when it comes live FIRST, will get the fabulous and much sought after FIRST COMMENTER badge!  All you have to do is COMMENT and you’re a winner!  WOW!


Last week you may remember, we had FOUR of you comment at the same time so we had a QUADRUPLE award.   Wonder if we’ll have FIVE of you arrive in the same minute tomorrow and comment???   Wouldn’t that be something?


SO, get a good night of rest and I’ll see you at a SURPRISE time tomorrow morning – could be ANY TIME AT ALL…………………..I like to keep you on your toes (or paws as the case may be).

See you tomorrow class....

See you tomorrow class….

Ciao!   Professor Sam

36 responses »

    • Ya Think?????? You never know – but then even if it WAS Maine, you’d still have to know WHERE in Maine right? HAHAHAHA Study your geography dear boy – I can tell you this – it’s NOT the North Pole although I wish I was there now keeping cool!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Mom had a bit of a panic about an hour ago when she thought it was Tuesday, and she had forgotten. Now that she knows it is Monday, we suspect she won’t have a clue tomorrow that it is Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing what SuzieQ has to offer. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. We are hoping for a quiet week this week – knock wood – and we’re feeling pretty caught up on things, so if all goes as planned we should be here first thing for the teaser tomorrow morning!

    Liked by 1 person

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