Pre-Tease Monday!


Attention Geography Class!


Well students of geography, tomorrow is YOUR day………yep – tomorrow you get to see a photo taken SOMEWHERE on this blue Earth of ours and guess WHERE it was taken.   What city/town/state/country and if you know more about it, you can impress us with details too!

Point is, tomorrow you’d better be SHARP AS A TACK………..I have a GUEST TEASER for you………….you know what that means – maybe tough so clean eyeglasses, computer screens – well I don’t need to repeat the whole thing – just be READY.

The first person to COMMENT on tomorrow’s blog post whenever it pops up (remember it will be a secret time only known to ME!!!!), will win a little something in the form of a “bragging badge” and then everyone ELSE will also win a badge depending on how you do!    Here’s a little refresher of what’s on offer to those of you who are TEASER-FANS!

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You know you’d just LOVE to have one of these to put on your blog or your facebook or WHATEVER page right???  RIGHT??????   OK – then be on the alert for my blog post to make its’ way through cyberspace to your computer tomorrow morning…………….GOT IT?

Remember too that our dear, adorable, somewhat unpredictable SuzieQ, the official TEASER CHEERLEADER will be here to cheer you on tomorrow as well.   What’s Tuesday without Suzie!!

Get lotsa rest tonight……….no staying out partying – get to bed early so your brain will be alert and ready to GUESS.

Don't hold your breath until the Teaser is posted - you might turn BLUE!

Don’t hold your breath until the Teaser is posted – you might turn BLUE!

See You Tomorrow! 

Professor Sam

I'll be here tomorrow......will you?

I’ll be here tomorrow……will you?


46 responses »

  1. I am already here waiting the photo, I am sure that this time the right answer is Finland, or some other place. I can’t sleep, because I know that when we have night time, you have the opposite, too much for my head. I just wait here…
    a cat in faraway Finland.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What’s wrong with blue? We’re all blue. We’ll be ack tomorrow. We can’t miss what SuzieQ has to cheer about, and who knows, maybe we’ll even know the locale. Try to stay cool. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  3. a guest teaser… that means it is probably not maine usa and definitely not maine usa, right? and it can be any place of slice earth… or do we have a blogger friend who is a space pilot? then it will be really tough :o)


    • HA! You never know WHERE my Guest was when the photo was snapped…….but I can guarantee you that it WAS on planet Earth!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thanks for sharing your vacation photos with us Easy – my Dad enjoyed seeing the places you visited there!

      Love, Sammy


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