Sunday Selfie Hop!


HOT Selfie!

It’s time for the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat On My Head!    Mom made me look rather HOT HOT HOT in this week’s entry don’t you think?????


If you’d like to see more Selfies OR even better – if you’d like to join in – just visit The Cat On My Head by clicking their badge below and COME ON IN !!!!


Happy Hopping! 

Love, Sammy

59 responses »

  1. Sammy, your photo looks a bit hot, but you look totally dreamy. We gots the hots and the humidity, which makes our mom so grumpy. She’s staying inside today. We had some drizzle off and on today, but we are waiting for the big storm. They have been coming almost everyday starting anywhere from late afternoon to around bedtime. Stay dry today. Mom is sending love and hugs to all of you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I guess summer is here – the hot and humid days are upon us and I’m not happy about it. This is the first year that when I ask Mom to let me on the front porch and she opens the door I turn and walk away! Not going out there in HEAT. Gimme A/C any old day! We had rain on Sunday but Mom and Dad were in Manassas for a train ride and it rained BUCKETS there and we hardly had a puddle here in Warrenton!

      Happy Monday
      Love, Sammy


    • Gosh Spitty – thanks – a guy likes to think he’s still got “it” at my age ya know? You young mancats don’t even have to TRY to be hotties – us old guys are exhausted just trying to keep up! Hope you had a good weekend.

      Love, Sammy


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