All Hail The King (and Hugs)



Bring it On !

Presenting, the Parade of Bacon

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Ahh….my royal tummy is full now! 

However, I’m not finished because I must announce that today in the Kingdom of Baconia (and the entire blogosphere) it is HUG YOUR CAT DAY………………..



Never let it be said that I, King of Baconia, and the Royal Mother (my Mom) didn’t pawticipate in this wonderful day of huggyness throughout the land!

SamPortraitWith Mom

OOPS… crown fell off!

Our friends at Kitty Kat Chronicles are showing HUGS on their blog today!  Check it out HERE!   We’re FIRST!


(with bacon)

The King

70 responses »

    • Hi Easy!! Everything in my “PARADE OF BACON” looks delish to me….but then I’m a baconholic for sure!!!!! Hope you and your Mom and Dad have a nice sunny weekend…my Dad says he saw on French news that there’s a whole lot of BAD flooding and we hope that you do NOT float away there where you are!

      Love, Sammy


    • Happy Hug and Bacon Day to you too! I think bacon would be a nice way to start your day! Hey – we’ve got your Mom trained to buy you ham and turkey – why not throw in some bacon too??? HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  1. Happy Hug and Bacon Day! I saw in Caster there is a bacon wrap for PILLS! Well, bacon smelling. It’s a paste you can use to wrap meds for kitties! Mommy may buy that to have on hand for me.


    • My Mom tried that and SOMEHOW I could spit the pill out from the blob of paste almost like I was a kitty metal detector (well…pill detector anyway!). Purrrrhaps you will not have that problem though and the paste smells JUST LIKE BACON (Mom didn’t try tasting it though!).

      Love, Sammy


  2. We can’t believe we missed posting about Hug Your Cat Day. Not that we could get any hugs today as the humans are on the road for most of the day. The silly thing is that they really aren’t going anywhere! How’s that for cryptic. We’ll explain tomorrow. Hope you got your bacon, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh boy – a mystery message – “on the road but going nowhere”…..hmm……well, whatever it is that they’re doing – I bet you can get a hug when they get home!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. I love the photo of you and your Mom hugging. And that is a great crown- I am surprised it isn’t made out of bacon 🙂 Have a great day! XO


    • Oh Miss Layla, we got it – THANK YOU SO MUCH – I just love it (Mom does too)………..I can’t wait to use it next Saturday!!!

      Here’s a SPECIAL HUG on Hug Your Cat Day………. ((((((((((((((MISSLAYLA)))))))))))))


    • Hi Miss Pix! HUGS BACK ATCHA today and every day. I did enjoy by bacon this morning and fully intend to enjoy this somewhat rainy day even if it kills me. HAHAHAHAHA

      Love and HUGS, Sammy


  4. Your Majesty, we humbly implore you to send your bacon throughout the land! We poor serfs are weak without the maybe-not-so-nutritious and but-definitely-deliciousness of your royal bacon. Deliver to us your precious gift and we will serve you forever! Your loving and most humble servant, Toby


    • I am one lucky guy getting so many hugs – I have hug overload so I share and almost ALWAYS sign by notes/comments with “love” or “hug”………..everybody needs a hug right Miss Ann?

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Bowing with devout respect for the King of Baconia!!! Sadly no bacon here today, we may need to move to your kingdom.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  6. We feel so deprived… we don’t think our human has ever given us bacon… Feel better! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties


    • Well bacon probably isn’t all that good for us or our humans BUTTTTT around my house, we have declared a hiatus on “good for us”…….we’re opting for “tastes delicious” instead! Hope you had a great HUG day!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Hope you enjoyed your bacon day, Sammy!!! And Hug Your Cat Day! Thanks for participating in our photo roundup!


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