Housecleaning and Fill-Ins!



YEP – that’s about it! 

Today is cleaning day of course and we were happy to welcome back the Broomhilda family although they had their babysitter back so Baby Broomhilda is not here.   Just as well……I do enough whining for a baby AND a herd of cats…..HAHAHA

Did you miss me????

Did you miss me????

Me too????

Me too????

So the place is crawling with bulldogs cleaning under, over, around, through, above and below EVERYTHING in sight.   No doubt they’ll be out of here soon because they got their paws on one of those fancy machines that last week’s cleaning crew used……..a Dr. Seuss-invented “everything machine” !

CLEANINGDRSEUSSMakes short work of cleaning the house I can tell ya…………………Dad and I cleaned my litterbox though – some things a guy just needs to be responsible for and NOT let the cleaning crew handle, you know what I mean?

Thanks Dad - you can breathe now!

Thanks Dad – you can breathe now!

As soon as they leave, I’ll be able to work on other things………………like the Friday Fill-Ins from 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader.


I think it’s  lot of fun……………this week’s “fill-ins” are:   (this week Mom did the responses which are in ORANGE!)

1. The best money I ever spent was getting souvenir Christmas ornaments from every trip I’ve ever taken, and the worst was buying a pair of jeans one size too small so I’d be motivated to lose weight (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

2. My most memorable vacation was with husband David  at a river cruise along the Rhine – scenery was AMAZING.

3. It is a complete joy being a cat Mom when I have such a sweet little guy like Sammy in my life.

4.Once, I remember thinking 40 was OLD… I’m sneaking up to 70 and realize it wasn’t!.

That’s it for Me and Mom! 

Happy Friday Peeps!


55 responses »

    • Mom always says the number is unimportant, it’s what’s in the head and heart….she can also remember WISHING she was older a time or two…….now that’s just crazy! HAHAHA

      Happy weekend
      Love, Sammy


  1. I have a friend who loves her Bull dog. Who knew he was cleaning her house!
    I always think of the wise words of the song, “Anticipation”…you wait for things in life, but then always look back at how things were. Life.
    Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining in on Friendly Fill-Ins!
    Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~


    • Mom had a bulldog when she was a little girl – he was all muscle and used to take HER for a walk and not the other way around! His name was “Sir Reginald”……he was a great pup. We just love the fill-ins and reading everyone’s answers – what a GREAT and FUN way to tell the world about ourselves and make us think outside the box!

      Happy Weekend!
      Love, Sammy


  2. Good to see the Broomhilda crew back and that is very nice of you and your Dad to clean your litter box. I enjoyed your Mom’s fill-ins. I especially enjoyed #1 about the jeans. I have done that and what was I thinking? #3 is sweet and I relate to #4! It’s Friday! Every day is good now that what day it is doesn’t matter but Fridays are still special! It looks a little dark and dreary here though. Hope you have nice weather today, Sammy! Stay out of those rain puddles!!!


    • I was happy to get the Broomhildas back too…..I kinda was sorry the little Broomboy wasn’t here but hey – we can’t have everything right? Mom does that jeans thing FREQUENTLY……sometimes with things other than jeans (tops that make her look like a sausage for instance) but mostly it’s jeans. Then when the pile in the closet of “NO WAY BABY” jeans gets big she takes them to Goodwill and makes a lot of people VERY HAPPY. HAHAHAHA I’m sorry you have dreary weather – we managed to have a sunny week but now just in time for the weekend – rain. BOOO!

      Love, Sammy


  3. glad the clean-o-mania is over and you can prepare yourself for the weekend :O) I so agree for that jeans bying thing… they once said in a magazin to encourage yourself to stand a die-t is buying a very eggs-pensive jeans what’s too small. the mama failed and 139 bucks went to the berds…ok, maybe it was too much wishful thinking to buy a size zero pants hahahaha


    • Your Mom is so pretty and thin already! My Mom used to be VERY thin when she was younger….much younger….then WHAM BAM WATCH OUT PAM she was no longer skinny and now she WISHES she was!! Humans – are they EVER happy?????? HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I love your answers. I completely agree being a cat Mom is the best. And if I had all the money I spent on clothes that I bought hoping to fit into someday, I would be rich 🙂 I love the graphic of the man in the hazmat suit cleaning the litterbox- too funny. XO


    • Mom is so funny about clothes – she has done that little trick MOSTLY with jeans but also other things and it NEVER works but she keeps doing it – – – the people at Goodwill LOVE her! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Isn’t that fill-in thing SUPER fun? Mom promises me that one of these weeks I will get to answer instead of HER……I hope all of you have a fantabulous fish-filled weekend!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Good to see the Broomhilda’s getting everything spick and span again. My mum says when she was a child she remembers thinking 20 was ancient.


  6. Mom can’t believe you both chose river cruises as your favorite vacations. She particularly liked #4. She was thinking about that aging thing when she and Dad were biking this morning and realizing it just isn’t as easy as it used to be. So, you were another poodle head. We think that couldn’t have been as bad as those glasses our mom was wearing in the bunny photo. What was she thinking? Love and hugs to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I think your Mom and my Mom probably have a lot of “those glasses” photos from years gone by. Mom has the “cat eye” glasses photos from the 60s and older and the BIG FRAMES and interestingly of course there’s the “hair” to go along with them! What a hoot…….

      Love, Sammy


  7. Great fill-ins today, Sammy and Mom – and our Mom so agrees on the age thing:) MOm also wants one of those do-it-all gadgets.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  8. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur foto iss pawsum! You have soulfull eyess all so…
    Hurrrah fur thee cleenin crew’…..
    Send them on over OK?? LadyMum did not even vacuum this week….
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


    • Hi Siddhartha……here’s another one from spam (!!!)………..the reason your Ladymum hasn’t vacuumed is probably because her knee hurts really bad…..she can have a break right? Besides, I bet you don’t make a BIG MESS most of the time!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


    • We found THIS one I spam too……but I will for sure ask Mrs. Broomhilda to give your Ladymum a call…..they are amazing… a bulldog whirlwind in the cleaning department!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


    • Hi Siddhartha! Your Mom thought your comments weren’t showing up here and it’s because they went into our SPAM for some reason! Please tell her not to stop commenting because they ARE getting here – just going into the wrong folder for some reason.

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  9. Loved your fill-ins! Mom has always wanted to take one of those Rhine River cruises!! Saturday is our cleaning day. Can I have the Broomhilda’s phone number, please? I want her to finish fast so we have more cuddle time!! Love you! Toby


    • The Rhine River Cruise was amazing……they went with Avalon Waterways and it was one of the most spectacular vacations EVER! Living on a river like that for over a week was an amazing thing. The Broomhhildas are the BEST cleaning crew around – I’ll tell them to give you a buzz!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Oh my I love the bulldogs!!! I used to watch 2 bulldogs whenever the owners went on vacation, and they were just the sweetest things. Such great temperaments and they were so playful.
    Buying one size smaller actually works for me… but only because I am so stinking cheap!! LOL NOT having to spend money to buy another size is big motivator for me. And yeah, why did I ever think 40 was old? I hit 45 this year, and while that clearly is still plenty young, I notice things click and creak when I get up in the morning. I need an oil can for my joints. 🙂


    • HAHAHA on the oil can… Mom says a cup of coffee in the morning works for her oilcan…..she gets creaker by the day but is still young in her HEAD (and wishes her body would follow along!). Anyway, Mom had a bulldog named Reggie when she was a little girl a bazillion years ago. He was adorable and sweet although when she’d take him for a walk HE pulled her along instead of the other way around!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. What a cool Christmas ornament collection! LOL at the jeans, I’ve saved a few things over the years that I hoped some day to wear again, yeah right! I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years, beautiful scenery from top to bottom, your cruise sounds wonderful! I love being mom to four furkids, even if they keep our house mighty furry with their long hair! I hear you on #4, I remember thinking that my parents were “so old” when they were in their forties, what I wouldn’t give to be that age again, or even 50! I’m cruising past 60 now and the years are flying by!


    • Hi! Four furbabies is a lot of fur…HAHAHA…my hair is pretty short so I don’t have a lot of it flying around here unless of course Mom has brushed me then it’s everywhere. Mom has learned to appreciate the last of the 60s now that she’s knocking on the door of the BIG 70 and finally realized too that you are truly as old as you feel. Some days she feels 80 but MOST of the time she definitely feels WAY YOUNGER than she is! Me too!

      Love, Sammy


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