Resty, Rainy Thursday!


Still Recovering!

Having sweet dreams....

Having sweet dreams….

I’m pooped – Mom’s pooped – Dad’s the only one who isn’t pooped because he didn’t help me and Mom with the Teaser OR my blogaversary and Forrest tribute………..what did he do?  NAPPED, READ HIS BOOK, WENT FOR A WALK – did all the stuff that Mom and I would have done if we hadn’t been busy!

But it was a wonderful day……….we had an impossible Teaser……….and we had a really GREAT time with Wags and Waves for Forrest.   Mom stayed at the computer so she could comment back to everyone who took time to visit us – because it was ALSO my blogaversary, I decided to make it a commentathon and I pledged that for every comment we’d make a $1.00 donation to the shelter where I was adopted from 16-1/2 years ago.   We knew Forrest would approve of this way to honor him!    So how did we do on the commentathon???

We had 70 comments from YOU!

That’s right – once Mom counted them up from that post it came to a total of 135 comments and when we took out my responses, it came to 70 – and that’s a nice donation indeed!


You all are THE BEST………..I got to meet a lot of new friends too which is always nice.   We want to thank again Miss Sharon of Gentle Stitches who invited us to join her in getting the tribute started – but once we did – YOU did the rest…..YOU visited us and you left messages for Miss Bev and posted wonderful wags and waves on your OWN blogs.

We will be sending our check for $70 to Fauquier SPCA in honor of Forrest.   What a fabulous blogaversary celebration with a most happy ending to help out the small shelter where I spent my first days behind bars until my Mom and Dad found and adopted me!!

LUCKY ME! February, 2000

LUCKY ME! February, 2000

Tomorrow is CLEANING DAY – which means of course the fabulous team of Mr. and Mrs. Broomhilda will be here to get the house whipped (ouch) into shape!   No worries – I’ll stay one step ahead!

Love, Sammy

69 responses »

    • My Mom went outside yesterday in the rain to plant some stuff she’d bought – two lavender plants and some dianthus – then she decided she was tired of getting a wet head and came inside. Today will rain all day so the rest of her plants will just have to WAIT! I wonder if we will EVER see Mr. Sun again?!?!?!?!?! At least rainy days means lots of snuggles with Mom – right?

      Love, Sammy


    • We thank all the blogosphere friends, old and new, for coming by and commenting as it made the Commentathon for my blogaversary and Forrest’s day SO successful! Thanks Cupcake for being there…….

      Love, Sammy


  1. Bravo to your Mum and you Sammy..a marathon effort Miss Michelle from My Three Moggies would be proud of..we still have many people to visit and i promise each person will be given a vist from me..again Miss Sharon and Mum have touched our hearts..and shelter anipals will benefit..Forrest would be wagging up a storm..
    Loves and hugs Fozziemum and Angel Forrest xxx


    • Thank you for the sweet comments….it was a complete pleasure to help bring about the tribute to Forrest and while I know your hearts still ache there without him at home, the Rainbow Bridge community is richer now that he’s among them. Sending hugs to everyone there……

      Love, Sammy (and Mom!)


  2. O M C Sammy…..sorry we missed all the excitement. What a wonderful tribute to Forrest and Happy Belated Blogaversary. Mom and I enjoy reading about your “active” life and all the interesting things you and your mom post on Teaser Tuesday. Friday and Saturday are our favorite days to read your posts.
    Hugs, love and wishing you many, many more posts,



    • Hi Charles! It was an amazing day with an impossible Teaser thanks to Speedy, and a great tribute to Forrest with the commentathon for my blogaversary. When we sent in the donation we asked them to show it as a tribute to him. I’m glad you like my blog posts my dear friend….that makes my heart happy!

      Love, Sammy


    • We’re sure they will appreciate it Sundae…..the Fauquier SPCA is small and I bet if I stopped by I wouldn’t even recognize the place since it’s been so long since I was there….but all shelters have one thing in common – they need our support. I’m proud that we helped.

      Love, Sammy


  3. Sammy, what a wonderful gift for the loving spirits in the shelters. They will benefit so much. Happy Blogaversary again dear Sammy. Love you a bunch…believe you me. xoxo


    • Hi Katie! We were thrilled about the commentathon’s success and so was Miss Bev knowing we contributed in Forrest’s name! I love everyone for coming by and helping me raise the money and for my Mom and Dad in following through and sending the check. It was a BIG DAY….

      Love you tons too!


  4. WooHoo Sammy! What a successful Commentathon! Your shelter will be so thrilled 🙂 Hope you all have a nice relaxing rainy day.


    • Hi Marty! The shelter was thrilled – they really were. Things have changed a lot there since I was incarcerated living with them but one thing hasn’t changed – the need to help the homeless animals. Have a super day – we’re enjoying the rain (sort of!).

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s been a busy week. We’re all tuckered out from Raz’s birthday celebration too!! ConCats on 70 comments….that’s a pawsome donation to the shelter.

    Thanks for everything you did to make Raz’s birthday extra special.

    The Florida Furkids


    • I’m lying on the floor in Mom’s office right in front of the heater snoozing up a storm! If there was a “sleeping/napping” category for the Catlympics, I’d be a gold medal candidate!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What an awesome support for the shelter cousin – that is such fabulous news and I know the money is always in need at these places. Love yous! XOXO – Bacon


  7. That is so sweet of your Mom to donate $70, your commentathon was definitely a success 🙂 I am tired just reading about how busy you were. XO


    • Well, lots of people are way more busy every day than we are for sure BUT Mom wanted to sit at the computer so she could keep an eye on comments and thank everyone for visiting during the commentathon and at the same time keep up with the Teaser guesses…..she made herself busy really – we could have postponed the Teaser but she INSISTED – she’s so danged stubborn sometimes! HAHAHA

      Love, Sam


  8. That is so awesome and such a wonderful way to celebrate! So, I read the part “where I was adopted from 16-1/2 years ago” — and then I saw the date February 2000 in the picture caption. And I thought, oh that must be a typo. I can’t believe that the year 2000 is already 16 years ago! WHERE does the time go?


  9. dood !!! 70 commentz iz total lee awesum…conga ratz & conga ratz two yur shelter……high paws two ewe N mom for givin up all thoz green paperz for them in memoree oh forrest ….ewe R happee, mom iz happee, forrest iz happee, bev iz happee & de shelterz happee !!! YAY !!! 🙂 🙂 blessings two ewe all & high paws once again to Sharon az well ♥♥♥ we iz off line til monday… sew heerz two a collared carpetshark… kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • You guys have a great few days off – – – you deserve them….enjoy some sun, some fish and a HUG FROM ME! We are happy about the contribution to our shelter – thanks to so many friends who commented and bumped up the total – the shelter can sure use the help too……………….Love you guys tons………’re such great friends……..

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


  10. Mee-you $70$ money raised Unccle Sammy! Tht iss toe-tallee PAWSUM!!! WOO HOO!!!!
    You an Lady Pam are thee BESTEST!!
    Bye thee way, Happy Bloggie-versary. Me sorta furgot to say Conkatss with efurryfing goin on here 😉
    Mee hopess you an LadyMum can reelax today an thee rain goess away. Pleeze send to us as LadyMum want to seed thee lawn….fur thee second time……
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • We are resting up today and I hope you and Ladymum do the same………….we’re just tired not sick like she is so make her BEHAVE!!! We’re happy about the money raised for the shelter by ALL OF YOU! Each comment counted!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  11. Bravo bravo 💯‼️‼️‼️Well done Sam my man! Hugs to your peeps for opening their wallets.
    Rest up tomorrow you will have to hide from the sucky monster
    Madi your bffff


    • Hi Madi! I’m proud of everyone including Mom and Dad for writing the check but also my friends who stopped by and made their comments count towards the total! You being one – thanks my friend!!! I’m going to hide from the Broomhildas AND the monster…oh wait – they’re the same thing!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much! It was fun and I was so happy that so many commented which gave us a nice check to send to my old shelter. It was a great way to honor Forrest too which made us happy.

      Love, Sammy


  12. What a week you’ve had Sammy, you definitely earned that nap! Congratulations on the success of your commentathon. Those animals at your shelter are going to appreciate it SO much!


    • Thanks – it was a successful event for sure and the shelter was most happy to have the donation……that was my very first home after all…..thankfully I wasn’t there long though before Mom and Dad adopted me!

      Love, Sammy


  13. What a generous and meowvolous donation that will be. We know the SPCA will put it to good use. You were an absolutely adorable kitten who has grown into a most handsome man-cat. Allie just told me you are willing to move the Clamping trip so we can have our wedding on the 23rd. You are the best best man and best friend EVER. Thank you, Mau. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Glamping could NEVER be as important (or as fun) as your wedding will be dear friend – I’m super excited about it………..I need to find out more about what you’d like for a bachelor party (woot!).

      Love, Sammy


  14. Sammy! Yous and your Mommy worked your fingers to the bone! That is a WHOLE LOT f comments! Wes knows the Fauquier SPCA will loves your donation in honor of Forrest and mes had the bestest time visiting…well mes must run, mes off to Katie Isabella’s for a visit and Monday mes will has a special post!
    Kisses Your pal
    Nellie Bellie


    • Oh Nellie it looks like you and Katie are having a FUN time together – I’ll look for your post on Monday – I always look forward to your posts….like a letter from a dear friend.

      Hugs, Sammy


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