Pre-Tease Monday


What?  It’s that time again?


Yes it is that time again!   Days are flying by………..tomorrow we’ll be having not just a Teaser Post but another special post……… you get TWO SAMMY posts in one day!    Lucky you!


There will be the TEASER of course…………..which will pop in your inbox WHENEVER (secret time), but it’s also “WAGS AND WAVES FOR FORREST DAY” and we’ll have a separate blog post for that.

Tomorrow’s Teaser is a GUEST TEASER……….yes – yet another impossibly challenging Teaser photo from another of my friends meant to put you into orbit trying to figure out where this person snapped the photo.   I had to do a little “editing” on some signs appearing in the photo – I couldn’t read them when I bigified the photo but YOU might be able to so I fixed that!    The thing I really LOVE about the photo is there absolutely is NO hint in it……….none…………I think you’d have to have BEEN there to know it.   So maybe this will be another “GREENIE TUESDAY” ??????  HAHAHA

Seriously – GOOD LUCK TOMORROW……………………..and make sure and tune in on Tuesday for not just the Teaser but the blogosphere’s salute/tribute to Angel Forrest from ALL FUR ONE AND ONE FUR ALL with Miss Bev and her furramily who are missing dear Forrest after he went to the Bridge.   We’re all “Wagging and/or Waving” on Tuesday with a photo of us.   I have one of me waving……….I also found one of me wagging my tail so I might even use BOTH and send Forrest a DOUBLE greeting!    Miss Bev will appreciate all of our support.    I’m also celebrating my FIFTH BLOGAVERSARY tomorrow but since it’s really Forrest’s “day”, instead of a party for my blogaversary I’ll have a commentathon – for every comment we get on tomorrow’s post, my Mom will donate $1.00 to our local shelter (where I was adopted from!!).



Professor Sam


38 responses »

  1. Gooooooood Moooorrrnnning Sammy way up Virginia way.
    How is everyone in hour family today? We are perking along here
    Mom is all ready for our Wags and Waves to auto post at 12:00am tomorrow.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Nope – although she certainly did her thing in the Teaser post – it’s one of those that leaves you scratching your head wondering how many glasses of wine she had before writing her cheer! HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. So much exciting stuff all in one day, Sammy! We plan to do a post for Forrest and we’ll be by to check out the teaser and celebrate your blogiversary too We got crazy busy last week and missed the teaser, our week just wasn’t the same without it. 🙂


    • Hi Miss Jan! Today’s Teaser is another DOOZY/Guest Teaser……also with Forrest’s tribute and my blogaversary, we are up to our eyebrows in computer time today! We’ll look for you – – – thanks for pawticipating!

      Love, Sammy


  3. You know we probably won’t get the teaser, but we’ll be here to celebrate your blogoversary, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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