The Broomhildas


Oh boy………………talk about taking my life in my hands – having the cleaners in on Fridays definitely is doing just that when they are two bulldogs who are bossy and want me to stay out of the way!

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

Needless to say I do stay out of the way……………….sometimes on the stairs……….sometimes in the guest room……..sometimes in Mom’s room…………even the basement.

Vacuum can't reach up here!!

Vacuum can’t reach up here!!

Or here in the guest room (I'm under the bed)

Or here in the guest room (I’m under the bed)

Or on Mom's bed!

Or on Mom’s bed!

I’m SAFE!!!!!

Mom wants very much to do some cleaning OUTSIDE – which means “mow the lawn” – but with all the rain we’ve had – every single day – she can’t mow………………so we’re hoping at least for a few hours this weekend the sun will manage to break through the rain clouds and let Mom mow at last.

I did have to SHOOOO a few dust bunnies out from under the guest room bed though before I could move in there for a snoozie……….


I hope you enjoyed seeing our so-called “gardens” in the slideshow yesterday…….the plants are just teeny weeny right now but before you know it they’ll look like something I betcha!   Stay tuned because I plan to update from time to time.    Meanwhile, Mom was looking at some ideas for a new planter to put on our front porch.   Something artsy-fartsy and different…..there are some thrift shops around here and they might have something we can use – aren’t these cool ideas?

Well I hear Mrs. Broomhilda yelling at Mr. Broomhilda to bring the vacuum and stuff UPSTAIRS so now it’s time for me to move DOWNSTAIRS……………wish me luck!


Happy Friday Peeps!!  

Hugs, Sammy


63 responses »

  1. Yikes Sammy Mr and Mrs B mean business for sure!..i am sorry you have more rain..but those new plants will Mum a break from watering which i am glad i have had! I love the yellow dresser idea for a planter..i am always looking for different ideas..we have an old a frame ladder out front..with grape dipping boxes in each step..they need replanting..the whole front needs work now it is cooler..Mr Bunny will LOVE that ! Loves Fozziemum xx


    • Oh the ladder and boxes make a GREAT planter………our porch isn’t tall enough for that BUT a small step ladder would work! Mom will put her thinking cap on and if we ever have a non-rainy day she’ll go the Thrift Shop and see what old furniture they have!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds like a plan Sam 🙂 so many great ideas to play with in thrift shops 🙂 have fun! And looking forward to working on the wags and waves here..have Market sunday if weather is not as bad as predicted..but working on a post 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


        • Glad to see that Forrest is back home where he belongs and where his heart will always be……………and YES if it ever stops the torrential rains here Mom will check the thrift shops………GOOD LUCK WITH MARKET DAY – we’ll be home Sunday celebrating Mom’s Day!

          Love, Sammy


  2. Stay strong, Sammy. The Broomhildas will be done and outta there in no time!
    Can’t wait to see what your mom comes up with for different planters: fun!
    Love, Sundae


    • Uhoh…..please tell Samantha that I’m sorry my posts MIGHT cause you to feel obligated to clean the house!!! Although then she wouldn’t have to go around and collect dust bunnies – YOU could do that!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • I think a couple of those photos are from Pinterest……Gracie had sent us the yellow “dresser” which we love and it got Mom thinking about old dressers or even just the drawers as planters. Mom’s gonna check the thrift store.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Those are very cool planters. Your Mom is a great painter and could make even nicer ones. Please send the Broomhildas my way. Hope the sun comes out for you soon. XO


    • We think it’s a totally cool idea too – Mom needs to visit the Thrift store but not today – it’s raining like mad……….YUCK! Have told the Broomhildas you want them – they will come if you pay First Class Air. HAHAHA

      Love, Sam


    • You have some pretty BOLD squirrels there! Our squirrels stay away from the house (mostly)……but eating your rockers and every plant you put in a pot would certainly discourage ANYONE from giving them private apartments on the porch like they’d find in an old dresser drawer!!!! I’d say your best defense would be an offense…..put buckets of sunflower seeds in a perimeter around your home and keep them filled at all times – no wait – if you forgot to fill them those squirrels would form an army and ATTACK…..

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. I absolutely love the dresser idea for your porch – that’s so cool! And mom/dad have already said we got some major cleaning to do this weekend. I’m so excited… really I am…. I may not leave my room. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  5. Hiding is a smart move Sammy! If April showers bring May flowers…wonder what Z may showers will bring….probably weeds! Ranked cats, dogs and I think I saw a few fishes whitewater rafting in the Creek
    Hugs Madi your bffff


    • Heaven only knows what May showers will bring but so far it looks like the answer is MUD. Lots of it……weeds will certainly be making an appearance whenever the sun decides to shine again (if it ever does!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I know two more cats who like to clean up the dust bunnies from under the bed while I’m vacuuming. I’d never considered before how much they are actually helping me while they’re running scared…


    • Yeah we do all the clearing out of the space under your bed down the CENTER in the MIDDLE under there where vacuuuuuuuuumators can’t reach. We are the very best dust bunny-eaters EVER!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Oh Sammy doesn’t your mommy know she can mow in da middle of da biggest thunderstorm and heaviest rains? After all, our idiot lawn xrew does. MOL Mommy just hates it when they do dat. Anyways, hope ya’ll get some sunshine too. We furinall did, so maybe we’s all in store fur a warm sunny Mother’s day weekend.

    Luv ya’



    • I know! I told them that I happen to know two very non-bossy French bulldogs and they said (and I quote) “Harumph! French bulldogs are not as big and strong and therefore don’t know HOW to be bossy as we “REAL” bulldogs are!!!” (then they said some stuff I can’t repeat because they are NO NO words)……..I think the Broomhildas are meanies!

      Love, Sammy


    • HA! It’s supposed to be like that here too – AND if the rain truly DOES stop on Mother’s Day, my Mom will be out there mowing! She loves to mow so she will consider that her gift….well, I’m giving her a card and Dad and I are giving her flowers together so don’t tell OK Cupcake? I hope you have a break in your rain too – and that your Mom has a SUPER happy Mom’s Day too!

      Love, Sammy


  8. The plants look amazing displayed like that. Thinking outside the square! I like the idea of them elevated like that too particularly for herbs. MUCH less expensive than raised garden beds. 😀


  9. We loved your plants yesterday. We are jealous….we can’t get the plants out yet…it gets down to below freezing at night…bah humbug! The Vacuum is a terror here too. I wonder if its the same vacuum? He sure is loud. Notice…he’s really slow moving so we got him beat…even Kali who is very slow.



    • We have two vacuums – one is lightweight and the other weighs a ton……the lightweight one is NOT as scary and moves quick, the heavy one is slow. I am getting good at dodging both of them! Stay safe – those vacuums like kitty hair!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi! The planter ideas are totally cool and my Mom is going to hunt the perfect bit of old furniture down at the thrift store to make one of these for our front porch! Hope you have a great weekend and Happy Mom’s Day!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Sammy, our mom is in love with the chest of drawers planter idea. She has an antique dresser on the upper deck that she keeps things in to take care of the flower pots up there, but she never thought of turning it into a planter. Thanks for sharing this. We love the photo of you on the stairs lounging in the sun puddle! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Isn’t that a super cool idea for a planter? My Mom can hardly wait to go to the thrift store to get something to make into a planter like that……..If your Mom does it, share a photo will you? If we do it we’ll do the same!

      Love, Sammy


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