The Geezer Report


It’s All About ME


Hi Everybody!   I’m getting a lot of mail lately asking how the old guy (yours truly) is doing these days with his medication (yuck) and general health so I thought I’d provide you with a GEEZER REPORT.    

About my hyperthyroidism…….I’m up to two pills (5 mg each) of methimazole every day (one AM and one PM) and my thyroid level is still high……..last vet visit we decided not to up the dose because even though I adore my baby food that I get the crushed pill in, I’m getting TIRED of the taste of the pill no matter WHAT Mom puts it in.   I hate pill pockets and she would pill me with a piller but my arthritis is pretty bad and she’d have to hold me tight and she doesn’t want to hurt me.   SO – we are where we are with thyroid stuff for now.   So far my heart has not been effected – my murmur is the SAME as it was before I started taking the pills.  That’s a GOOD thing.  In fact all my other lab work is GOOD so my thyroid and arthritis are my two “bad things”.

I’m losing my hearing a bit…….Mom used to say she thought I was like Dad and had “selective hearing” (har har har) but in actuality she can be calling me and unless she claps her hands real loud or is right on top of me, I don’t hear her.   I kinda like it really because Mr. Vacuum Cleaner doesn’t bother me like he used to NOR does the doorbell ringing – see?  Losing hearing isn’t all bad!!

I’m sleeping all the time……….well not ALL……..sometimes I ask Mom to let me go outside and I’ll munch grass (which I sometimes return in the form of yakking on the carpet!) and LOVE to sit on the front porch with her and my Dad when the weather is good.   I’ll lie down and just sniff the air and watch the squirrels and birds. 



Taken April 20,2016

I’m not sleeping through the night like I used to…………..sometimes I call Mom from wherever I am (she thinks I wake up confused sometimes and I think she might be right!) and usually that starts around midnight……..she often will get up and talk to me for a few minutes……then goes back to bed…….and an hour or two later we do the same thing.   When that gets to be too much for her and she can’t fall back asleep, she will gently pick me up and carry me down into the basement where I have my litterbox, one of my food spots, and lots of comfy old furniture and she’ll leave me – go upstairs and close the basement door.    THEN she goes back to bed – she will get up at 4AM to be with me – I usually give her all kinds of “heck” when she opens that basement door though!!!!   I am MAD……..and I let her know it!    HAHAHA

I love fresh air....I'll just stand on the sidewalk and sniff........

I love fresh air….I’ll just stand on the sidewalk and sniff……..

I also get sick quite a bit…………but Mom, Dad and my Vet know that I’ve always since a baby been quite a “horker” !!   I just have some trouble digesting and have been on sensitive tummy food (which I hated) and other things to try to keep that from happening but at 16+ years old, Mom is just happy I’m eating ANYTHING.    I eat my pills with Gerber’s Beef baby food (sometimes ham flavor too), love a bit of lunch meat if Mom’s making sammmmiches sometimes, BEG for shrimp if she’s making dinner and using shrimp (she’ll give me 3 or 4 of my very own to eat) and of course you know I do like a bit of bacon!    I also eat Fancy Feast wet food once in a while or Meow Mix “wet food pods”……………and have kibble and treats whenever I want them.    Still I’ve lost a lot of weight.   That’s hyperthyroidism for ya!

oldcatSo that’s the GEEZER Report you’ve asked me for………….I’m doing well for an old guy – so says my long-time vet.   He and my Mom are on the same page about cats growing older and what treatments make sense and what treatments might not be right at this time of life.   I’m in the very best of hands………..

Mom is my BEST friend!

Mom is my BEST friend!

I couldn’t have asked for a better home all those years ago when I was adopted from the shelter………………My life has been wonderful and I intend to hang around for as long as I can to enjoy it with my Mom and Dad and of course……………..

ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

Love, Sammy the Geezer

88 responses »

  1. Dearest Sammy, our meezer geezer can relate and being crankypants at times is a right. Bonus napping is a privilege. We got tired of pilling and crush everything into powder, add a bit of water and use a syringe. It’s quick and no worries about getting the correct dose. We’re big on pro-biotics for tummy troubles and don’t ask about other plumbing, Merlin says. He’d trade hearing for sight so you’re in doing all right. Older, wiser mancats are the cat’s meow in our book xo.


    • Dear Miss Layla……you are the Queen of dealing with meezer geezers for sure. Merlin is one lucky mancat to have you taking care of him as only you could and would. I’m lucky to have that kind of love too. Mom tried a syringe for about a week and it was beyond horrid….I would squirm and she would hold me tight and it would hurt my old shoulders……and then I’d run when I knew she was going to give me the meds……and it was just a huge mess so we stopped that. Crushing the pill and having it with a dollop of baby food has worked for a super long time but I’m TIRED of meds…I’d rather just deal with whatever comes my way but Mom and Dad insist. Life goes on…..and I hope it does for my favorite magic cat Mr. Merlin too……..

      Love, Sammy


  2. Sweet Sammy..bless your ginger self..16 is entitled to what 6 is not! You are a rebellious 16 year old and that is just super!..Marbles at 15 is very lucky to have no problems unless you count a stinking attitude 🙂 thank you and Mum for your kind words for our Fozzie Bear…means the world xxxx Fozziemum


  3. It sounds like you are just going through what a lot of older kitties have to deal with, Sammy! My human keeps thinking Binga is losing her hearing because she is so LOUD, but when she calls her, she can wake her up from across the room, so maybe she’s just more fractious in her old age. Binga, I mean, not my human. I didn’t know her back then, but I hear she was quite fractious when she was a teenager!


  4. You are the real deal, Sammy! That is a pretty darn good geezer report, all things considered. Getting old ain’t for sissies, and you are doing it beautifully with great charm and finesse. Keep on putting one paw in front of the other, and snoopervising your mom and dad’s contributions to your comfort and happiness. We love you, buddy. You are one tough cookie. Wait. Did somebody say cookie??

    Love and licks,


  5. Hi dear Sammy. You know what’s silly? Your update actually got puppydoc a little sniffly! I know you’re doing well, but sometimes your awesomely spunky blogging skills make me forget that you do have to deal with these chronic issues. And then of course being the emotional puppy that I am…I start getting nostalgic about the passing of time…and my past kitties and puppy and birdies fly through my brain…and you know…the whole downward crazy spiral! LOL. But enough with that! I hope I didn’t depress you! :-/

    So…big hug and licks to you! I hope you have a great day. 🙂



    • Dearest Puppydoc…… Mom got sniffly while she was helping me WRITE this blog so I’m sure there are a few snifflies here and there among my friends because none of us like to be reminded about time passing…….and all of us getting older………BUT, the main thing – something we all know and sometimes forget – is to make every minute count – smile as often as you can – hug the world and the world will hug you back……..We all move on eventually but we leave our mark in the hearts of those who knew us. You carry your past kitties, pups and birds in your memories and heart….that’s what we ALL want – to be someone’s favorite memory.

      Hugs and love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like you’re doing quite well for a man of your years, Sammy! And I know you have the very best pawrents in the world….well, maybe they tie with mine for best!
    Keep doing all the right things.
    Love, Sundae


  7. Sammy, I have been hoping for an update. Your days and Admiral’s days when she was still here sound alike. She would sing in the night as well starting about 2 am and continue till the sun rose. She slept most of the day and some bit of the night. You are loved deeply, and taken perfect care of darling precious boy, and I love you dearly. XXOO Katie and Mom


    • Oh Katie you’re SO sweet……..I know that I’m very lucky – just as your Admiral AND you are lucky – to have a Mom who treats us as tenderly and lovingly as we do. I’m glad to know that screaming at 2AM isn’t unusual (hahaha)… Mom will often just get up, get dressed and start her day at 2AM just so I will be happy. Sometimes though I get to visit the basement so she can get a bit of sleep – I don’t think that’s asking too much!!!! Thanks for caring dear Katie…….

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • I was lucky in the “Mom” department wasn’t I? Some Moms wouldn’t have put up with my quirks and problems…..but my Mom says I’m her “forever baby” and does everything she can to make my life as comfy as possible. My Dad’s a champ too – he doesn’t even get upset when I throw up right by his shoes! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. We think you’re doing great. We know the horking upsets your Mom and Dad but, if you’ve always done it, it’s just what you do! As you know, we hork a lot too…no idea why and it comes in spurts. Mom and Ellie have come to some kind of truce for her meds. Ellie doesn’t run when Mom grabs her for her meds at night. She still squirms though but it’s quick and done and then Ellie (and the rest of us) get stinky goodness. Ellie and Allie will be 14 this month!

    The Florida Furkids


  9. Good Morning, Sammy! So all in all I am liking this report. I don’t like the part where you are losing your hearing but like you said for some things that can be a bit of an advantage. And the snoozing, well if it feels good snooze right on. And the weight loss, tell your Mom to double your bacon… 😀 Getting old is a PIA but you are taking it in stride and you have an amazing Mom (and Dad) that love you so much… love you so much that they are going to make getting old the best possible thing. I wish every kitty and pup was loved and respected this much. Hope you have a beautiful day to go out on the front porch and smell the fresh air… I am going to take every opportunity today to smell some fresh air and when I do I am going to think of you!


    • Awwwww………you’re so sweet Miss Pix…….I am a lucky guy to have landed in this particular household that’s for sure…….and I am sure nobody could “get” me like my Mom does…..if I have to get old (and that’s not optional I hear) then this is the place to do it. I’ve already had some porch sniffies this morning and it’s starting to get really pollen-ish out there. Mom sweeps the porch off every day and the clouds of pollen go everywhere. Mom says it’s a good thing none of us have allergies or we’d be walking around blowing our noses CONSTANTLY! I hope you and CH have a fab day……….

      Love, Sammy


  10. I am sorry you have pain from arthritis and have to take thyroid pills, but I am glad your overall health is good. You are not an old geezer- 16 is the new 12 ( I just made that up 🙂 Maybe your Mom could get your meds in the form you rub on your ear? Enjoy that green grass and fresh air. XO


    • Sadly there is no compounding pharmacy in our town BUTTTTT we figure if I take the pill as often as I can STAND to, it’s better than none at all right? Today is kind of breezy and cooler – only 51 right now……but I’ve been outside to get some sniffies already several times……..I like the saying that “16 is the new 12″…….in my head I’m younger than springtime (Mom says she is too!).

      Love, sammy


  11. We had tried a syringe with Samantha too when she wouldn’t take her meds at first. It was awful, and it caused her so much stress I think it made her worse. So we decided never to try that again. We want to keep you guys happy too, and have to balance what we need to do for you to keep you healthy and happy.
    It sounds like you have a lot of typical old age stuff, but we think you are a tough old guy, Sammy, and will be around for a long time to come! You are definitely in good hands with wonderful loving parents and what sounds like a great vet!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know that I’m actually very healthy for my age……the thyroid thing is very common as is the arthritis…..I’m happy to so far have no sign of kidney issues…..we are grateful for what we DON’T have in the health department and dealing with what we DO have. Meanwhile I love life………every second of it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. I hope the pills hold the level in balance and your arthur-it-is takes a break now with the warmer temperatures. I think people and pets have the same things to bear when they get older… butt even if everything goes a little more slowly and quieter, the main thing is it goes, right?


    • You are ABSOLUTELY right Easy… long as I’m getting around and not having any MORE problems, I’m gonna keep driving my Mom crazy by waking her up at all hours of the night and keeping her on her toes! We all age – and we all have body parts that wear out just like our cars (hahaha). The main thing is to live every minute like it’s your last one because you never know when it will be!

      Love, Sammy


  13. Oh cousin – you are not an old geezer. But let me tell you something. If your humans think this, use to your advantage like my dad here at the Hotel Thompson. He’s always telling mom that he’s “too old” to do something. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  14. Dude, Mama has a little needle point piece from Grandmother that say….Old Age Is Not For Sissies.
    Amen to that. Mama just has the right side of her Thyroid removed…we get the full Path report tomorrow, but we thnk no cancer. Just an egg sized growth that needed to vacate the space. She has a very cool incision that scares small children & aldults, all sealed up with Super Glue. Gotta love modern medicine. We thnk you’re a champ, geriatrictically speaking, and of course have the best of loving and professional care. We hope you rock on a lot longer pal! Thanks for the report, your pal Skyler


    • Hi Skyler…….I hope all is well with your Mom. Those glands have a mind of their own sometimes growing like that but hopefully your Mom’s path report is AOK! We’ll send purrs and prayers for that………My Mom’s sister-in-law had open heart surgery two years ago and got super glued back together – amazing stuff isn’t it????? Thanks for the good wishes for my health situation – I figure when it’s my time I’ll go quietly but until then I intend to be a happy and LOUD presence in the blogosphere (and in my house!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. Hi Sammy, it is so good to get an update! I agree, I think you are in the best home for you! It’s great how we mold our peeps just the way we want them, so we bring the best out of them! It is NO fun getting old and sick!! I know you will tell mom when it’s time to go, but we all hope you stay around for as long as you can, buddy! You and your mom make the CB a better place just for being in it! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Austin you are such a good friend…..what a kind thing to say. I won’t be going anywhere until it’s truly my time believe me. None of us is in a big hurry right? You and I are lucky in that we have caretakers who love us and take the best care of us EVER. Something we would wish for EVERY cat in the whole wide world. Let’s both live every minute to the fullest OK??? OK!!!!!! Thanks my friend…………

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Good morning Sammy,
    And thanks for the update on your health. I’m glad you’re still hanging in tight and not doing too bad overall. Oh, and I’m so glad, too, that you’re in such good hands.
    Keep going strong and, as we say in German, “halt’ die Ohren steif” [“hold/keep youyr ears stiff”],


    • Thank you Mr. Pit……I like that German saying and I will promise to do that…………!! Remember when my Mom sent you the link to The Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, WV? She and my Dad are having dinner in the Rathskeller tomorrow night!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Awwww Sammy. You are such a good friend to so many. Glad we can all be with you and Flynn in your Geezer years. Boris, a kitty before me lost his hearing and he cried in th middle of night. The loss of hearing can cause cats to be disoriented. Reassuring you is a good thing


    • My Mom reassures me constantly…….she’s my “radar”, my “compass” and my “security blanket”………and while I’m feeling fine really, I still get overwhelmed sometimes – Mom says that’s just part of the aging thing too!

      Love, Sammy


      • it is Sammy. Boris was always anxious in his senior years after he lost most or all of his hearing. We just kept him comfy and reassured and loved. Thankfully, I wasn’t working anymore which would have meant traveling all the time, so I could be home with him.


  18. Sammy bless your little ginger heart. Thank you for the update good buddy. Mom has a group of geezer friends who call themselves Aging Avenging Angels…aka AAA maybe you and I can be their masCATS!
    Hugs madi your bffffff


  19. Thanks for the update Sammykins! 16 is really good for a kitty. Sounds like all that love from mom and dad are a big part of keeping you going and I’m sure mom’s a rock star on the kitty care front. I don’t much like taking pills either, you’re a good kitty. Love you both dearly xo B


    • Mom hates taking all the pills she has to take so I totally “GET” that sometimes we HAVE to do that……and I’m mostly good about it. I’m sixteen and doing good – at least that’s how I think about myself!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  20. dood…..eye loozed mee hearin several yeerz ago N frank lee de onlee thing eye mizz iz de sound oh mom & dadz voice…….cuz toona haz lurned ta send me text messagez, aunt laura sendz me email & eye honest lee culd care lezz bout burd song ore dai$y !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 yur in good handz buddy, thatz de important thing…{ and ya get bacon } ♥♥♥

    butter lover boomer o cat


    • Hi Boomer……yes I really am not missing my “ears” at all – it’s nice and quiet and I can get the BEST naps ever! Now I just look at that vacuum like it’s just another piece of moving furniture! Thanks for the pep talk – I appreciate it Boomer!

      Love, Sammy


  21. Deer Unccle Sammy yur so brave an stall-wart an mee reespectss you so-o much! You have to bee careful with thee Thyroid trubble butt mee KNOWSS Lady Pam iss takin thee bestest care of you! Mee 2 Cuss-innss Allura an Jetsia went to Pure Land last year because of their Thyroid trubble an they were just ternin 16.
    LadyMum has tears runnin down her cheeks lookin at yur fotoss’. Shee says shee can not emagin you NOT here so pleeze DO stay fur as long as you can ok?
    An mee needss yur guiding paw…an yur NOT a Geezer! Yur just Maa-ture! 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx


      • Mee knows Lady Pam an Pappaw an thee Vet are thee best Unccle Sammy!
        Wee just a bit ‘raw’ aftur all thee 4 leggedsss who have gone to Pure Land thee past 2 weeks an then PRINCE thee singer an wee losted a furend inn our building yesterday all so Mee finks mee needed that peppy talk more than you 😉
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ nefkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


  22. Mom says it is tough getting older because with age come lots of “issues”, but you are hanging in there well, AND doing it still looking as handsome as ever!!!

    Ciara’s thyroid levels are a challenge too. The vet says for now we are going to leave things as they are for 6 months and check again. Too many changes are not always good.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  23. Hi Sammy! Can you believe that WordPress only sent your post notification to aol 15 minutes ago!
    As one old geezer to another, I am glad to see your report is good overall. I get fed up with taking my pills too, but mum crushes them and gives them in a small syringe of water. I have a little moan when she picks me up to give it, but I don’t struggle.
    I have had several days where I haven’t been doing too well, but this evening I asked to go for a walk and when we got back I ate some food. That made my mum and dad feel a lot better. We know we have to expect these setbacks, but it is only natural that our mums and dads still worry.
    We are both fighters and don’t intend going anywhere soon!


  24. Sammy, I think you are doing great ! My oldest girl Snarky was 17 last November and she is on thyroid meds too – only once a day, thank Ceiling Cat ! She doesn’t get around as well as she used to, but she is still able to complain (even though she is all black, she is part Meezer) and that is a good sign. Keep doing what you are doing ! You certainly are in the very best of hands !


    • Thanks for the encouragement – we old folks can do well if we have wonderful humans helping us and it sounds like your Snarky is one of them. I wish I only had to take mine once a day – but my level just stays high. Sigh. Anyway, I’m hanging in there and I hope Snarky does too for a long time to come!

      Love, Sammy


  25. Tee Hee! After Mommy started reading, she thoughts yous was writing about this old meezer! Mes LOVES to yaks, has turned into a picky eater and …not only is mes blind in one eye, mes starting to goes deaf. Even though wes lives in a teeny apartment and there really is only 3 rooms (including the bathroom) mes gets “lost” and yells in the middle of the night. Mes stiff, sore and whines too. But mes is mostly happy and loving and especially when Mommy reads my furrends blogs (out loud) to mes. And Sammy, will yous has a dance with mes at my 18th birthday pawty in May?
    Mes sure us two old cats will puts the younguns to shame!
    YOUR Nellie Bellie


    • Nothing would make me happier than to have a dance with my beautiful silver coated friend Nellie Bellie……I would be honored in fact. Maybe I’ll even wear a silver tux! It’s not easy getting old is it dear girl….but we hang in there because we love life right? I’m glad to know I’m not the only one fighting it with every ounce of my energy though!

      Tons of hugs, Sammy


  26. Mom has noticed that I stay inside more these days. But overall I seem to be doing well, I even play with the kittens sometimes (gotta pass on my ninja moves you know) they are very considerate and don’t play to rough with me. MOL I can still out run everyone. But hyperthyroidism sure isn’t fun, sounds as if you are doing great. We wonder if eating Y/D food in addition to your pills might help. It sounds as if your thyroid levels are way higher than mine. ~Socks


    • We’re going to try the y/d food Socks………Mom is “up” for trying whatever it takes……but I do think I’m luckier than many in that my thyroid is still my only problem at my age……..kidneys, etc. are good! Hang in there Socks – these humans AND our furfamilies NEED US!

      Love, Sam


  27. Dearest Sammy -I thought I left you a comment yesterday but I don’t see it anywhere so I will try again ! It is good to hear your report, and realize that, even though you are getting older (aren’t we all – hopefully !) you are doing well. My 17-year-old Snarky has to take ONE thyroid pill a day. Ahe doesn’t see or hear or get around as well as she used to, but she is still able to eat, drink, and complain about things (she is part Siamese). You are so loved, Sammy ! I am so glad you are still enjoying and appreciating your life !


    • Hi Miss Mary! Sorry your comment wouldn’t “take” from before but I got this one OK. Yes, your Snarky and me and so many others can do just fine with the meds and if we don’t, well, there are diets and other treatments but as long as we have the love of our humans – WE ARE FINE!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  28. You’re doing dang well great Sammy. Kali has arthritis too and is no fun when its acting up. It must hurt her cause she sure can limp. Mom has gained the weight you lost. She thinks maybe its her IV meds cause she definitely has gained weight. She doesn’t eat any more than usual so go figure…I don’t know. You deserve to sleep lots. Kali is a real sound sleeper and she could be in a snoring contest. She really snores loud. Think mom and I are just getting used to it.

    Take care and see you Sunday Sammy.



    • Hi Shoko! Yes I’m doing pretty darn good………My arthritis is much better since I quit trying to be so athletic and jump up on furniture and stuff AND since I lost all the weight I did. Sorry your Mom found the weight I lost though…HAHAHA….I bet your Mom’s IV TEMPORARILY makes her weight higher. Now that she has the stroller for you girls, she will be walking more I bet!

      Love, Sammy


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