Teaser Tell All



Hello?  Is This Teaser Central HQ?

Yes it is and it’s time for the Tell All…………..Ernestine, you can connect all callers to ME because I’m the guy in charge and I’m about to TELL ALL about yesterday’s Teaser!


Well it was an interesting day with the Guest Teaser yesterday……………………….but before we talk about it, let’s do some business!     Concatulations to Florida Furkids and Kolytyi for TYING for FIRST COMMENTER!   WOOT!  You guys each get one of these babies!

I was first to comment on Sammy's blog on March 29, 2016!

I was first to comment on Sammy’s blog on March 29, 2016!

Now, let’s bring out the photo and I’ll tell you who sent it to me!    Mr. Silver Briefcase??  Front and Center !

Here it is Mr. Sam!

Here it is Mr. Sam!


First of all, isn’t it a BEAUTIFUL shot?   My Guest Teaser was the ever fabulous SQWAAAAAAAKY bird, Kismet!

Kismet lives right in this area too – where?   Why it’s right in the city limits of the 6th most populous city in the U.S. – PHOENIX, ARIZONA!   As you know, Phoenix is near the Sonoran Desert.   My Mom and Dad have been to Phoenix and not far outside of the main part of town you see vistas like this and forget you’re near civilization!   Amazingly beautiful place.   THANKS KISMET!   This is for you:

Thanks Kismet!

Thanks Kismet!

We had a lot of people guess Arizona – lots of specific spots and even non-specific spots but nobody as of the writing of this blog said PHOENIX……………..therefore, nobody was “right enough” to be FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…………….but so many of you guessed Arizona, I think you deserve SOMETHING for sure for guessing the right State.   After all, that could have been ANYWHERE and there were guesses all over the globe.    So, if you guessed Arizona – you get this little gem:


If you didn’t guess Arizona, then you get the world famous GREENIE!


Thanks Kismet – that was a pip of a Teaser!    Congratulations everyone – you did WELL………………..you get a passing grade in geography this week………………….!!!!!

Well done Teaser Students!

Well done Teaser Students!


Hugs, Professor Sam

37 responses »

    • It’s a super photo isn’t it? My Mom and Dad have visited Phoenix – BEAUTIFUL spot!!!!!! We fooled everyone with the photo too – lots of peeps said ARizona but nobody knew Phoenix! YAY!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • My Mom and Dad really enjoyed Phoenix…..their favorite place was a “cowboy town” called Rawhide – made to look like the Old West. They had a ton of fun there even though Dad as a joke had the Sheriff arrest Mom for being “too bossy”….hahahaha…..we have the certificate to prove it! I’m sure everything has changed since they were there – it was in the late 80s when they went.

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Phooey, that would have been guess #2. Mom will be there for BlogPaws. Now she’ll recognize where she is when she gets there! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. ConCATulations to the Grrrreat Guessers…
    Of course we didn’t even TRY beclaws you KNOW we are terrible at these… butt we LOVE to THINK about them… Had we actually TRIED… we probably would have guessed … Santa’s Front yard… at the NORTH POLE…
    Kismet does live in a BEAUTIFUL state.


  3. LadyMum gotted an Almost Guessin Badge Unccle Sammy!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
    Shee was inn thee rite State; all tho’ thee wrong Desert, mew mew mew…..
    Mee iss SO-O proud of LadyMum!!!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


  4. YES!!! We finally got the Teaser right! Sort of… 🙂 We guess Arizona! We know that isn’t specific enough to win, but it’s specific enough for us! It’s definitely the closest we’ve ever gotten! WOOHOO!!!


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