
Dear Friends!!!!    WHERE HAVE WE BEEN???????????????????    Blame it on the computer!    The computer died – Mom and I had to take it to the computer hospital and they had it for several days and got it working BUTTTTT it will have to go back for a part replacement next week.  Meantime, Mom and I said WE MUST HAVE IT BACK SO WE CAN BLOG AND TELL EVERYONE WE ARE ALIVE!


We’re having bacon tomorrow this morning as usual for a Saturday of course………………….the world would STOP if I didn’t get my bacon right?    Well we thought the world had stopped when we couldn’t BLOG for three days but if not for bacon – well – let’s not go there!



No need to call me Mom – I’m ready!!!

I’ll be back with a “normal” (hahahahaha…….as normal we get anyway) blog for tomorrow.   Right now Mom’s still catching up on the bazillion emails she’s got……………THANK YOU ALL FOR WORRYING ABOUT US – we love you too and would worry if you disappeared……………we’ll have some notice next time when the parts come in so we’ll let you know ahead of time!


It’s Good To Be Back!


Love, Sammy

72 responses »

    • Oh Mr. Bowie and Mr. Herman I was grumpy and my Mom was a mess – no computer = NOT GOOD! We will have the computer back until it has to go in the shop next week for the ordered part. I’m so happy to be back in the blogosphere! Thanks for missing me! 😉

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Welcome back, little buddy! You were missed. Thank goodness there was some info in your comments to tell us not to worry. Computer trouble is the worst. Maybe that’s why Mom has 2 computers, an iPad and her iPhone. She can’t tolerate being unplugged.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • We hope so too Easy – – – Mom can’t afford to buy a NEW computer so the part will do us for a while. Maybe we’ll get a “back-up” in the meantime – like a laptop or tablet??? Being WITHOUT was NO GOOD!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Life is Good‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🤗🤗🤗🤗💋💋😻😻we missed you 2. I say make that a triple decker bacon burger
    Hugs Madi your bffffff


    • I missed you too Madi! Hope to see you later at the Ski Lodge at Scouts…..I’m not skiing though – too old – these bones wouldn’t make it on the slopes BUTTTTT I will be in the hot tub later AND I will be singing in the piano bar too……….just call me SAMINATRA (“I’ll Do It My Way”) !!!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Thanks Brian – glad you like my new blog look – I hadn’t changed the “theme” background since we first started and it was about time! I like this one too…………….I’m happy to be back online – three days was too long without a computer/friend “fix” !!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Hi Sammy!!!! Thank goodness that Dianna had updated us because we were going to get a bit panicky! Hope that the next fix will be quick so that we don’t have to miss you for very long again! Have a Fantastic Bacon Caturday!!!! Give your Mom an extra cuddle for us!
    Marty and the Gang


    • Oh Flynn, Mom and I were VERY UNHAPPPY for three days……believe me…….next week the computer will go back to have the part installed BUT at least we’ll be prepared for that this time! I MISSED EVERYONE!

      Love, Sam


  4. I am very glad you are back! I missed you. Enjoy your bacon. This is a week for computer problems, my old faithful laptop has been at the Dr. waiting for a part, good thing I have 2.


    • We SHOULD have another back-up…….definitely. Mom is looking into that – will have to have Dad let the moths out of his wallet for that one though (hahahahaha). That poor wallet doesn’t see a lot of action!

      Love, Sammy


  5. We sure did miss you. We kept checking back to see if you had posted anything. It’s crazy how dependent we all have become on the computer. Mau says that he’ll see you at Scouts later. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • You know, it is crazy how dependent we are on the computer. I was LOST. I wound up doing a lot of things I haven’t had time for since we began with Scouts and blogging though – crossword puzzles, reading, napping (!) and just enjoying no drama and no “timetables” for events, etc. It was a nice break but I missed it like crazy! I’ll see Mau later – I’m doing my lounge act at 3:30PM – Mom and Dad are going next door for dinner with the neighbors at 4PM!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Hi Sammy!!! Well, Puppydoc has to apologize too because she has been VERY bad at keeping up with the blogosphere stuff lately. But we just wanted to say ‘hi’ and to give you some big hugs for the weekend. Be sure to eat LOTS of bacon, and you can have Samantha’s portion too, because the last thing that plump of a furball needs is bacon. 😀

    Ok…hugs and licks! We miss you!

    puppy and samantha ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Oh Samantha is one of those full-figured ladies that some of us guys really like so no worries about her – I ate some bacon for her though – I’m skinny as a rail thanks to my thyroid problem so I can handle EXTRA bacon!! No worries either about being out of the blogosphere loop – after all, you ARE a busy physician!!! I’m just an old retired cat with two old retired humans!!! HAHAHA SENDING YOU AND SAMANTHA HUGS FOR THE WEEKEND TOO!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • OH LUCKY YOU WITH THE CHEESEBURGERS!!!!! Mom and Dad are going next door to the neighbors and they’re grilling FISH (wonder if Mom should ask for a side order of bacon to bring home to me?!). I missed you and everyone – it was PAINFUL!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Well, I missed hearing from you, Sammy, and my Motor Mommy missed chatting with your Mommy SOOOOO much! Glad you’re back and hopefully, when the computer goes back for repairs, it’ll be a quick fix!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Nellie! Computers are mean sometimes but at least they let us keep in touch with our buddies and pals (when they’re working anyway!)……..I bet you are a happy girl now that you have your Mommy back to yourself!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Caren and Cody! Computer is 3 years old……and it had to do with the CD/DVD drive that was fixed LAST year. Weird……but we’ll be good to go after the part is replaced (again) next week!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Harvey! Thanks for visiting me…..so you have problems there too huh? Well, I think it’s not fair – we bloggers need our blogs and it must be frustrating that you can’t even SEE your own! Hope you get that fixed soon!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I sure do wish (and so does Mom’s wallet!) that computers were a bit more LASTING than they seem to be. I know they get a big workout from our humans BUTTTT they can be SOOOOOOO persnickety! Good luck with yours!

      Love, Sammy


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