Bye Bye Snow


So we survived yet another snow – I know that probably sounds ridiculous to those of you who live north of us here in Virginia – you endure BIG snows every winter…… in Northern Virginia, NOT SO MUCH.    We have had bad blizzards and in fact got one this year but most winters really are not very snowy.    We had our second decent snow this week and it’s already almost melted away into oblivion!    YAY I say………….now I can get to the grass for a munch!

YAY - it's almost all melted away!!

YAY – it’s almost all melted away!!

Yesterday we had a sheet of ice over everything………….it was like an ice rink out there…………but the temps got into the 40s and soon the ice was gone.   Even more melting today with temps tickling 50!    Can Spring be far behind?   I sincerely hope not.    I am not a “winter kitty”……….I used to like snow but now I’m much happier in warmer weather!


You’ve seen these photos of me before but everyone just loves when I post them so I’ll post them YET AGAIN………………….just to prove I really DID love snow when I was younger!

Sam looking mighty small in the snow

Six years ago!

When I complain about the rain, remind me of this!

Anyway, Spring is coming – I just know it.   I’ll be ready for it too……………..

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

Yes I’ll be MUCH happier with flowers around me instead of snow!!!!!

I’m READY for you Miss Spring!

Hugs, Sammy

103 responses »

    • Spring will be here soon that’s for sure………at least Mom keeps telling me that and I believe her – she does tell the occasional “white lie” but most of the time she’s “spot on” !!!!

      Happy Thursday!
      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes we do love those pictures Sammy! Could we be so lucky and spring be on the way??? It is supposed to be in the 60’s today but drop back into the 30’s for the week-end. Hopefully we will get some window wiffies when Mom comes home from work! Have a great day!


  2. Hi Sammy! LOOK at you in that snow! My mom is not able to let me put into it to experience it because we live right at a very busy street that serves as the Indianapolis Speedway when not used otherwise. xoxox


    • You need to be INSIDE………I’m up on a hill and there’s woods behind our house……so no street close by……nowadays though I stay INSIDE most of the time – just little short walks with my Mom once in a while!!

      Love, Sammy


    • That’s the big problem really -if you’re not used to snow and you have snow, nobody knows how to handle it on the roads……that happens here too – there are a lot of people who travel THRU Washington, DC and they’re the ones who get stuck out on the highways when we get a snow. Oh well…..Spring will be here soon…….I hope!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. I love those photos of you playing in the snow. I guess you really did like it back then. I am glad everything is melting- ice is the worst, so dangerous. Have a nice day. XO




  5. It snowed one day here last week – for about an hour. But it did not stick, unfortunately. Since we so rarely see snow at all in Georgia, we are always hoping for a snow day!!! Though we aren’t winter fans either, we would like just one snow day before spring comes!!!


  6. As the saying goes, Sammy: “From your mouth to God’s ears.” It was warmer here yesterday than today and lots of the snow melted, but there’s still plenty as we got about another 11 inches. This weekend is supposed to be around 60 degrees so that should help. Stay snuggly and warm in Mom Pam’s lap! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Tomorrow in the 60s here too and I’m VERY excited about it as I’m sure the rest of our snow will melt……..we don’t have much left…….it will leave just in time for NEXT week’s snow on Wednesday – I’m hoping the forecast is WRONG! You all stay warm too………sending you hugs!

      Love, Sammy


  7. dood…yur sun shine porch fotoz iz total lee awesum….we loves it ….N we a gree….snow noe ….. & bring on de green grazz…..even tho we canna go out side….we wood rather look it at then de cold stuff !!! ♥♥♥♥ tho yur snow fotoz does rock …ewe waz runnin huh !! ♥♥♥ 🙂


  8. We had SUMMER here for a while, and I don’t mean just me! The temperatures were in the upper 80s and even a bit over 90 for about a week or so – that was too warm even for my human for this time of year.


    • WOW!!!!!! We had a couple of freak days in the 60s but for the most part it’s been incredibly COLD this winter…….tomorrow we get another “freak” day in the 60s but then we have snow again next week. BOOOOOOOO!

      Love, Sam


  9. I am ready for spring too, Sammy. We haven’t had snow but have had so much rain that I told dad that he needs to think about building an ark.
    I used to be like you and enjoyed playing in the snow on the rare occasions we had it when I was younger. Now I prefer to stay indoors in the warm.


    • Oh an ark would be FUN….! All those anipals on board……floating around on the water…….although that would be tiresome after a while! I want PERFECT weather – I guess that’s asking for too much though!

      Love, Sam


  10. Sammy, we are really beginning to think that we may not get a big snow this winter. it is 75 degrees here today!!! Crazy!!!

    Woos -Ciara and Lightning


  11. Wish our snow would leave us. But there is hope we the temperatures should be above freezing the next week or so. That should help get rid of some of the snow. We loved that last picture you posted – it was either Spring or Summer with the beautiful flowers.


    • The last photo was Spring and I can’t wait for it to come around ASAP!!!! We have snow in our forecast again next week BUT tomorrow we get a gift………………’s supposed to be SIXTY! YAY!

      Love, Sammy


    • We have had an actual WINTER this year and it’s not over yet – snow in our forecast next week – AGAIN! Our one saving grace will be tomorrow…..supposed to get to SIXTY! You’re right – all of us will have one final BIG OLD BLAST of snow before Spring gets here………..I betcha!

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  12. It was 70 degrees yesterday when I got my walk in and the wind was crazy! 70 today and tomorrow, so they say. Not a fan of 70 degree temps in February. I am not quite ready for spring or summer… 🙂 But I want spring to come for you Sammy if you want it there in Virginia!


  13. LadyMum iss ‘oohhinn an aahhinn’ over yur outdoorss fotoss an mee iss like “Mee-yow!! You go Unccle!!!” Mee not sure mee wood ackshully walk inn thee snow butt then wee get colder tempss here than you do there! It is 45 degreess here today an sum meltin goin on! Which iss good! Mee wants to bee out inn Condo…maybee tomorrow…paws crossed…..
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Oh Siddhartha I used to just love the snow……I’d walk in Mom’s footsteps……and it was fun because she’d walk around and make “paths” for me to follow….sometimes making it like a maze – I guess it was a game and we both loved playing it but these days it’s just too cold for me out there. Our snow is ALL GONE now and today we’ll get into the 60s – BUT we have snow in our forecast this coming week for Tuesday and THursday. Oh well.

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yur Mumma iss so nice to make snow mazess fur you!!! An mee hearss you bout goin out inn thee snow now…mee onlee goin bee 2 yearss old soon an mee onlee likess thee snow so-o much….
        Much of our snow melted all so. Then it rained. Then it iced. Today it tried to snow. It iss only 29 degrees today an cloudy. Butt thee wind iss frum thee North an it iss bitey cold!!! BBBRRRR 😦
        Wee just have to ride it out till Springtime….
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • That’s right but Spring really WILL be here soon so we’ll just use this time we have now when it’s cold and windy and snowy to sleep and get strong and READY for Spring so we can play and enjoy fresh air again! It’s warmish here today at 53 but it’s raining. It will be a lot colder tomorrow…….I’m just sleeping on my fleece blankets and staying close to Mom. It’s the best place to be for me!

          Stay warm……….love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  14. Thee heet iss on here an it iss comfy warm Unccle. Mee iss enjoyin mee snuggle time with LadyMum (NASCAR iss on!) 😉
    Thee Sun iss out butt it iss so chilley to sit out…..mee iss happy to bee inndoorss!
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


      • It sure iss a good Life Unccle!!!
        Today (Monday) wee got our new bedroom window. Mee got to go fur a ride with Aunty Sheila an LadyMum to thee Glass an Screen place. LadyMum iss havin speshell pet furendlee screen put inn thee new framess so mee not ‘shred’ thee screenss 😉
        Mee not alloud inn bedroom till sup-purr time so thee innsulayshun stuff can dry an mee not get into it 😉
        Then mee will help LadyMum put fingss back inn place!
        Mee her rite paw kittyboy!!!
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Hi Miss Boomdee! We just all have to WISH the winter away I think……can you make a craft board showing you and me putting a SPELL on winter and flowers springing up (aqua ones of course) everywhere with Mother Nature smiling down on us??????? I’m just so tired of cold. Sniff Sniff

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bailey I’m sure that Spring will take it’s good old time arriving but when it does you can bet we’ll all start complaining about the heat – isn’t that the way it always is? HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. Mee-yow Unccle how are you an thee pawentss??? Are youss’ getting snow there today (Fursday)????? It has been snowin fur 24 hours here now an wee has 3 feet of thee white stuff! All tho’ thee screen iss grate mee went out inn thee Condo fur 20 minuttss with thee blowin snow today!!! LadyMum finkss mee iss crazy!!! 😉
    Maybee a bit rite Unccle??? Butt mee did enjoy thee wind blowin thru mee furs……
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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