Monsterizing Day and More



It’s my 16th Gotcha Day!

OK – the fact of the matter is that I don’t  celebrate my Gotcha Day every year…………..I’ve been here for so many years and have been so very happy and I do so many other “celebrations” all year long that my Gotcha just hasn’t been something I “crow” about.   However, I thought maybe since it’s been SIXTEEN years since I was adopted from the shelter, I would have just a little party.  No biggie – a few snackables and some cake – and share it with all of you – my good buddies and friends.     So – ready???  

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SEEE????  No big deal………just a little snack here and there – no fuss, no muss.  Before I turn it over to the Vacuum Cleaner (since today is housecleaning day here) I just want to thank you all for being part of my SIXTEENTH Gotcha Day celebration………’re the BESTEST BUDDIES EVER!  




It’s time to get the monsta out of the closet – everybody TAKE COVER!


HECK NO!  It hasn’t even STARTED yet! 

Alright Mom...let's get it over with.....

Alright Mom…let’s get it over with…..'s BROOMhilda!

UHOH…’s BROOMhilda!

Alright everybody – listen up – I’m running the show today so I’ll give you your assignments and I want to see some ACTION around here!

MARVIN, you’re on windows!



BOB, you’re on dish duty!



GLORIA, you’re in charge of laundry!



SAMMY, you can get the dust bunnies from behind the couch and under the bed!



“Scuze me BROOMhilda, I have a little toe maintenance to do first!”

And in the end, the house is as spic and span as it can be…….


WHEW! I’m glad THAT’s over with and everybody is gone – now I can REST!

Sam Closeup Lap

Mom – they ARE gone now – right?

“Yes, Sammy my sweet, things will be quiet now – go to sleep big guy…….!”

LOVE, SAMMY (and Mom)

96 responses »

    • No – Count Vacula is NOT welcome at a party no matter what! I’m glad you’re here though my friend – wouldn’t be the same without my favorite Weim in the whole entire world!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh Mollie – how wonderful to see you! Can I give you a big hug? ))))MOLLIE(((( We all miss Alfie….he’ll be in our hearts always. Thanks for coming to my GOTCHA DAY party though – gives me a chance to hug you and say hello and tell you that we ALLLL hope you will blog again soon – time for some YOGO!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Happy Gotcha Day! Your purrs for Edgar have certainly helped. He came home two days ago as the vet was worried he would get depressed. He started drinking yesterday which is a huge step but we can’t get him to eat 😦


  2. Happy Gotcha Day, buddy. Mom and I had some of our favorite food at your party. It’s named mac-n-cheese. Oh yeah! I’m happy the time and place and planets and spirits aligned to bring you together with your family 16 years ago and forever.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake….so glad you came this morning! Know what? Mac-n-cheese is one of my Mom’s FAVE things and I always get a taste when she makes it! YAY! Thanks for helping me celebrate today!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Whew! I’m sure glad you didn’t put me in charge of any cleaning, Sammy!
    And Happy Gotcha Day!!! Wow – how wonderful that your pawrents found you – and you found them. It’s a purrfect match!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…….I was lucky all those years ago – just imagine – I was the only kitten there that day and if I hadn’t stuck my paw out my cage door maybe they NEVER would have noticed me!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Happy Gotcha Day Sammy. This is our mom’s gotcha day, or well I guess in human terms, her birthday. She’s happy that you guys share a special day and now we’ll always remember your gotcha day!


    • Oh wow! Please tell your Mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me and my Mom will you? She can share in the celebration today. Hope you have some fun while you’re here at the pawty AND don’t forget to give Mom Melissa a BIG SAMMY HUG!

      Love, Sam


  5. Happy Gotcha Day Sammy! I am so happy you all found each other! The FOOD looks delicious….. Mmmmmmmmmmm. No napping today, we are going to have lunch with The Mama…. wait for it…. CHEESEBURGER!!!!


    • CHEEEEEEEEEESEBURGERS?????????? Dang! I knew we forgot to put that on my menu for today! Well, I hope you have one for me (cheeseburger that is) and have a wonderful lunch with The Mama………..I’ll be getting lots of naps in when I’m not partying. Thanks for coming to the Gotcha “do” !

      Love, Sammy


  6. Squeals cousin – 16 years – HAPPY GOTCHA DAY. Thank goodness your mom/dad visited the shelter that day. Everyone won because you are the kindest sweetest friend ever! Love you to the moon and back. XOXO – Bacon


    • Awww Bacon what a SWEET thing to say – you know I love you too and am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to have you for a Cousin!!! Thanks too for joining me in my little celebration today. Hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I was GOTCHA’d !

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sammy!!!! We almost missed your Gotcha Day!! 16 years is pretty darn celebration worthy! Way to go young man sure have been a lucky boy indeed to have 16 years with your Mum and Dad 🙂 loves Awol Fozziemum xxx


  8. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Sammy! I sure am glad your folks gotcha’d you and you started this blog. Hope you get lots of cuddling on your Mom today. Great party. XO and love to you our dear friend. PS: Please send Marvin over- I need a window washer 🙂


    • Marvin said he’d be there as soon as he finishes up here… you want BROOMhilda too??? Please??? (hahahaha) Thanks for coming to my Gorcha…..I’m happy my parents found me too – I was one lucky guy 16 years ago!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m like Kaci and Kali in that I don’t know when my REAL birthday is – the shelter wasn’t sure so we just picked a date………but I do have my adoption papers so know today is my Gotcha!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Sounds good to me Madi my dear! I’m partying as good as my old bones will allow – I’m sure I’ll be bed-ridden tomorrow from all this dancing and playing but it’s worth it……16 wonderful years with Mom and Dad……..WOO HOO!!! Thanks for coming to the pawty…..

      Love, Sammy


    • Thank you! That red ribbon was my favorite toy for a long time. Funny how humans spend a fortune buying us toys but our favorite stuff is often things like paper wads, straws, wooden spoons, ribbons – !!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. dood……a most happee gotcha day two ewe bacon ater N heerz ta 160 mor 🙂 we send de best oh fishes, bacon filled dishes & happee day wishes ♫♫♪♪♪♫♫♪…tahnx for hostin de rockin awesum partee….pleez due knot wunder why de shrimpz diz a peered…..ther iz in good bellahz 🙂 N joy yur day dood & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health N heerz two a freshwater hatchetfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • Thanks SO much doods AND thanks for the beautiful fish-filled and sunny card. It made me with for the beach……sigh……….the party is swinging and I’m glad you were here to help me celebrate my 16th Gotcha! Hope you have a great weekend………by the way……….I filled up the shrimp tray with more in case you want to come back and get “seconds/thirds/whatevers” !!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Sammy you sure know how to throw a “little party” MOL. I feel like Garfield fur sure. It is so great we both work hard to keep our toesies nice soft and clean. Some of my family, ahem, seem to have a problem with my toe-attention but I know we are kindred kitties and that makes it all alright. Love you big fellow. Enjoy many more with you dear pawrents and we your friends
    Purrs n Pets
    Timmy and Family


    • I decided to “get it on” today instead of serving little tiny tea sammmmmmiches – I thought “let’s PAWTY!”…….glad you could be here. I think it’s impawtant to keep our toes clean… heck with those who don’t understand that right? Thanks for coming to my pawty………it’s been an amazing day!

      Love, Sammy


  11. Wow, concats on your gotcha day, my furiend! You picked some great looking snackers for us and I’m happy to help eat up some of that mac n cheese. BOL/MOL. Your cleaning crew made me wag and giggle. Enjoy your special day!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  12. Sammy, that final photo of you on Mom Pam’s lap is so precious. We are happy to have you as our friend, and we wish you many more Gotcha Days. Mau’s sorry he wasn’t able to spend more time at your party at Scouts. Mom had a bunch of running around to do today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Thank you so much for coming to the Scouts party- I was surprised by the party truly! My parents were doing errands and stuff yesterday too so it was tough spending as much time there as I wanted to!!!!! Thank you though for coming……….and that cake was ADORABLE!

      Love, Sammy


    • Thank you so much!!!! I really did have a great Gotcha……I’m so lucky…….all of my years with one set of humans – never knowing anything but love and security. Wish that was true for ALL kitties everywhere!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Shoko, I have to admit that some days I’m just not as perky as I’d like to be, but Mom says she feels the same way!! HAHAHA Sixteen Gotchas and sixteen years in age – I guess I’m lucky to have spent all my days in one house with one set of parents…..I was super lucky.

      Love, Sammy


  13. Good greef mee all most missed yur 16th Gotcha Day Unccle Sammy!!!!!! Happy 16th to you!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!
    May mee have sum leftoverss pleeze?? Just a bit of ham an chick-hen an a side of mac an cheeze pleeze, mew mew mew…
    Mee iss so happy yur mee Unccle an mee wishess you many more Gotcha Dayss’….
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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