Tuesday Teaser And……..More!



I’ve got LOTS to tell you about today including giving you the challenge of the Tuesday Teaser sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what do you say we get on with it huh?

Today’s Teaser might be one of those toughies……I say MIGHT because I’m always surprised how you pick up stuff that to me isn’t a hint, but to you it tells the tale!    But as always, you must tell me WHERE the photo was taken – city/town/country/state OK?   OK!   Mr. Silver Briefcase – you’re ON!!!!!!

Wait a minute Sammy – did you forget something?  

The cute cheerleader?

Shake it - Don't break it! RA RA RA!

Shake it –
Don’t break it!

Thanks Suzie Q…..sorry about that!   Now, Mr. Briefcase – please do your thing!

Reporting for Duty! Here's today's TEASER!

Reporting for Duty! Here’s today’s TEASER!



Tough or Easy – it’s up to YOU!!!!!  Where was this photo taken????????

Remember, if you’re first to comment on this blog today – just a comment – not even a GUESS if you don’t have one, you get THIS:

First Commenter!

First Commenter!

If you’re the FIRST to guess the location of the photo shoot than you get THIS:

First Right Guesser!

First Right Guesser!

If you’re RIGHT but not first, you still get THIS:

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

If you are wrong or haven’t got the slightest idea, you get THIS:

The new 2016 GREENIE!

The new 2016 GREENIE!

See?  It’s a WIN/WIN!    Now hurry up and DO something!  I’m WAITING!

♥    ♥    ♥

Now, here’s PART TWO of my blog today!    This is something totally exciting………I hope you think so too………….

My dear Cousin Bacon (Pig Love!) asked me if I thought it might be FUN to start a NEW and exciting way of “sharing the love” we animal bloggers have for each other on a special day every year starting February 15, 2016.  It would be called Anipal Appreciation Day!   What better time to get together and share the love than the month of February.   Whether you are a cat, a dog, a horse, a bird, a bun bun, a pig or a human – let’s get together for a day surrounded by love.  Why wait for the could have, should have or would have after one of us crosses the Rainbow Bridge.  Let’s celebrate life now and let each other know what we mean to each other???   We will give “shout outs” to our pals – no set number of them of course – it’s all up to you……..tell everyone what’s special about that blog buddy of yours – the way they blog?  The way they care?  The way they make you smile?   That’s what we all call a “shout out” !

Here are the guidelines for celebrating Anipal Appreciation Day:

1. Post your Anipal Appreciation Day blog on FEBRUARY 15, 2016.
2. Title your blog Anipal Appreciation Day.
3. Put the badge below on your blog post for that day.
4. Give shout outs not only in the blog you write that day, but when you comment as well.  There is no set number of shout out’s you are required to do – let your heart lead you.  We are *not* leaving anyone out.
5. If you can, give your Anipal’s blog link so we can all visit each other easily and so your Anipals know you’ve linked to them!
6. HAVE FUN!  This is the most important rule – have FUN and share the LOVE!

Here’s the badge you can use for your post on February 15th:


My buddy Bacon came up with the rules and the idea………I designed the badge…….it was a “Joint Labor of Love”………..and we hope that you’ll mark your calendars NOW for this special day – the first one EVER.   I want to thank my friend Bacon for coming up with this idea……….I’m flattered he asked me to help him promote it and let me design the badge………now let’s see if we can make it a day to remember and let our Anipals know that the day after Valentine’s Day is THEIR day!

Don’t worry – I’ll remind you on Valentine’s Day that the next day is Anipal Appreciation Day!!!!

Sam Loves His Friends!

Thankful for my friends

77 responses »

    • Oh my dear Miss Csilla – you are in a THREE WAY TIE for “second”! Florida Furkids got here at 9AM on the button which is when we went live! Sorry! At least you were AWAKE (HAHAHAHAHA).

      Love, Sam


  1. Every Teaser is tough for those of us who are homebodies and don’t travel much! I need to start “traveling” via the internet more I guess! MOL
    Anipal Appreciation Day sounds so nice, what a great idea!


    • Isn’t it a great idea? I have to give credit for the idea to my pal Bacon………..it will be a FUN celebration! Yes, it’s true, if you don’t travel much you might have a tough time with the Teaser but then it’s always fun just to read the comments! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  2. I love the idea of animal appreciation day- I think it should be every day. And as always, not a clue on the teaser. I love your Valentine telling us h0ow much you love us- I love you too! XO


  3. I am here, eventually! I think Cody and Speedy are right. My mum’s penfriend used to live in Prague and my mum visited in 1967 before the Soviet invasion. Her penfriend came to England for a visit but had to return fast when the invasion was starting..


    • I forgot to say that I think Anipal Appreciation day is a great idea. Oh yes, and Feedly was only 25 minutes late with your notification. Aol is down at the moment so goodness knows when the email notification will arrive!


  4. OF COURSE… 1. we are WAY late and 2. TOTALLY wrong in our guess… We NEVER get EITHER right… BOL MOL

    We are a tiny bit confused about the ANIPAL thingy… will it actually BE on 15th or will it be on the 16th? It is a GRAND PLAN and we like it a LOT.


  5. Sammy
    I think you should create a new Tuesday Teaser badge…titled, “We know where it is not’ Cause we never know where it its. As in today ‘we know where it is not…not at our house.” MOL MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff
    PS we like Bacon’s idea too!! Are we just gonna do in one day or every day once a month?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Woo Hoo!!!!10:10 A Em an wee are here Unccle Sammy! Butt LadyMum iss purrty cluless. Shee said her guess is sumwhere in Portugal….
    Shee’ss not reelly awake yet 😉 Only 2nd cup of coffee….mew mew mew…
    An wee got yur Badge an wee want to pawticipate!
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Portugal! It might be – we’ll let Ladymum know tomorrow OK? All you have to do is on February 15th, post the badge and do a shout out to a blog pal……..tell everyone what you like about their blog – OR you can do more than one – it’s all up to you!!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  7. sammy & bacon….what a total lee awesum eye dea ta have anipal appreciationz day !!! itz mega kewl….grate werk bacon on thinkin up thiz day & grate werk sammy on de badge…..we will putz de badge on R side bar with linx bax two ewe both 🙂 ♥♥♥ as far as de teaser goes…..itz out side !!!!! 🙂 ♥♥♥


    • You’re right that it’s OUTSIDE but OUTSIDE in what city you crazy kitties !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Glad you approve of the Anipal Appreciation Day – we’ll do the first one on February 15th – FUN!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Mom says this looks like Germany; though, it could be any old European city. She did some Googling ’cause she thought she could find a photo of the unusual lighting fixture in the center, but no such luck. We’ll take one Greenie please. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  9. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, looks like a cool place and definitely a lot of tourist looking around! I have no clue. Dang. Anyway, love that Anipal day and I’ll get it added to the BCC.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  10. Really, you have to make these harder. All those chimneys on the building on the left means that we’re in the same place as last week, just seen from a different angle.


  11. We have a guess, we think its outside a Best Buy in Germaknee and all those peeps are lined up waiting for their new iPhone 🙂 We figured it we don’t know the answer, we should at least make our guess entertaining.


    • Embarrassing ourselves is what Teaser Tuesday is all about (HAHAHAHA just kidding). Seriously, it never hurts to go out on a limb and take a stab at guessing. Come by next Tuesday and take a peek – I do a Teaser every Tuesday! As for Anipal Appreciation Day – the more the merrier!!! February 15th and I’ll remind everyone on the 14th just in case!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. As usual, (just like my mom’s long-time friend, Shirley, who commented just before us, we have no idea about the Teaser!
    But we are definitely on board for the Anipal Appreciation Day. That’s a great idea, and we look forward to it!
    Love, Sundae


  13. ConCats on yous award Sammy and we luvved readin’ more ’bout y’all. And we sure hope we member to join ya’ da 15th. Mommy wrote it in da calendar now all we gotta do is member to check da calendar. MOL Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


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