Cleaning Day



When the weather outside is too cold to do anything out there – what do you do?   CLEAN THE HOUSE!   Yep – even if it wasn’t the usual day for housecleaning around here (which it is), we’d probably be doing it.   There’s been a lot of in/out/in/out around here – trudging down to the mailbox at the bottom of the driveway, taking ME ME ME out on the front porch and down the sidewalk (now that it’s free of snow and ice!) and trips to the outside trash can………… even though Mom and Dad (not me of course) change shoes from “inside” to “outside” shoes, some dirt/sand/whatever gets inside.

Out comes the MONSTER……………… handles it all – noisily of course but it’s handled!


I’ll tell you how it makes me feel Dr. Puppy, it makes me feel like my head will explode from the noise!    BUT, I just go down to the basement and wait it out.



Before you know it – things are back to normal………………..



I say normal but you know what?  I’m not sure there is a “normal” around my house……………..if there is, he’s hiding in a closet somewhere and only comes out at night when we can’t see him.   Probably goes to my treat bowl and helps himself.   Watch it Mr. Normal……..I’ve got my EYES on you!


Happy Friday!!  


58 responses »

  1. Apparently changing shoes doesn’t help around here, either, S. But remember, I live in a house where there is vacuuming EVERY SINGLE DAY. It’s a good thing I made friends with the monster. I just don’t let it get too close.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are wise beyond your years Cupcake…..keeping that monster in your sights and not letting it get too close – EXCELLENT tactics! I’m ready for it to start up here but Mom and Dad are having breakfast first – wonder if bacon is on the menu?!

      Love, sam


  2. guess what? we have that monster day now efurry day, because of the messy fireplaces… and because of my dad who thinks he lives in a cabin in the woods… it’s awful…. that beast eats all the crumbs from the floor…sigh…


  3. Hope your Friday gets hoovered and you have a peaceful rest of the day. It is sunny here today with a cold start but I think we are suppose to hit around 57 for a high. We will take it and also take a walk up at the golf course… I have 6 pounds to lose!


  4. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, my Mom is waaaay overdue for a vaculating! BOL/MOL My fur is everywhere….really…lots and lots of SargeFur everywhere. Dad’s boots don’t help either, but I get most of the blame. I bet the beast runs my floor tonight. I’ll try to give it a good bashing as it zooms through.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend


    • UHOH….sounds like you need an emergency hoovering !! It’s the time of year when the most STUFF comes inside from outside I’m afraid……you are brave trying to capture it or even murder it as it comes by you – just be careful OK?

      Love, sam


  5. OMC OMC SAMMY…. it’s VACULA !!! Vacula is the mostest SCARY thingy EVER…. well, except fur SNOW FREAKS… and they only exist in the WINTER…. butt….. VACULA is a YEAR ROUND HORROR!!
    We are very much sorry to learn that you have a VACULA in your home also.
    Stay FAR FAR away from “IT”. They have been known to Suck Up a Tail or two…
    {{{{SHIVER}}}} Vacula is VICIOUS and VILE and EVIL.


    • I agree about the vicious Vacula……sucks up EVERYTHING in sight……even a few times it’s tried to eat the CARPET! I stay clear of it – I don’t trust it – it’s got a light on its head so it can SEE through walls with x-ray vision. I’m sorry to hear you have one too……..Mom tells me everyone has one…….sounds like we all need a vacula exterminator!

      Love, Sammy


    • Stevie is doing GREAT – she looks better than EVER in all the years we’ve had her visit us. She has found a home SOMEWHERE – we think in the cul de sac up the street – – – – she STILL visits about once a week though just to say hi and grab a quick snack. I’m happy for her.

      Happy Fish-filled weekend-o !

      Love, Sammy


  6. The monster came out at our house today too and we decided to go outside and sit the sun and the 63 degrees out there.

    Happy weekend. Bacon time!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • We have been hoping your Mom is doing super well – it’s gonna take some time before she’ll be pushing that machine around – a strange would be no fun BUT wouldn’t be there long and you guys can find a hidey spot!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Sammy, we think your house is probably more normal than ours. Is your snow melting? We still have tons of it, and we are sick of it. Mau is so anxious to find out if he made it into any of the derby finals. Have a great weekend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo


    • Normal? What’s that? HAHA We do still have snow but it IS melting. What used to be a HUGE PILE over all the lawns is not about a foot or even a bit thinner. I’m excited – there are a few patches of actual GRASS showing! Let’s hope we don’t get any more…………good luck on the Derby!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Shane asked santa for a vacuum cleaner to clean debris in his shed. Santa got it for him and now the critters have to put up with it inside AND outside! Jack isn’t scared he knows one day he will catch it! 😀


  9. Pawsum ‘lazer eyess’ Unccle Sammy!
    LadyMum cleaned today butt no vacuumin…..
    Shee said her back herted too much an maybe shee do it tomorrow….werkss fur mee, mew mew mew…
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


  10. Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy when mee plays toys the go efurryw ehre butt LadyMum says it makes thee place look ‘nice’…
    Hu’manss are so-o funny aren’t they?
    An shee DID vacuum thee next day an was carefull an nuffin herted her 😉
    So now mee must werk at messin fingss up again….
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • I try to keep my toys in my toy wagon but sometimes I need something in the BOTTOM of the wagon so I have to take EVERYTHING out! Then of course I forget to put it all back – Mom does that for me though…..she’s a peach – just like your Ladymum is!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Same here Unccle…not thee wagon butt thee toy beein on thee BOTTOM!
    So mee diggie diggiess mee toys out an littur them all over. LadyMum just laffss. That nevurr uppysetss her!
    An LadyMum all ways puts mee toys back inn propurr places. Shee reelly makes fingss cozy fur mee!
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


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