Melting Thursday


Hello!    We are MELTING………..well not “WE” but our area is getting some good sunshine and temps in the 40s so all of this snow is slowly but surely disappearing.  We still have over a foot of it on the lawn but the streets are looking good so there’s HOPE after all – at least for us.   Some places got a lot more of Jonas’s white stuff than we did so we hope they fare as well as we are………


We hope maybe that’s our annual quota of snow so we won’t get any more……………fat chance right?

My parents were finally able to drive out of our neighborhood yesterday – which was a good thing because even though Mom had stocked up on EVERYTHING before the storm came, we were almost (gasp) out of Gerber’s Beef Baby Food which is what I take my pill with!

SAMGERBERYep – they don’t know it but I could be their new poster child.  It’s the only thing Mom has found that I will eat that icky pill in…………..and trust me – we tried EVERYTHING!

Now something serious for a minute………………one of my oldest and dearest and cutest friends, Alfie (also known as Gaylord) from Mollie and Alfie’s blog went to the Bridge a few days ago.   Their Mom has a wonderful online (Etsy) store with all kinds of wonderful handmade and FUN things for pets.   I have a lot of their stuff in my house – toys and placques – nip mats too – everything is wonderful (there’s a link to the store on my sidebar).   My heart was broken to learn that Alfie had gone but then I realized when I read their blog that Alfie the Angel only has ONE ANGEL WING right now because he has a mission to stay here and drive his sister Mollie crazy – which is how he will earn his SECOND Angel Wing.   I’m sure he can do this too as he and Mollie were FAST friends.    Please visit Alfie’s blog if you haven’t already…………and his store too – they have links on their blog to the store as well.   Alfie was a dear boy – he and Mollie were “the two Blondes” on the other side of the Pond…………Click on Alfie One Wing’s photo to visit:


I will miss you Alfie………..

Now – please resume your regular internet surfing because that’s it for my blog for today!  See you tomorrow peeps!

Love, Sammy

64 responses »

  1. I’m a fan of baby food too :o) I like alaska pollock with spinach :o) I was shocked to hear that Alfie had to go to the rainbow bridge…. there are no words, just tears for a friend and his furmily :o(


    • I was shocked too Easy – didn’t know about Alfie being sick, if in fact he was……hadn’t seen a blog from them in forever so just didn’t realize but he was such a CUTIE and certainly was able to control Mollie like nobody else could! I will miss him……..

      Love, Sammy


    • Several other bloggers suggested we try pumpkin baby food – it’s good for the tummy when it’s upset (with babies) and apparently also works to help with stomach issues for pets (makes sense)……….so since Mom had heard about that, and I was being a pain in the butt about eating AYTHING after I got diagnosed with the thyroid thing, she tried Gerber’s Pumpkin Baby Food……….I loved it and WOULD eat my crushed up pill in it!!!!!!!!! Mom told my vet about it and he said it was a brilliant idea – now he tells some of his other pet parents to try it if their pets won’t take their medication.

      Love, Sam


    • I could never get her blog to come via email either and I would forget to check to see if there was a new post all the time…..then it just stopped……her business is super duper busy so I “got” that but didn’t realize that poor Alfie must have been sick. What a little character……glad he’ll be “around” to keep Mollie under control.

      love and Hugs, Sammy


  2. My heart was/is broken too to hear about Alfie’z but Alfie One Wing is going to give us some time to adjust and he needs to “sort out” The Blond. Glad the snow is melting and that you were able to get out. Enjoy your Thursday, Sammy.


    • If anyone can handle Mollie, it’s Alfie. We continue to melt a bit today as it’s sunny but only 29 degrees…… week we have some high 50s and low 60s coming though so BYE BYE SNOW!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  3. I am surprised you won’t eat your pill inside of bacon.I am glad your folks got out to restock the baby food. You look great on a baby food jar. So many cats use baby food, it would be wise of them to start a line just for cats. 🙂 XO


    • Mom tried bacon – raw was awful and I wouldn’t touch it, and cooked is delish but not with the icky tasting pill rubbed on it. Sigh. Alas. But the beef stuff I’m loving! Mom says first time she went through the grocery line with nine jars of Gerber the checker asked if it was for her grandchild (seeing Mom was an oldie!)…..Mom told her it was for ME and now the checker is always asking about how I’m doing AND has tried it with her 14 year old cat who is a picky eater. I should write to Gerber about it. HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sam


  4. We keep pumpkin baby food here in our pantry. Sometimes when us anipals get icky tummies, mom hand feeds it to us. Don’t tell mom but sometimes we want the added attention so we act like we don’t feel good – snorts. We were so upset to hear about sweet Alfie the other day. Our hearts break. Hogs and snout kisses cousin. XOXO – Bacon


    • Poor Alfie One Wing – has to stay here to torture Mollie before he can earn his second wing………well, if anyone can handle that job, it’s Alfie. What a cutie pie………… Mom started me out on pumpkin baby food back when I began taking my icky pills. It worked for a week or two then I wouldn’t eat it. So we’re slowly working our way through the complete line of Gerber baby food………….right now I’m a “BEEFAHOLIC” – love the beef with beef gravy stuff!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. WE also heard from Mollie Via Email…. Very VERY sad… butt we KNOW that Alfie One Wing is gonna be a Force to be Reckoned with!!!!!!!!!! Need we say more?
    QUOTA fur SNOW???? THAT is BRILLIANT… We will put our Quota Quote in NOW…. ZERO (0) None not a Flake.


    • It is super sad about Alfie but like we told his Mum, thankfully he went quietly in his little bed, in his sleep. Alfie One Wing’s adventures should be a hoot though……………poor Mollie!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy mom bought 50lbs of ice/snow melt yesterday. They were out last week kinda got lazy due to the warm fall. But we are hoping now that mom made this purchase it will guarantee there will be no more frozen mess.
    We were so sad to learn of Alfie’s sudden passing but in true Alfie style he has not left the building.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Thank your Mom for buying all that snow melt – that ought to do the trick and prevent any more snows! Kinda like bringing an umbrella on a rainy days stops the rain! Alfie is going to hang around and torture Mollie just as he did in life – no surprise there! 😉

      Love, Sammy


  7. dood….yur havin a heet wave ~~~~~~ uz two…itz 31 heer two day N lookz ta be 48 on sunday 🙂 YAY !!!!! may bee next time ya haz that kinda snow, yur dad shuld fly inta town & get sum staple goodz….ya think !! 🙂 ♥♥♥


    • Sadly the plane is a half hour away from the house……..or that would have been a GREAT idea. I did mention your suggestion to him though and he said he thought his arms would get tired (he’s a real comedian!).

      Love, Sammy


  8. Phew on the baby food front!

    We too were very very sad to hear about Alfie but we suspect that he’ll earn his second wing in a flash considering how easy it’ll be to get to Mollie in his invisibility cloak.


  9. I’m so sorry about your friend Alfie. I read about him on Siddhartha’s blog and went over to his site. He’s got quite the sense of humor.

    I bet baby food is delicious! Maybe I can convince Mom that I need some. Hmmmm….how do I do that?

    *ear licks*


    • Gosh Noodle……convincing your parents that you need baby food is not easy – I had to wait until I had to take medication and I was being a pain about taking it before I got to try baby food. Now I’m almost GLAD I have to take pills twice a day! As for Alfie – we hadn’t heard from him (blog) in quite a while – his Mom has a SUPER busy handmade pet toys/products business and had been really busy through Christmas. Alfie and Mollie had a truly hilarious blog though and I think maybe they will continue even though Alfie’s an angel now.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh Sammy glad yous snow is meltin’ and yous folks can get out again. Mommy sez da only time she goes nuts not goin’ anywhere is when she “can’t” MOL Humans, they can be cwazy sumtimes. But in yous case it was clearly an emergency. MOL Weez so glad to hear yous takin’ yous medicine well. Have a gweat day and stay warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • Our snow is going away slowly but surely………it’s great that we can get the car out of the garage to go to the grocery store to get food for ME (and my parents too of course…haha). We hope that’s the last snow we get this winter but probably not.

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. We think you make the purrfect choice for the Gerber baby:) We bet we would love that beefy food too. Glad to hear the snow is melting. We hope some of it comes our way.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  12. So sorry to hear about your friend Alfie crossing the bridge. Always sad to lose a friend. Glad to hear your snow is going away.


  13. I hope your snow keeps melting Sammy.
    I was very sad when I heard about Alfie. It came completely out of the blue because no-one seemed to know that he had been ill.


    • I know – I was shocked myself…..I’m not sure THEY even knew what was going on – I think he had just not been eating well for a day or so and Miss Stella was going to take him to the vet just to be sure when he just went to the Bridge while he was asleep. Maybe it was the kindest thing….I bet his little heart just decided to take a rest. Bless him………..

      Love, Sammy


  14. We were shocked and heartbroken about Alfie. I almost couldn’t believe it when I saw it on Facebook…our hearts go out to Stella and Mollie. We have some of their wonderful stuff around the house too….good people.


    • Very good peeps and so very sad about Alfie…..I guess he’ll stay here to torture Mollie though since he’s invisible (!)……I just know that she has to be missing him right now just as the whole family is.

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Lola! We are finally melting here – the snow had everybody trapped for several days didn’t it? I hope maybe we will get a REST from the snow for a while don’t you? I hope your Mom has been able to move her car – after all – need to top up the supply of cat food! HAHAHA

      Love and stay warm, Sammy


  15. Mee-you yur so hansum on thee Gerber foto!!!
    Wee iss glad you found sumfing to take yur pill inn. Thee Pro-bye-otick powder does not have a taste so LadyMum can mix innto mee wet food an mee eatss itt all up!!!!
    An while yur meltin wee iss havin an ‘Alberta Clippur’ which iss makin a lot of snow tonite!!! Woo Hoo!! Mee was out inn Condo fur an hour tonite….catchin snowflakess on mee tongue 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


      • Mee has lotss of blankitss inn thee Condo so mee iss warm enuff. Today it iss rainin out??? So mee not been out yet because mee not want to get wet….
        An mee an LadyMum had a good an calm week usin all thee tipss efurryone gave us! Do not wurry Unccle Sammy….all will bee well…..
        **paw patsss** nffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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