Snoozy Thursday

Thank heavens this is NOT me!   Thank heavens it hasn't SNOWED either!

Thank heavens this is NOT me! Thank heavens it hasn’t SNOWED either!

It’s cold outside so I’m turning into a FLEECE-A-MANIAC and fully intend to hardly BUDGE from my blankets all day long.   So in honor of my NAP-TITUDE, I’m doing a little “Thursday Snooze” blogpost today…………’s too cold to talk, so I’ll just sleep OK?


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Sometimes it’s just better to sleep through a day instead of trying to pretend it’s WARM and not so darn cold you could freeze your toesies off if you went outside!    So there.   I’ve officially turned this into SNOOZY THURSDAY (kinda like Wordless Wednesday only warmer…..hahaha).

Icy Blue Hugs,


This is starting to look COMFORTABLE to me!

This is starting to look COMFORTABLE to me!


63 responses »

      • Well, you have to test it out Sammy… you never know, it could be summer out there. You are a lucky cat because your Mom supervises your short outside time and watches you so you are safe. It’s 41 here this morning but Saturday night we are going to be down to 10 degrees. Could your cold be coming our way? That would be strange.
        Good Morning!


        • We’re going to warm up to the 40s today which is a bit better BUTTTT we have drizzle and fog and that goes right through the old bones! Seems I’m always complaining lately about SOMETHING but Mom says when we get old, we’re ALLOWED to complain (heaven knows she does her share too!!!!!!).

          Love, Sammy


  1. My Samantha thinks “Snoozy Thursday” is a purrfect idea…especially because it’s cold outside here too! But after thinking about it…it seems like Samantha is already doing the “Snoozy Everyday” thing… :-/

    Have a lovely day! Luv, puppy and kitty 🙂


  2. Keep warm and snuggly Sammy! It has been a very mild and VERY wet winter here but today is much colder and the rain has turned to sleet and hail. I will be keeping warm by the woodburner. My mum will email your mum when she gets chance. She hasn’t said much but has been very worried about me the last month, but the past 2 days I have been so much better!!!


    • Oh Flynn I’m glad you’re feeling better……I’ve sure had a lot of ups and downs the last couple of months but I think Mom is used to that now…..I like to keep her on her toes. I’ve been pretty good about taking my pills every day and my appetite has improved although Mom keeps saying she misses my FAT self! Let’s both make the new year one of FEELING BETTER – OK? I will if YOU will!!!!!

      Love and Hope for Health,
      Your Forever Friend Sammy


  3. I don’t blame you cousin. It’s cold – too cold for me. I’m thinking of going and finding Houdini’s electric blankie and using it. I’m sure he will share. XOXO – Bacon


  4. It’s a good thing that you don’t have a job. Then you’d be forced to be awake and also leave the house. Let those unemployment checks be delivered to your house.


  5. We know! Cold is unpleasant! Mommy says she could knit you a hoodie, Sammy, but she doesn’t think you’d wear it unless under threat. BOL Rocky & Selena


  6. LadyMum. Kissed. The. Screen. Unccle.
    Shee seereusslee picked up thee lappytop an kissed thee close up foto of you!!
    Mee agreess a ‘happy nappy’ iss furabuluss. Mee tried to go out this morning; lasted 10 minuttss! BBBRRRR!!!!
    Stay warm Unccle Sammy….
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


  7. Sammy, it looks like you have some super cozy and warm snoozing places. Mom just doesn’t seem to get it here. She won’t turn the heat up high enough to keep us warm so we have to go snuggle in our beds too.


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