Bacon and Happy!



Hello everybody!   Thanks to all of you who stopped by yesterday to join in the Post-New-Year’s-Eve/Sweet Sixteen Birthday party because it was absolutely tons of fun.   For me and I think for everyone…………….so many people came by I was just plain overwhelmed!    Not too overwhelmed to share a few more things about the day though…… for instance this from my buddy and pal Raz at Friends Furever!


I also got more birthday cards in so I’m having a “re-do” of all the cards I got including the new ones!

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Thank you to all of you who sent me birthday emails with wishes and Jacquie Lawson cards and all manner of greetings – my old heart swelled with friendship for all of you who took time to do that………………….ONWARD TO SWEET SEVENTEEN!

Now – what are we here for this morning?   I think you all know by now what my Saturday is all about………………..BACON!   That’s right……….the BIG B………….yummy in my tummy!

Oh yaaaaah!

Oh yaaaaah!


GO FOR IT!!!!!!

GO FOR IT!!!!!!


Just a few of your favorites (and mine!) celebrating the beauty of bacon………………….until the day I fly off to the Bridge I will enjoy every Saturday’s bacon!!

BACONBADGEIf you’re a bacon lover and not a member of my Bacon Appreciation Club, what are you waiting for?   This badge is for YOU!!!!!!!

Happy Bacon Day!  

Love, Sammy

Thanks for the cool t-shirt Raz!

Thanks for the cool t-shirt Raz!

61 responses »

  1. Bacon! Yay! You know…my Samantha has never had bacon. There is fear within me that if I introduce this piece of heaven to her…her svelte 16lb physique will be a thing of the past… :-O

    Wishing you a purrrfect and happy day! -puppy


  2. I am HAPPY you had a nice birthday, Sammy! And now this morning bacon… Yay! It was so quiet around here yesterday we couldn’t believe it. We watched a movie and took down some of the Christmas decorations. Enjoy your Saturday and be sure and get some laptime in!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Wasn’t it fun that Raz did a whole video of my favorite song with ME ME ME and ME in it???!!! HAHAHAHA Anyway, we had a quiet day yesterday too and today will be more of the same. Mom and Dad cleaned the house this morning super early and Mom is finishing up a couple of loads of laundry then going to the grocery but other than that it’s gonna be LAZY DAY!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  3. Ohhh yay Sweet Sammy what a great day for a most deserving man cat! My guy
    Raz is a very talented Jib-jab creator
    Madi your bffff


  4. We’re so happy your birthday was a huge success. You certainly did have a lot of stuff to eat – I came home stuffed liuke a Thanksgiving Turkey. he he


    • Thanks Travis, Crockett and Angelique! I had a wonderful time – and LOTS of bacon!!!!! I think there was some ham in there as well…… was a day full of yummy food and friends.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thank you Miss Layla and gang…..we got your card this morning – thank you SO much! I love the card and it means so much coming from you…….Here’s hoping for a wonderful 2016 for you AND the kitties!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Happy Sweet Sixteen, Sammy, and we are sure Sweet Seventeen will be even sweeter:) We didn’t get any bacon today BUT we had it twice this week because the Mom likes to spoil our human brother when he is here to visit – it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tasty.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  6. Happy 16th Birthday Sammy. It looks an awesome day and we are sorry we didn’t drop by in good time (or for the Sunday Selfie) BUT we hope this will do, * sends virtual bacon *

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew


    • Ernie I think now that you’ve tasted heaven you will be demanding it frequently just like me. Actually I don’t have to demand it any longer – I just automatically get it every Saturday (and sometimes in between!). Good luck – MAY THE BACON ME WITH YOU!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Your birthday party was an absolute blast, Sammy! Onward to 17! We love all the bacon memes, and we love you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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