Teaser Tell All


Holy Mackerel!   I knew it was a TOUGHIE but somehow I thought someone would guess it……………because they’d been there on a tour or SOMETHING…………..but as of yesterday evening when I took a break from the computer after Mom and Dad had deserted me ALL DAY (sniff), nobody had guessed the Teaser.

Well, first things first anyway…………..I had a TIE for FIRST COMMENTER!   That’s right – good old FAST DRAW EASY and Miss Jan from Wag-N-Woof Pets TIED by commenting the first minute the Teaser went live!   Each of you get one of these little beauties!   Concatulations!

TEASERBADGE-NEWYEAR1Now, Mr. Silver Briefcase Dude will you please post those two photos from yesterday’s Teaser for everybody?    Let’s take one more look before I tell you where and who……………………..




No welcome mat here!

No welcome mat here!

If I tell you first who my GUEST TEASER was, you might have a rough idea about which COUNTRY this location is…………………………my GUEST TEASER is the fabulous Leo, from WALKTORIO2016 blog!   This is for you Leo!

Thanks Leo for being my last Guest Teaser for 2015!

Thanks Leo for being my last Guest Teaser for 2015!


Where did he take these photos?   They are the entrance to the house of, and the bedroom of, Mr. Victor Hugo.    WOW………one of the most famous writers EVER……..if you would like more info on him, try this link HERE.    This house is located in Pasages de San Juan, Spain.    I told you it was a toughie……unless you’d read about Mr. Hugo and the article showed his house in Spain OR you’d actually visited it on a tour, you never would have guessed it right?   WELL YOU DIDN’T !!!!!    That means I fooled everyone………….well, I hope you all don’t mind getting one of my specially designed final GREENIES of 2015????    Here you are!


Thank you Leo for this true WHOPPER of a Teaser to round out 2015, and thank you all my friends who have stuck with the Tuesday Teaser PAIN AND AGONY this past year.  We had some good Teasers didn’t we?  I promise we’ll have MORE in 2016!    Also new badges for the year………………….YAY!

Now, before I let you go, may I say that you’re all invited to stop by my blog this Friday – YES I know it’s the morning AFTER New Year’s Eve and you’ll all have a hangover/headache but please do stop by.   I’ll have some breakfast, coffee, mimosas for you – you see it’s going to be my SIXTEENTH birthday Friday too………….so why not keep your hangover hanging for one more day and stop by to have fun with me?

Sammy Hugs for EVERYONE! 

Love, Sam


63 responses »

  1. Congrats to me & wag n woof :o) think we ask look for dividing the first guesser badge huh? that was a small bed Mr. Hugo had…. I’m sure he had no Weimaraner…. that would be uncomfy at night for both :o)


  2. I saw the pic yesterday and couldn’t think of a single thing, so well done Mr Leo on bamboozling us all! I will definitely try and make it to your 16th, Sammy!! You are one of the blogosphere’s most revered elder statescats! 😉 xxx


    • Hi Austin! I know it was a VERY tough Teaser to end the year with…….maybe I’ll make up for it by having an EASY one for the FIRST one of 2016??? Glad you’ll be stopping by on Friday to help me celebrate my OLDNESS. HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  3. That was a good one Sammy! My mum hasn’t been there, but she has been to Victor Hugo’s house when he lived in St Peter Port Guernsey.
    My mum said can she come for mimosas?


  4. Congrats to the guessers
    Sammy of course I will be here for your 16th bday! Are you getting your driver’s licenses and a fire engine red Ferrari?
    Hugs Madi your bfff


  5. Mom said she knew it had to belong to a guy because a girl would have decorated that room a little more. As others have said, that bed is small, no room for cats on that bed. We’ll see you on Friday to help celebrate your birthday with you Sammy 🙂


    • Hi Oliver and Calvin! You’re right – there would have been flowers and pretty curtains and a cuddly rug on the floor if it was a girls’ room. Mr. Hugo liked “AUSTERE” I think!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, for a change I don’t feel so bad for not having a clue! BOL/MOL Great one for this week and I’ll be along for your 2016 teasers. And, I’ll be sure to stop by for your big birthday, my furiend.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  7. WOW! I would have never guessed that. How awesome are those pictures?! And pawty – someone say pawty?! Snorts and oinks. I may have a few surprises up my hooves for you too on my bloggy cousin 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


  8. Happy birthday early, Sammy! Looks like I slept right through the last teaser of 2015! I’ll have to set the alarm so as to not miss the first teaser of 2016


  9. We missed even getting to the teaser yesterday cause we were so busy with our human cousin (babies are busy!). It is ok though, because since we didn’t see yesterdays, we aren’t officially receiving the greenie. Teehee!


  10. I will be proudly collecting my last Greenie for 2015! I think that Green is my favorite color Sammy! That was wayyyy to tough for us, but we love guessing!


  11. Holy toughie teaser Catman! No one got it hey? You are a trickster. I am so so very happy to join you to celebrate your 16th Birthday, that’s so awesome sweetie pie! Lucky you and lucky mom and dad to celebrate another birthday with you! xox b


  12. We are just happy and excited to close out the new year by winning a badge! We feel pretty honored to share it with Easy, since he’s definitely a PRO-fessional at the Tuesday Teasers! Congrats to you, Sammy on stumping everyone, as well!


  13. OMG, OMG, Sammy!!!! You won’t believe me but I wanted to ask where Leo and Doggy hanged out recently! That perspective was telling! But that tiny bed seemed to refute this idea: neither Leo nor Doggy could have slept in it (or under it)!


    • I know – the bed would MAYBE have fit a “baby Leo” but not a long and lanky grown up Leo and his Doggy-dog! Leo continues prepping for 2016 Olympics – running races and feeling perky!

      Hugs, Sammy


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