Monster Mash Day



CLEANINGBANNERemember that song?  “Monster Mash” ???  Well today is monster mash day around my house…………..out with the vacuum cleaners and here comes the noisy monsters!


One day some smarty pants will invent a vacuum cleaner that makes NO NOISE…………..yep – it just needs a really good silencer on it and we’d all be a whole lot happier right?   How hard can it be after all???   Whoever invents that will be a bazillionaire.

Mom and I worked on my toy box/wagon to neaten it up…….

My toy box is actually a toy WAGON!

Just some of my favorites out of the wagon…..oh and my Kitty Bank of course…..


Sometimes there’s so much noise around here on Fridays it sounds like there’s a whole HOUSE full of vacuums, dusters, reorganizers at work………..thank COD that’s not the case – just my two humans knocking themselves out to straighten the house up!


Once that’s done, I wonder what the old folks will get up to?   I heard something about running errands……….that means I’ll be alone for a few hours…………..and THAT means I can take all the toys out of the wagon that I want out of the wagon instead of having MOM around to make sure I don’t make a mess.   Tee Hee………


Would that make me a “Little Devil” if I did that?  Maybe……..but I look GOOD in horns right?


Sammy the Devil Boy!


53 responses »

  1. Sammy i have to drag the vac-uuuum out tomorrow..there has been much shredding of a 5 dollar cardboard cat scratch platform that is i blame the girls! ..lucky it was only 5 dollars because some kitty not naming names..Marbles chucked up all over as you see some humans have kitties that make mess 😉 loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. Around here, it’s vacuum day EVERYday! Mom says it’s my fault because of my furs falling out all over the place. On the upside, I am not afraid of the noise, anymore. Hang in there, S.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake…..Well I guess I’m lucky that my furs don’t drop off here and there……! I do not like the noise and have always disliked BIG noise……so I’ll hide out in the basement like a good boy and wait until things quiet down!

      Love, Sammy


    • Uhoh……the beast removed all available SNACKING material from the floor? I hope your Mom realizes that since she’s responsible for removing the snacks, she’s ALSO responsible for giving you something YUMMY to make up for that!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. A silent vakoom… why not? Brilliant. Why can’t they make a quiet vakoom? You have me thinking about that now at 6:27am. Just get under your tent and wait it out Sammy. Your Mom is going to do errands… wonder if she is going to buy FOOD? Enjoy your Friday, Sammy… suppose to rain here!

    Liked by 1 person

    • At least it’s supposed to RAIN there and not SNOW…..have heard several bloggers saying they expect SNOW. YUCK. I’m totally not ready for that here!!!!! Mom’s errands don’t include the grocery store but then again you never know about her – once she’s out of the house she can go crazy! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sammy, at least your people take care of the monstering today, our mom makes us wait until Sunday and that’s when all the noisy things come out of their hiding place. Mom keeps our toys in a basket and I’ve been known to tip that basket over, not because I want to play with anything, just because its fun to knock it over. Oliver never does that, he’s the good guy around here 🙂 We hope you make it through monster day.



    • It’s good to keep humans on their toes – knocking over a basket full of stuff is an excellent idea! Pulling the toilet paper off the roll is another…….stealing socks is golden………there’s a whole house full of opportunity if we just GRAB IT! HAHAHA

      Love, Sam


  5. Sammy I for sure hope you take advantage of the peeps being away. I’m sure the very toy you want is on the bottom of that stack
    Hugs madi your bfff


  6. We hope you have lots of fun with all those toys out of the wagon. Mom has been vacuuming a LOT this week because we had baths at the kennel. That makes our furs fly everywhere:) But we don’t really mind the vacula at all. In fact Mom has to make us move so she can do under us.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  7. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, we all hate the vacula! My Mom is due to run her monster tonight. I can tell because I’ve been dragging in tons of dirt and clods of mud and even shedding some extra fur. BOL/MOL Well, now I get the vacula torture. *sigh*
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  8. Sammy, what’s dat big black furry fing in yous wagon? Sowry ’bout da rain and da cawrpet monster. Weez sendin’ da ark to pick you up. Weez got clear skies fur da next kupple days and then weez’ll all need it cuz da storms be comin’ back big time. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


      • OMC From da foto Sammy it looks as big as you. MOL Glad you got sun puddles cuz it got cold here and posed to rain all next week. Looks like weez gunna be needin’ da ark. MOL

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


  9. Poor Sammy! Mommy (finally) gots us a tunnel. Wes can has visitors now…and with Mommy at work, yous and Mes could snuggles in my heated cubby for hours….
    Your Nellie Bellie (at Mommy’s Blog)


    • A tunnel!!!! YAY!!!!! Now you can TRAVEL a bit too!!! That’s wonderful dearest Nellie Bellie – I know all of us manly mancats will enjoy having a snuggle with you while your Mom is at work (tee hee)!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  10. You must mess up your toys again, you have to keep them on their toes! Perhaps one day there will be a noiseless vac that cleans by itself. ?


  11. Hello Sammy and Pammy! Glad you got all your chores done today so you can sluff off all day tomorrow. Maybe a nice walk on the porch, then a nap in a sun puddle? Whatever your furry little heart desires. Let’s hug it out…mwaaaa xoxox


    • Miss Boomdee!!! We’ve missed you! Hope everything is fab in your part of the world. I bet you’re loving things at the shop now that holidays are coming – bet you get SUPER DUPER busy with creative fun!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Sammy, we hope you made quick work of removing those toys. That’s exactly what we do after Chris finishes cleaning here. Mom came downstairs this morning and told Dad our house looks like a train wreck. Guess it is a good thing we’ll have Chris here on Monday.


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