Pre-Tease Monday



Hello Friends!!   We survived the weekend – did you?   Yesterday morning I was reminded that winter is on the way……… was 36 when Mom and I took our early morning “tour” of the yard.  Talk about frosty………I briefly gave some consideration to asking Mom to pick me up and carry me BUTT I didn’t push my luck.

Tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday and I have yet another GUEST TEASER PHOTO for you…………yep – someone sent me a doozy of a photo to use.   Not saying who until Thursday’s Tell All but what I can say is you’d best start studying NOW!

Will YOU be ready for me tomorrow???

Will YOU be ready for me tomorrow???

Yesterday my Mom did something really silly…………the little boys from next door came over and Mom got the deck planters down from the deck and dumped the soil out onto the grass – WHY?   Because they were the planters she had her beautiful sweet potato vines planted in – Mom always gets those for the hanging planters on the deck because they are beautiful plants – NOT for the potatoes they product…………but the boys knew there would be potatoes so after the vines were removed, it was time to dig through the soil for ‘taters!   They found plenty of them but two of them were WHOPPERS…….one was about five inches long and probably five or six inches around – it was so big it already was popping through the soil in the planter so Mom knew that at least ONE big sweet potato was in there.  But when the boys began digging through the pots, they found several that were decent sized – lots of little ones too.   The boys think they can make a small sweet potato pie out of them but Mom told them not to be too disappointed if their Mom said “no can do” and made them throw them away.   Still it was a lot of fun and I watched from inside the kitchen door because the deck is right out the door.    It was rather exciting!!

Sweet potato vines

Sweet potato vines

That was about as exciting as our Sunday got………………….it was quiet……………..which you know I like.   We all like QUIET Sundays right?

Sam Sleeping Close Up


So will I see you here tomorrow at a random time of Mom’s choosing?   HMMM???  Will you be ready to examine the Teaser photo???  Will you be ready to comment first or guess where the photo was taken or will you just have the “I’m gonna get another Greenie” mindset?!?!?!?!   C’mon……… can do it!  I know you can!

See you in the morning………….

Hugs, Sammy the pre-Teaser

67 responses »

    • Oh we love them……..BUT these are grown in pots on the deck and they were just grown for the beauty of the vines, not for eating! My Mom and Dad LOVE sweet potatoes and Mom makes sweet potato pie frequently……….

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. That was a nice surprise to find the potatoes in the pot! I have never tried them. Maybe I will ask my mum for a taste next time she cooks them.


  2. that’s my way to get more taters too… I always grab one and plant them somewhere in a flowerpot or I furget it somewhere in the back yard. It’s always a great surprise for my momma…. I’m a good boy, right? I’m ready fur tomorrow, bring on that bavarians in kilts who spend their howl-i-day cruising with a venetian gondola around the bahamas :o)


    • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA on the Teaser……seems to me from the photo Mom showed me for tomorrow there are no gondolas OR kilts in the picture…..then again maybe I didn’t look at it properly! GOOD LUCK!!!!! I think you are the KING OF POTATOES – you hide them on your bed and wait for your parents to find them when they hop into bed at night. HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Glad you like the photo….it’s one of Mom’s favorites too – it’s the photo on the mousepad that’s in my CAFEPRESS SHOP because Mom loves it so much. Hope you have a fun week too Easy! Do you and Hailey send emails to each other?

      Love, Sam


  3. Holy Smokes, Sammy! This was my first year for planting sweet potato vines and don’t laugh, but I had no idea I might have sweet potatoes out there in the pot. I planted them with heucheras. I will tell CH we have to check them out today! I don’t think we will be eating any if they are there because we blasted that planter with Sevin because the huecheras had spider mites… ick!!! Those little mites made it all around the yard to our junipers and cedars but they bounced back… Yay!

    Love your sleepy photo!


    • It’s pretty weird but Mom never thought about it either until the neighbor boys asked about the potatoes! She’s had the vines for three or four years (buys them every year I should say) and NEVER checked the pots for potatoes. Sure enough there were some GOOD SIZED ones in there! We didn’t use any poisons on them so could eat them but why bother – they were pretty funky looking because they’d grown in pretty small deck planters anyway!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • My Mom never looked either until the neighbor boys asked if there were potatoes in the dirt and sure enough there they were!!!!! Amazing…..Mom has never eaten them but you could if you hadn’t put any kind of weird fertilizer or whatever on them during the year! NEATO!

      Love, Sam


  4. Your sweet potato plant is really doing well where it is. I hope Mr. Frost doesn’t get it. Love the fall look at your place.
    Tuesday teaser, you know me I am not good at that at all. But I shall visit.


    • See you tomorrow for the Teaser ;). The sweet potato vines got REALLY long this year – the end of the deck where they are is up high in the back yard so they were probably ten feet long by the time Mom cut them back this year!

      Love, Sammy


  5. It sounds like you had a good weekend! It has been getting quite cold here at night lately, too. I miss the fall and spring – here in Colorado, we seem to only have summer and winter. Hope you have a lovely day, dear friend.


    • We’re having SUPER COLD here today – this morning it was 29 (eeek) and while it’s actually made it up to almost 40, it’s raining so it’s that DAMP feeling that gets right into your bones! YUCKY!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy we love those sweet potato plants in planters too. BUT OMCs they really have ‘taters on them? Amazing!! Is it raining there? it is raining here we are so tired of it. Mom says she is afraid to stand still for fear of moss growing up her legs
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • YES Madi – if your Mom digs in the dirt where she’s had the vines planted she will find ‘taters!!!! Amazing isn’t it? It’s raining here but very lightly – we’re supposed to have MORE rain tonight though – probably what you’re having now. YUCK! Mossy legs sound interesting…….HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Sam


  7. Thiss was a totallee QUIET weekend here an it was luvley!!
    Thee workmen are here so mee was onlee out ur 1/2 hour. They not noisy when mee inside…so mee iss goin to nap till they leeve! 😉
    Wee can hardlee wait to see thee Teezer Unccle Sammy!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx
    Pee S: Yur ZZZZZ foto iss priceless 😉


  8. Peep #1 has been putting garden stuff away for the winter, too. She was pretty busy with a bake sale thingy up until Friday but on Saturday she mowed the front and back yards for the last time and yesterday she limed some stuff and today she limed more stuff and hauled bags of leaves to the back of the yard. Wonder what she’ll do tomorrow. Inquiring minds are gonna wanna know. MOUSES!



    • Your Peep is one busy Peep! This is a busy time of the year – not only are the leaves relentless falling but there’s all sorts of holiday stuff starting up. Peeps get pooped – it’s up to us to keep ’em going Seville!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. OMC Yous pots gwo taters Sammy? How big awe those pots? Mommy luvs taters, not da sweet kind, but da udders. But she didn’t know she kuld be gwoin’ ’em pots. Have a gweat nap and stay warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi.


  10. Our mom loves sweet potato fines, especially the ones with purple leaves She’s had trouble finding them the last several years. She never even once realized she could actually find potatoes if she dug them up. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth & Calista Jo


    • Same here……….until the boys next door asked and Mom had already cut the plants back from frost…..and there they were – POTATOES!!!!!! The purple vines seem to be the most popular ones even though they don’t grow as BIG as the green ones…….at least my Mom’s don’t – BUT the purple ones have such beautiful lavender flowers too! Next year we’re gonna plant them in bigger pots – bet we get bigger potatoes! As long as we don’t use any poisons/bug spray stuff on them we CAN eat them. Strange thought isn’t it?

      Hugs, Sam


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