In And Out Cleaning

Or should I say DOUBLE monster day?

Or should I say DOUBLE monster day?

It’s MONSTER day but guess what……….not just inside monster but also outside monster – the leaves will be sucked up AFTER the house is finished!   That means I will have NO PEACE today.


There is one good thing about the outside bit though – – – – right now we have so many leaves down that I can’t find my grass to munch on!  It’s totally covered AND I don’t particularly enjoy walking on the leaves either.   So, after they’re “removed” by the SUPER DUPER MONSTER outside, I’ll be happy.   I’ll try to grin and bear it until it’s over with.   Mom is gonna be brave too in her OWN special way………HAHAHA

Yes Mom....we know how you feel about it all.....

Yes Mom….we know how you feel about it all…..

There aren’t any dust bunnies OUTSIDE though………..just inside……………I’ll be standing by to come out from hiding!


Cleaning out my own litter box......HAHA

No worries Mom – I’ll handle cleaning out my own litter box……HAHA

Mom and Dad think that all the leaves will be down in the next few weeks – hopefully before Thanksgiving.   I’m not so sure………..I still see an awful lot of them hanging on for dear life up in the big oak trees………..

More fall leaves for Sam to play in!

See? Still some green leaves that haven’t turned!

You may remember this photo – I usually drag it out from my photo files in the Fall…………it just reminds me of how pretty Virginia is in the Fall…………this is a photo my Mom snapped out the window of my Dad’s Cessna as they flew over the countryside several Falls ago……………every color there is!

Fall Trees

Leaves from up in the air…..

From the air it looks like a box of jewels or maybe a big box of candy……….every flavor and taste………..the beauty of Virginia Fall…………..can’t beat it!

Happy FRIDAY !!




58 responses »

    • Hi Charlie! The leaves really are spectacular this year. Mostly the colorful ones are finished and now there’s a lot of brown ones still hanging on the trees waiting to fall. Wish they’d hurry up and do that so we could stop with all the yardwork (noisy!).

      Love, Sammy


  1. Sammy that’s great that you got such a cool air-photo… so we have something beautiful in our minds when we have to rake all that colorful leaves hahahaha…. maybe that makes it easier :o) we celebrate a WET-nesday here, we are wet like river rats after my noon-patrol… but my dad said we can go he can see that the rain stops soon… next week or tomorrow :o(


    • We have heard there’s a lot of rain all over the place on your side of the pond…….everyone I know in Britain says RAIN too. I hope all of you don’t float away! I also hope that your fireplaces are working by now because all that rain means damp which also means COLD!!!!!!! EEEEEK!

      Love, Sammy


    • I’m SO glad your monsters (especially that skeeeery yellow octopus) is gone. Who needs all that racket……but let me warn you Raz……..once they start up with those kitchen renovations there WILL be noise – I’m thinking you kids will get access to the BIG bed again for snoozing while that work is going on!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. No outdoor work here Sammy, it has rained torrents since early yesterday and is forecast to continue right through the weekend 😦
    The Fall colours are beautiful. All we have is soggy leaves everywhere.


    • Gosh Flynn…..rain rain and more rain huh? Well, we had a shower early this morning and are expecting rain one day this weekend but today we are partly sunny and cool……my plan is to stay inside and SLEEP.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. No outside work here either Sammy, been raining for two days and we are VERY HAPPY about that. Needed rain… BUT it has delayed the leaf sucking. CH has already done about 12 loads and should finish up this coming week. Love the shot from the air… beautiful colors! Happy Friday to YOU!


    • You’re ahead of us on number of leaf loads accomplished thusfar………..but we still have a WHOLE LOT to come down. Dad says might be first weeks of December before we are through – LUCKY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Oh dear me Sammy I hear you I think if I had to chose the inside monster is the least invasive…we know where it is at all times and can adjust that outside monster is loud and it moves like greased lightning. Once I was sitting at my back door all of a sudden that dang thing was in my face
    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. That is a beautiful photo of the foliage in Virginia. I love the one of you in a Hazmat suit too 🙂 I doubt your litter box is that bad. Sorry for all the noises today- just try to think of bacon day tomorrow 🙂 XO


  6. dood….thatz a total lee awesum fotoz yur mom & dad cap sured…..we lovez fall round heer, air iz crisp & kleen, knot two hot, knot two cold, bass terd burdz fly south for de winter ……….sew long & due KNOT come bak….pie day happenz ina few ~~~~~ 🙂

    heerz two a tompot blenny kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


  7. The outside monsters came here on Monday to scoop up a lot of those leaves. Still some up in the trees though. And the inside monster couldn’t work today because the grands were here. BUT the evil monster came calling three times too many overnight for our poor Ciara:(

    We hope you and the family have a nice weekend.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  8. Mee-you that air-e-all foto iss luvley! An yur backyard looks fab! Wee had a My-crow Burst today an all thee leevess got blown off thee treess. So they re all necked!
    Mee did manage to go out in Condo after thee Burst an then later on an just came in tonite….thee temperature dropped an iss chilley an damp out….
    Autumm iss definitelee here Unccle!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


      • Feelin much better Unccle! Thee foodabulls agree with mee!
        LadyMum iss not 100purr cent tho’. Wee not been vizitin many bloggiess. Shee iss sleepin a lot….shee says it is her Chron-ick Fateegee….shee reelly ISS worn out. Butt shee tries to get mee here efurry day 😉
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  9. We totally agree that those trees look like a big dish of candy. Just gorgeous! Sammy, what a brave kitty to clean your own letterbox. Hope the day wasn’t too traumatic for you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  10. Mee can say LadyMum iss ALOT LESS stressed out an shee iss chip-purr an plays with mee efurry day. It iss just that nastee Fateegue that iss holdin on! Last nite, shee had trubble fallin asleep….bet shee will need a nappie around 4 Pee Em…..
    mee knowss her so well 😉


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