Teaser Tell All



OH SILVER BRIEFCASE DUDE…….C’mon in and whip out the photo for us will ya???

Your wish is my command Mr. Teaser!

Your wish is my command Mr. Teaser!

YAY!!!!!   That was a pretty darn good Teaser yesterday wasn’t it?   I had all kinds of super answers but there was only ONE “First Right Guesser” and I’ll tell you who that was in a minute………..

First things first though……………..here’s the photo from yesterday!


If I tell you who my GUEST TEASER was, you might sort of get a bit of a hint where this was taken………………..The world famous (infamous?) race-walking celebrity we all know and love, Mr. Leo was the one who sent me this photo!    As you know he’s getting himself into shape so he can be in the Olympics next year (YAY LEO)…………..and he was race-walking past this beautiful spot which is The Cathedral of Almeria in Andalusia, Southern Spain when he thought “THIS WOULD MAKE A FAB TEASER FOR SAMMY AND MISS PAM” !!!!    So he sent it to my Mom via his phone.   Along with these:


A close up of the beautiful architectural details....

A close up of the beautiful architectural details….

Yes that's Leo !

Yes that’s Leo !

This amazing structure was built from 1524-1562…….I forgot to ask him what the white sign on the door says….maybe “Keep Out Leo” ????   Anyway, if you’d like to track down more info on this Cathedral, try this link HERE.    Thank you Mr. Leo for the photos!   This is for you even though I know you rarely blog anymore – you STILL get my Guest Badge!

Thanks Leo!

Thanks Leo!

Who was the FIRST COMMENTER yesterday morning???    It was the “I’m awake 24/7” guy, Easy!   That’s right – he’s as reliable as the postman – nothing keeps him from delivering his HELLO on a Tuesday morning no matter WHAT time we go live…….although he’s not always the FIRST…….!!!!    This is for you Easy:


Now – WHO was my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER????  It was my buddy and pal Flynn !   Concatulations Flynn!


AND, some of you ALSO knew, or jumped on Flynn’s bandwagon (!!) so you get this!


Now don’t feel bad if you didn’t know….or guessed incorrectly…..I have something GREEN for you!


Where will we visit next week?   The fickle finger of fate will land somewhere on the globe and we’ll visit it NEXT TUESDAY!!!!  Be purrrrpared!


See You Next TUESDAY!

See You Next TUESDAY!


36 responses »

  1. Concats, Easy & Flynn! That is a beautiful building. Just think, Sammy: folks all over the world are keeping an eye out for possible Tuesday Teaser pics for you!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Lady wishes she hadn’t missed this yesterday because she knew it was Spain. She would have gotten a half point for once.

    Lady also wanted to let your mom know that she finally got around to reading your mom’s book.It is the first book she read on her kindle app. She really enjoyed it.


  3. We would have never guessed Spain…. we would have guessed somewhere in the Middle East. But that is exactly why we never get the Teaser right! MOL!


  4. Yeahhh!!! Concats to Easy too.
    A big Boooo to aol who only just delivered the notification to my mailbox. It makes yesterday’s 4 minute delay seem positively supersonic in comparison.


  5. That is such a beautiful building. We are always so impressed with Easy’s success – he is so very well-traveled.

    Happy Wednesday, Sammy.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Flynn’s Mom and Dad do cruises frequently and have seen a LOT of the world that way………..and Easy is always watching his computer on Tuesdays so frequently beats everyone else to be FIRST COMMENTER! He and Flynn are a formidable team! LOL

      Love, Sammy


  6. Congradoglations Easy for being first. You are awesome because you must sit at the computer from early Tuesday morn until you see a post by Sammy. MOL You’re good and you should know it. Flynn, you are also awesome because that was not easy but hard. I guessed the same but later but ni, I didn’t copy you. I found out another way. Enjoy my friend.



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