Falling Leaves Friday!



Fall continues to fall here!

That’s right – the leaves are coming down like rain these past two days……..just enough breeze to blow them down from their spots on all the big trees around our house – I can’t even go outside in my own yard without getting bopped on the head by falling leaves!   I guess it could be worse……..those acorns falling are a lot more painful when they hit my ginger head than leaves are that’s for sure.

Here’s how things look around here……….

Fall2014-2 FallYard2

We are nowhere near “peak” color though so I’ll show more photos as we march further into Fall.  I hope it’s pretty where you are!

I spent time on my porch this morning – it was chilly!

OK Mom....that's enough outside time for now.....

OK Mom….that’s enough outside time for now…..

Won’t be long before Mom will have to bring some of the houseplants that have lived on the front porch INSIDE for the winter – in fact we might get our first frost this weekend – EEEEK.

Also pretty soon Mom will be working on decorating our front porch for Sam-O-Ween…………we like to do something different every year………….here’s a couple of “oldies” – this year Mom bought some of that stuff that looks like a BIG spider web.  Can’t wait to see what she does with that

Our front porch decked out for Halloween

My front porch in 2011 for Sam-O-Ween

This was Sam-O-Ween 2012 (with a neighbor kitty photobombing!)

This was Sam-O-Ween 2012 (with a neighbor kitty photobombing!)

We want to take a minute to wish my friend Raz and Allie’s Mom Miss Sharon from FRIENDSFUREVER a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!


Tomorrow is my BACON day so I’ll be busy celebrating that you can just BET on it!

See you then?

HUGS, Sammy





64 responses »

  1. First, Mom says thank you for the birthday wishes! We’re going to try to make her day super special.

    Your fall leaves are beautiful, and so is your porch….we can’t wait to see what it looks like for Sam-O-Ween!! We’re also laffin’ at the photobomber!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Stevie is sneaky……Mom didn’t even SEE her when she was taking that photo. Oh well…..she’s part of our “landscape” around here anyway! Hope you all give your Mom a wonderful birthday – she (and you) have been so busy taking care of Dad that she often is JUST doing that and NOT doing things for herself. She needs to do that today especially. Give her a BIG HUG from me (and one from my Mom too!).

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Katie! I’m sure Miss Sharon will have a wonderful birthday – I hope so anyway. She’s in sunny Florida while we’re freezing our buns off up here in Virginia! HAHAHA I hope you’ll be coming to my Sam-O-Ween party???

      Love, Sammy


  2. We don’t celebrate the change of seasons and Halloween here in South Africa, it’s such a pity because we just love seeing what our U.S. of A friends get up to and how they decorate and have fun.
    Wally & Sammy


  3. Your Fall colours are looking lovely. Our leaves are falling fast and furiously and never got much colour this year. Mum says it is probably because summer was so cold and not much sun.
    She brought the cacti indoors yesterday. They will be glad of that because I am sure I saw them shivering.


  4. Tis lookin very AUTUMNAL, Sammy! Our leaves are just beginning to change. My pawrents wanted to ride to the mountains to see the foliage, but they just may have waited too late….
    Happy Birthday to Miss Sharon!
    Love, Sundae


    • Quite possibly up on the mountains it’s already come and gone but strangely we didn’t see the usual “leaf report” on the news this year – I think it just wasn’t a good year for leaf-peeping around here!

      Love, Sammy


  5. We didn’t make it to peak color because it hasn’t rained in over two months and the leaves just turned brown and yellow and our leaves have been hitting the ground with lightning speed. Super sucker will soon be fired up! I guess we are copying you because our first frost is maybe tonight or tomorrow. Love your past pictures of your decorated Sam-o-ween porch! Cracks me up that Stevie managed to get in the picture… 😀

    Happy Birthday, Sharon! Hope you have a wonderful day!


    • Hi Pix!! We got all of your rain I think………..we thought we’d have instant leaf drop since we’d had a drought too then we had a solid week of RAIN RAIN and more RAIN which apparently “saved” the leaf season. They are turning beautiful NOW but still a lot of the dead stuff has dropped so indeed – SUPER SUCKER TIME!!!! I’ve got to get my tender houseplants in this weekend too before the DEEP FREEZE arrives!!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


  6. Oh seems Mr. Pawcasso was there and made your garden to an artpiece :o) We mostly use the same decorations for howl-o-ween, this year my dad refused to buy some props… I furst howled with my momma, butt after I read Bacon’s mummy story, I’m with my dad lol


    • Your Mom always does a beautiful job fixing up your front door area for the Fall season so who needs spooky stuff too?! My Mom did get a couple of new things and I’ll be showing how she decorates this year compared to previous years. Big spider web this year – I hope it doesn’t attract any BIG spiders!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Happy Friday cousin. Houdini is getting his monthly grooming done tomorrow. Afterwards, mom said we can dress him up for pictures for Halloween. Can’t wait to share with you. Have a great Friday and weekend! XOXO – Bacon


    • Our first frost is coming this weekend……….EEEK! We’ve had the heat on several nights and one day……..feels yummy though and my Mom LOVES getting all her sweaters and sweatshirts out!

      Love, Sammy


  8. I just wished Sharon a Happy Birthday on Facebook 🙂 Your front porch always looks wonderful. I think Mom needs to go to the American Girl store and get you a kitty sized helmet for walking outside this time of year. 🙂 XO

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Your leaf colors are so pretty. Ours have been slow to turn, but we are noticing that some of the sugar maples are literally changing color overnight!!!

    Happy Birthday to that sweet lady – we think she is very special and she is just so darn pretty!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Leaf color is so dependent on moisture during the rest of the year – we had drought followed by flooding so we anxious to see how the trees handled THAT bit of confusion – turns out they handled it well – our color is GREAT!

      Love, Sammy




  11. Oh Sammy yous twees be so purretty. We have da acorn twees too, but they be just turnin’ brown and dead. MOL Nuffin’ purretty ’bout ’em. Yous all stay warm and toasty and dwy. And Happy Meowday to Raz, Allie and Ellie’s mommy.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    Liked by 1 person

  12. We had a rain shower this morning with big winds, and the leaves were flying everywhere! I had already raked the yard once…what was I thinking? We are just going past peak now I think.
    Your porch is such a festive place, can’t wait to see what your Mom comes up with this year!


    • HA! Five minutes after Mom had mowed the lawn here and ground up all the leaves, it was covered again! Dad has the leaf machine out now so NEXT week when Mom tractorizes the lawn the leaf machine will suck up everything in sight and I will look neat again (for five minutes). Oh well…….”tis the season” !

      Love, Sammy


    • Mom is like a kid when it comes to Halloween………..we usually have quite a gang of kids trick-or-treating too so Mom likes to decorate the porch for them to see when they come up for treats! Our whole neighborhood gets into the spirit………BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

      Love, Sam


  13. Your fall colours are so beautiful. Most of our leaves are just gold since our climate in Edmonton is too cold for the colourful Maple or Oak. We’ve pretty much lost most of the leaves now. I still have two patio planters out there. They’re looking nice considering a frost on Thursday. I should get out there this weekend though to do a final tidy up.

    Mom does such a nice job on the porch. All I managed out there so far is one pumpkin, LOL. xo b


  14. Mee-you yur treess are just startin to tern color…ours are ternin quik! Mee not sure if wee has had frost yet butt today (Sunday) wee had WET snow!!! An it sur iss chilley out. Butt mee iss goin out inn Condo with Sherpa mat an blankit because mee iss a Northern kat……mew mew mew….
    Mee gets bonked with leevess also…they find a way nnto thee Condo!
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  15. It was just ‘wet’ snow an it DID melt an today iss warmer altho still windy! LadyMum ordered mee a self warmin pet chusion fur thee Condo so if mee wantss sum fresh air mee can also stay warm…hopefullee it werkss! Shee can not afford thee ‘lectrick cushions!
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  16. LadyMum ordered a self warmin mat fur mee Condo so mee can go out inn colder weather an not freeze mee littul tushie off!! An you KNOW thee werd ‘tushie’?! Cool mew mew mew…
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Sidhartha Henry xxx


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