


My most HAPPY day of the week!

So we had bacon this morning with breakfast but it was a “traditional” kind of pancakes and some bacon.   This idea seems to be pretty cool and Mom is gonna try it NEXT Saturday!!!!!

Dump on some syrup and you're READY!

Dump on some syrup and you’re READY!

We’re on Day Four (or is it Five….or is it Six?) of rain and chilly weather………….we’re getting just a little TIRED of it but we’re taking advantage of it as best we can by staying nice and cozy inside the house…………fires in the fireplace………blankets on laps (with cats on top of those blankets!) and just enjoying the sound of rain on the roof.   Fortunately for us, we’re on a hill……unfortunately for a lot of people they’re having major flooding and WET basements.  Hopefully this weather will change soon!


Sam Sleeping on Mom's Lap


Hills are nice………………

No our lawn does NOT look like this now - this is from several years ago BUT we are happy to be on THE HILL!

No our lawn does NOT look like this now – this is from several years ago BUT we are happy to be on THE HILL!

Are you ready for Fall?  Or are you on the “flipside” and getting ready for Summer?   All I know is I’m ready for some outside time that includes actually walking on grass instead of through puddles!

Sammy The Wet Cat

56 responses »

  1. So sorry about all the flooding in your area. We have been watching ot on the news and feel so bad for the people it has affected. Not fun. We are thankful you and your family ar safe. We live on a hill too. Not as big as yours, bit big enough to keep us from flooding too. Stay safe pals.


  2. Oh Sammy that is awful about the leaves such a horrid smell and ruins so many things and then the damp and the mold…poor peeps i feel for them 😦 i am glad you are up on Baconhill..:) we have Spring of course but it was a hot one today already..a real taste of what is to come with a very hot and windy week ahead..we had friends over today for a bbq..(yes i had notages 😉 ) and he is English and his wife a Kiwi they met and married 12 years ago here in Aus and now live here..they both said today the hardest thing to get with our weather is the way we do not gently go into summer..we have a sniff of Spring then bang…yep that is about right 🙂 stay warm and dry and i bet those pancake bacon thingies will be delish next week 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Have fun with your company Fozziemum! I hope your injuries from your fall don’t cause you to be uncomfortable – If I know you, you’re smiling through the pain anyway!!! 🙂 Our weather has just been “silly” all year long so this DAYS AND DAYS of rain fits right in with that. We are just ready for a little bit of sun – it would go a long way to cheering us up!

      Love, Sammy


  3. We’re not getting the worst rain, but the wind scares me when I’m out walking. I think I’m getting a spanking when I wasn’t even naughty! Ouch, wind! Leave me alone!

    Love and licks,


  4. SammySammySammy I hear you good buddy we have had 9 straight days of rain and clouds! In fact it just started pouring A G A I n‼️ I love the idea of baconpanstrips. One stop eating
    Hugs Madi your bfff


  5. Well those baconated pancakes sound purretty good Sammy. Hope y’all enjoy ’em. Sowry yous still gettin’ da rain, but yous descwiption of what be goin’ on sounds pawsum. Weez wish we had a weal cwacklin’ fireplace. But ifin we did mommy wuld purrobably smoke us outta da house. MOL Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  6. Mee-you Unccle Sammy you look purrfectlee cat-tented inn yur foto!!!
    Wee have had sun an high winds here all week an sorta cool tempss! Rain at nite. Today iss cloudy an so windy bee all most got blown to Kansas inn mee Condo!!!
    LadyMum had to secure thee outside Condo an stack benches……
    Iss supposed to warm up startin Monday an that will bee nice….then mee can go out inn Condo efurry day!!! Woo HOO!!!
    An Woo HOO fur bacon……mee luvss mee bacon also…..
    Wishin all of youss’ a toastee warm kind of Katurday!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry ~~~


    • Well we had rain and cold Saturday AND today is more of the same BUT the sun is in our forecast later this coming week……I’ll get to go outside and eat some nice fresh grass by mid-week. I don’t like being trapped inside!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee neiher Unccle Sammy!!! Mee was out inn Condo last nite under thee balcony enjoyin thee rain! LadyMum was fussin ALOT!!! Today mee iss stayin inn tho’. It iss BERRY chilly out there! PICKERELL!!!!
        What will wee do when Winter comes Unccle????
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  7. I hope your rain goes away Sammy. We are still enjoying warm sunny days. It must be 9 or 10 days by now without rain. It is forecast for tomorrow night though so we will be back to normal.


  8. Bacon INSIDE the pancakes???? That sounds delish to us.

    We are ready for the cooler temps to stick around. It has been so nice here, but we do feel badly for those on the East coast who are getting flooded so badly.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • I know! It sounds really FUN and yummy yes? I’ve got Mom lined up to try those out for us here…..hope she cooperates! We still have rain here in Virginia but it’s letting up a bit……..we actually have some peeks of sunshine in our forecast this coming week. We are SO TIRED of rain and wind!

      Love, Sammy


  9. I hope it stops raining soon in your bit of country soon. We were really tired of it in Spring and the first half of Summer, now we can’t get a drop of rain for the last 60 days. I love Fall and we finally have a nip in the air but our leaves are just all brown.
    I think those pancakes look very good!


    • We got all of our rain in one week around here but we’re not sure if it has come in time to safe the Fall leaves……..we had a lot of “drop” before the rains came….guess we’ll see what the REST of the Fall looks like but we’re hoping for PRETTY!

      Love, Sammy


  10. Darn weather hey? I just got home and things are above seasonal for a couple of days, but soon to change. It’s either too wet or too dry, gah! I worry about floods here too because we’re in a valley next to a river, that could be dicey if we got 5 days of straight rain. It flooded here back in 1982 but the river is way lower now. I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. Stay safe and dry! x B


    • This morning it’s 38 degrees here – FALL??? More like WINTER!!!!! At least the sun will be out later to warm things up a bit later on………..meanwhile I can always bundle up in blankies and sleep through the chill!!

      Love, Sammy


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