Colorful Friday!


Oh boy!   Well, even though Mom deserted me this morning for an overnight, I intend to have a GREAT Friday.   Mom has decorated my front porch with some colorful mums so at least I have a PRETTY spot to pout that she’s not here right?  See?  I’m looking on the BRIGHT side!    Here’s some pix………

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Mom also took an updated photo of the most UNUSUAL display we have around our house of plants that she put in this past Spring.   Mom LOVES lantana…………she bought FOUR plants this Spring and planted them around the shrub by the garage………this is what they look like now (and no she didn’t even PLANT petunias there – they are just “pop-ups” from a couple of years ago when Mom had petunias there):

FOUR PLANTS? Looks like at least TEN!

FOUR PLANTS? Looks like at least TEN!

The trees are starting to change too!   The maples and dogwoods are always first………well, poplars maybe too – they turn yellow FAST.    I’ll bore you to tears with photos of THAT too one of these days.   In the meantime, I’m going to go find Dad so I can annoy him with my incessant wailing about missing Mom, taking me outside on the porch, giving me treats, BLAH BLAH BLAH.   Someone has to keep the old guy on his toes while Mom’s away right?

Hugs, Sammy the Pest

I miss you today Mom....Happy Birthday!

I miss you today Mom….Happy Birthday!


85 responses »

  1. Poor Sammy! 😞 We are also without our humans today as it is boy-man’s birthday and they are going away. We hope you are not too sad without her! Xx


    • Bella and Esme I think your boy-man and my Mom-lady are celebrating their birthdays on the SAME DAY! September 25??? I bet my Mom-lady is about a bazillion years older than your boy-man though! Hope he has a wonderful birthday and you girls don’t get TOOOOOOOOOOOOO lonely!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake! Maybe you’re right – the mums are blooming for Mum (hahahahahaha). Thanks for the birthday wishes – I’ll pass them on…..Mom’s about to leave now for W. Virginia……..I’ll miss her!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy (and Mom too!)


  2. Oh Sammy what a lovely sight your garden always is…makes us feel at home..just a shame Mum is not there to enjoy hahaaha but hey i bet you can get Dad to do almost amything to stop your constant MEOWWWWWWing 😉 loves Fozziemum xxx


  3. ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Mom Pam♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•
    Sammy you have such beautiful flowers on your porch and in your yard. Your mom has done a wonderful job.Be good to your dad today I bet he misses your mom too.
    Scout Charles


  4. have a super boys-time, I’m sure you can wind your daddy around your paw and he brings on that truckload of treats :o) your plants are pawsome, we always have this effect vice versa… we buy 10 and it looks like 4..or like 1 and a half :o)


  5. Happy Birthday to your MOM, Sammy!! My pawrents and I hope she has a wonderful time celebrating today, but I’m sure she’ll think about you and your dad while she’s gone…. Mom used to have a petunia that came back every year for a long time, then she had the flowerbed “demulched” and lost it. 😦
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…Mom had fun but was happy to get back home…….Dad and I are glad she’s here so SHE can do the cooking – she’s MILES better than Dad is in that department – thankfully he knows how to do bacon though!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your Mom did a fantastic job decorating the porch! And around the house! Maybe you need to send her by to do ours! But then, it would mostly be for the deer. They come by and eat nearly everything we plant. Even some plants that are supposed to be deer resistant.
    I hope you won’t be too lonely today, without your Mom. Enjoy your “with Dad time”,


  7. Eaves ar s,lowly starting to chang round here Too. M thinks they started turning their fall colors around here later this’s ear. Your pictures are very pretty.


  8. Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!! The porch and yard look beautiful. All the photos are great, my favorites are the ones with you in them handsome Sammy. I love the one of you and your Mom. XO


    • Thanks for the birthday wishes for Mom……….our yard and porch do look nice right now – in a month everything will be dried up but still colorful – lots of oranges and yellows……….but we just love mums and Mom will plant them in the yard after they flower. Glad you like the photos too!!

      Love, Sam


  9. Beautiful bed of lantana! The Front Porch looks Autumnal Gorgeous! AND…… HAPPY HAPPY Birthday to your Mom, Sammy! She is a most very special person. She has a special place in my heart… ♥ And tell her I am sending bacon CHEESEBURGER wishes!


    • Thank you Miss Pix – my Mom really appreciated your wishes AND the cute little cheeseburger card! Now of course she wants a cheeseburger but Dad and I want shrimp fried rice and WE WIN! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love and Hugs – she loves you to bits too you know! 🙂


  10. Enjoy the time you spend with your dad, it will make your mom appreciate you more and she will feel guilty and give you treats and maybe extra bacon when she gets home. Please give your mom our very best wishes for her birthday from both of us and our mom too!


  11. Beautiful flowers! We have some red mums on our front porch too! Hope your mom has a wonderful trip – we all send her Happy Birthday wishes! Have a fun time with your dad!




  13. Aaaaw Sammy yous gawden is so purretty. Weez didn’t know it was yous mommy Meowday. Happy Meowday to her. We hope she has fun and good luck keepin’ yous daddy on hims toes. Have a fun and adventurous day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    Our mom loves lantana as well. She planted it in our front pots this year, and it is still going strong, along with some of last years flowers, which as you say, “popped up.” That happens just about every year. We loved the slide show. You are looking terrific, Sammy, and the flowers are so bright and beautiful. Be a good boy for your dad. Love and best wishes to Mom Pam. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Glad you liked the slideshow AND happy to meet another fan of lantana. Sure is a beautiful little flower and they just go NUTS through the season don’t they?! Dad says “they sure are hard-working!”.he’s right. Glad you think I look good – I have my 4 mo. checkup in November and Mom thinks MAYBE I have gained an ounce or two.

      Love and Hugs and thanks for the birthday wishe for Mom!
      Love, Sammy


  15. Mom had plans of planting lantana in the front of our house this year….Dad, obviously, had “other” plans 😦

    Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! We hope she has a super duper day. Try not to miss her too much.

    The Florida Furkids


  16. sammy…dood…a veree happee birthday two yur mom & how kewl iz thiz …that her iz havin a partee…. while we iz all havin a partee at YUR houz !!!! neet how that werked out huh !!! 🙂 heerz two a grass carp kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • Hi Gang! Thanks for the card you sent to my Mom from ME ME ME! That was TOO DARN CUTE! Made Mom leaky eyed that you did that…………..she’s home and relaxing now and I’m helping her by sitting on her lap. That always makes her smile big. Bacon makes ME smile big and Dad came through with that thank heavens. Hope you all are having a good WEEKEND!

      Love, Sammy


  17. Fall is such a beautiful season. All your colors look wonderful. Mom made a fall wreath today and now needs to get some mums to go on the porch too.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  18. We know how much you miss her, Sammy, but we sure hope your Mom is having a fun trip and a Happy Birthday!
    We think that porch looks like a beautiful place to hang out and pout!


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